您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> ECG


ECG的相关文献在1988年到2022年内共计1084篇,主要集中在内科学、自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文579篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献498篇;相关期刊340种,包括中国医疗设备、医疗卫生装备、医疗装备等; 相关会议7种,包括2008第四届海河之滨心脏病学会议、2008年通信理论与信号处理学术年会、第八届中国人-机-环境系统工程大会等;ECG的相关文献由2412位作者贡献,包括R·E·格雷格、S·H·周、舒明雷等。



论文:579 占比:53.41%


论文:7 占比:0.65%


论文:498 占比:45.94%





  • R·E·格雷格
  • S·H·周
  • 舒明雷
  • S·巴巴埃萨德赫
  • E·赫雷克森
  • C·卡奥
  • S·风
  • 王英龙
  • A.戈瓦里
  • B·克罗斯
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • Gautam Jesrani; Samiksha Gupta; Saurabh Gaba; Monica Gupta
    • 摘要: Cardiovascular manifestations and electrocardiographic abnormalities have been reported among some prevalent infections in tropical regions,which lead to a great amount of morbidity and mortality.The major infectious diseases include chikungunya,dengue fever,H1N1 influenza,and coronavirus disease-19(COVID-19)in the viral category,leptospirosis,salmonellosis,scrub typhus and tuberculosis in the bacterial category,and malaria in the protozoan parasite category.All these infirmities constitute a foremost infection burden worldwide and have been linked to the various cardiac rhythm aberrancies.So we aimed to identify and compile different studies on these infections and associated acute electrocardiographic(ECG)changes.The search was made in online international libraries like PubMed,Google Scholar,and EMBASE,and 38 most relevant articles,including original research,systematic reviews,and unique case reports were selected.All of them were evaluated thoroughly and information regarding ECG was collected.Myocarditis is the predominant underlying pathology for rhythm disturbance and can be affected either due to the direct pathogenic effect or the abnormal immune system activation.ECG variabilities in some infections like chikungunya,scrub typhus,and leptospirosis are associated with longer hospital stay and poor outcome.Tropical infective diseases are associated with prominent acute cardiac rhythm abnormalities due to myocarditis,which can be identified preliminarily by ECG changes.
    • R.Krishnaswamy; B.Sivakumar; B.Viswanathan; Fahd N.Al-Wesabi; Marwa Obayya; Anwer Mustafa Hilal
    • 摘要: Automatic biomedical signal recognition is an important processfor several disease diagnoses. Particularly, Electrocardiogram (ECG) is commonly used to identify cardiovascular diseases. The professionals can determine the existence of cardiovascular diseases using the morphological patternsof the ECG signals. In order to raise the diagnostic accuracy and reduce thediagnostic time, automated computer aided diagnosis model is necessary. Withthe advancements of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, large quantity ofbiomedical datasets can be easily examined for decision making. In this aspect,this paper presents an intelligent biomedical ECG signal processing (IBECGSP) technique for CVD diagnosis. The proposed IBECG-SP technique examines the ECG signals for decision making. In addition, gated recurrent unit(GRU) model is used for the feature extraction of the ECG signals. Moreover,earthworm optimization (EWO) algorithm is utilized to optimally tune thehyperparameters of the GRU model. Lastly, softmax classifier is employedto allot appropriate class labels to the applied ECG signals. For examiningthe enhanced outcomes of the proposed IBECG-SP technique, an extensivesimulation analysis take place on the PTB-XL database. The experimentalresults portrayed the supremacy of the IBECG-SP technique over the recentstate of art techniques.
    • 赵广; 姚磊磊
    • 摘要: 一、The Idealliance ECG Program Overview Idealliance ECG项目正致力于为ECG印刷(扩展色域)创建一个行业标准的测试图表、校准方法和程序,以及一个样本目标特征测量数据集。参与ECG项目的好处:ECG测试项目致力于给行业带来各种软件都能够调入使用的通用的ECG扩展色域目标,一种共同的校正方法,公共的印刷目标文件和测量数据集。
    • 任杰; 原涌铭; 王俊尧; 韩祯杰
    • 摘要: 生理电信号是生物医学工程研究的重要领域,而数字信号处理是生物医学工程专业的重要专业课程,将医学的信号融入到专业课程教学和实验中,可以让学生更好地理解专业知识,更深入地理解医学现象和各种生理电信号。同时,学生通过对生理电信号的分析和处理,可以将医学和工程紧密的结合起来,达到生物医学工程专业教学的目的,从而达到“医工结合、强化实践、激发创新”的目标。
    • 梁莹; 马小龙; 朝乐蒙; 张佳乐
    • 摘要: 目的:提出一种基于经验小波变换(empirical wavelet transform,EWT)的预处理方法,以实现心电(electrocardiogram,ECG)信号中基线漂移噪声的去除。方法:首先通过傅里叶变换将时域ECG信号转换为频域信号,然后选择none(不处理)或使用Gaussian(高斯滤波器)、average(平均过滤器)、closure(形态闭合算子计算上包络)等正则化方法进行信号预处理。其次通过locmaxmin(局部极小极大值)法得到2个频谱分割边界,再通过EWT分解获得噪声主导分量和ECG主导分量。最后对噪声主导分量进行处理,实现ECG信号基线漂移噪声的去除。以相关系数(R)、信噪改善比(SNRimp)、百分比均方根差(PRD)和均方误差(MSE)作为性能指标进行定量分析,筛选出最优正则化方法,然后再对最优方法进行定性分析。结果:实验结果表明,使用average正则化方法预处理的EWT(average-EWT)方法作为ECG信号基线漂移噪声去除预处理方法,具有最优的定量分析结果,并且能够实现波形形态差异较大的ECG信号基线漂移噪声的去除。结论:基于average正则化方法预处理的EWT(average-EWT)方法能够将噪声主导信号分量有效分解,在去除基线漂移噪声、有效还原ECG信号中具有可行性。
    • Shubha Sumesh; John Yearwood; Shamsul Huda; Shafiq Ahmad
    • 摘要: Clinical Study and automatic diagnosis of electrocardiogram(ECG)data always remain a challenge in diagnosing cardiovascular activities.The analysis of ECG data relies on various factors like morphological features,classification techniques,methods or models used to diagnose and its performance improvement.Another crucial factor in themethodology is howto train the model for each patient.Existing approaches use standard training model which faces challenges when training data has variation due to individual patient characteristics resulting in a lower detection accuracy.This paper proposes an adaptive approach to identify performance improvement in building a training model that analyze global trainingmethodology against an individual training methodology and identifying a gap between them.We provide our investigation and comparative study on these methods and model with standard classification techniques with basic morphological features and Heart RateVariability(HRV)thatmay aid real time application.This approach helps in analyzing and evaluating the performance of different techniques and can suggests adoption of a best model identification with efficient technique and efficient attribute set for real-time systems.
    • Iqra Afzal; Fiaz Majeed; Muhammad Usman Ali; Shahzada Khurram; Akber Abid Gardezi; Shafiq Ahmad; Saad Aladyan; Almetwally M.Mostafa; Muhammad Shafiq
    • 摘要: In this era of electronic health,healthcare data is very important because it contains information about human survival.In addition,the Internet of Things(IoT)revolution has redefined modern healthcare systems and management by providing continuous monitoring.In this case,the data related to the heart is more important and requires proper analysis.For the analysis of heart data,Electrocardiogram(ECG)is used.In this work,machine learning techniques,such as adaptive boosting(AdaBoost)is used for detecting normal sinus rhythm,atrial fibrillation(AF),and noise in ECG signals to improve the classification accuracy.The proposed model uses ECG signals as input and provides results in the form of the presence or absence of disease AF,and classifies other signals as normal,other,or noise.This article derives different features from the signal using Maximal Information Coefficient(MIC)and minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance(mRMR)technique,and then classifies them based on their attributes.Since the ECG contains some kind of noise and irregular data streams so the purpose of this study is to remove artifacts from the ECG signal by deploying the method of Second-Order-Section(SOS)(filter)and correctly classify them.Several features were extracted to improve the detection of ECG data.Compared with existing methods,this work gives promising results and can help improve the classification accuracy of the ECG signals.
    • 黄俊翔; 肖振邦; 陈真诚; 朱健铭
    • 摘要: 针对心血管疾病的预防、诊断以及治疗,设计了一款用于实时监测存储联心电(electrocardio gram,ECG)、光电容积脉搏波(photo plethysmo graphy,PPG)、心率、血氧饱和度的动态监测设备。设备以STM32F429为主控,驱动ADS1293、MAX30102实时采集5导ECG信号、PPG信号,并将采集到的信号以及心率、血氧饱和度实时的显示在人机交互界面之中,采集到的信号与标准信号相比形态特征大体一致。Bland-Altman一致性分析结果表明设备采集到的心率、血氧饱和度与迈瑞PM-9000医用监护仪具有较高的一致性,证明了设备可以有效实现心电、血氧的监护。
    • Sicong Yang
    • 摘要: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is an important, life-threatening diagnosis that requires quick diagnosis and treatment, characteristic ECG of which shows ST-segment elevation. Unfortunately, ST-segment elevation is nonspecific, which can be misleading if not careful to be interpreted, as in this case of hypercalcemia seen by us. A 48-year-old male was admitted to our emergency department with recurrent chest pain, nausea and vomiting. Medical history includes hypertension and diabetes. ST-segment elevation in V1 - V4 mimicking STEMI was present on admission. However, immediate coronary angiography revealed nearly normal coronary arteries, his troponin was negative in 6 hours and calcium was 2.95 mmol/L. It was thought that the ECG changes were not indicative of cardiac ischemia but hypercalcemia. He was managed with calcium reduction treatment such as intravenous normal saline and furosemide, with subsequent resolution of ST-segment changes.
    • 叶汪洋; 丁柯军; 张晨曦; 胡涵宁; 陈萌
    • 摘要: 大学生处于人生发育的重要时期,但因来自学业、就业方面的压力,生活习惯不规律等问题,导致大学生健康问题频发,尤其是近年来大学生在运动中的猝死现象有所增加。该文研究团队在自建的大学生长时间跨度心电信号数据库的基础上,设计实现1个大学生心血管机能评估系统,能够评估大学生的心血管机能并给出运动建议,减少运动事故的发生。
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