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科技兴海的相关文献在1993年到2022年内共计128篇,主要集中在海洋学、世界各国经济概况、经济史、经济地理、水产、渔业 等领域,其中期刊论文128篇、专利文献3951篇;相关期刊73种,包括军民两用技术与产品、海洋开发与管理、海洋信息等; 科技兴海的相关文献由132位作者贡献,包括刘作田、吴迪、周毅等。



论文:128 占比:3.14%


论文:3951 占比:96.86%





  • 刘作田
  • 吴迪
  • 周毅
  • 李彦
  • 李金惠
  • 王增栩
  • 王春谊
  • 王项南
  • 祝新华
  • 秦学秋
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王健高; 彭少华; 王文辉; 刘伟
    • 摘要: 青岛西海岸新区海洋生产总值年均增长14.9%。海洋生产总值占GDP比重由30.2%增长到近40%,占青岛市海洋经济比重由34.4%增长至近40%。这一组诱人的数字反映了青岛西海岸新区自2016年到2021年底的变化,也是青岛西海岸新区以新发展理念为引领,探索“科技兴海、产业强海、开放通海、生态养海.统筹陆海”的新路径带来的高质量发展成果。
    • 王增栩; 黄何; 李金惠
    • 摘要: 近年来,广东在海洋领域大力推动科技创新,科技兴海工作取得良好成效,集聚了一批海洋创新主体,初步搭建海洋科技人才培育体系,海洋科研经费投入不断加大,涌现一批海洋科技成果。通过对广东科技兴海主体建设、人才发展等方面的分析,发现广东科技兴海工作面临人才培育力度不足、创新主体不健全、对外合作途径缺乏、创新环境较为落后等问题。在适应新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局的背景下,提出广东应紧抓国内外机遇,从战略性平台建设、海洋科技载体发展、人才智力支持、加大海洋科研投入、完善海洋创新制度等多方面协同推进科技兴海,为广东建设海洋强省提供支撑。
    • 王增栩; 黄何; 李金惠
    • 摘要: 近年来,广东在海洋领域大力推动科技创新,科技兴海工作取得良好成效,集聚了一批海洋创新主体,初步搭建海洋科技人才培育体系,海洋科研经费投入不断加大,涌现一批海洋科技成果.通过对广东科技兴海主体建设、人才发展等方面的分析,发现广东科技兴海工作面临人才培育力度不足、创新主体不健全、对外合作途径缺乏、创新环境较为落后等问题.在适应新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局的背景下,提出广东应紧抓国内外机遇,从战略性平台建设、海洋科技载体发展、人才智力支持、加大海洋科研投入、完善海洋创新制度等多方面协同推进科技兴海,为广东建设海洋强省提供支撑.
    • 曹媛媛1; 谷石岩2
    • 摘要: 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央准确把握时代脉搏,科学研判中国海洋事业发展趋势,提出了''建设海洋强国''的重大历史命题。党的十九大报告进一步指出''坚持陆海统筹,加快建设海洋强国''的目标,明确了建设海洋强国是中国特色社会主义事业重要组成部分的基本定位。
    • 邬益川; 王智祖; 周云霄; 李姝青; 彭燕
    • 摘要: Technology and Sea is one of the maj or initiatives to promote China's marine economic development and adj ust industrial restructuring.After nearly five years of construction,East China Sea technology industry demonstration bases have played a leading role in the marine biopharma-ceutical,marine equipment,new materials from sea,ecological farming and other fields,as well as scientific and technological achievements transformation,which have significantly promoted the development of marine strategic industries and upgrading of marine economy.And the developing models have been formed,such as "Lingang model","Xiamen model","Dafeng model"and "Zha-oan model".They have formed great significance on marine science and technology innovation platform construction and the new industry demonstration.%科技兴海是我国推动海洋经济发展和产业结构调整的重大举措.文章概述东海区科技兴海产业示范基地的建设情况,明确其有力促进具有鲜明特色的海洋战略性新兴产业的集聚发展和海洋经济的转型升级,总结市场运营的"临港模式"、政府主导的"厦门模式"、特色产业的"大丰模式"和地方特色的"诏安模式"等发展经验,提出突出特色,形成独具一格的发展模式;定位清晰,政府服务和市场运营相辅相成;凝聚产业,以品牌提升产业链核心价值;形成示范,创新支持方式和管理模式的示范基地发展建议.
    • 曲探宙
    • 摘要: 文章系统回顾了党的十八大以来我国海洋科技创新在顶层设计、高端技术和惠及民生等方面的重要成果,包括规划编制、体制机制改革、载人深潜、海洋调查、海水淡化、海洋能、海洋卫星、海洋标准计量以及促进民生和经济发展等内容,提出加快海洋科技创新、推动海洋科技向创新引领型转变的思考.%Major achievements in top-level design,marine high-tech and people's benefit by inno-vation of ocean science and technology since the 18th CPC National Congress have been reviewed in this paper,including plan-making,administrative system reform,human-occupied deep diving, oceanographic survey,sea water desalinization,ocean energy,ocean satellite,ocean measurement standardization,and other activities for people's benefit and economy development.Some thoughts on speeding up the development of ocean science and technology and promoting the change to be innovation-driven were also proposed.
    • 包特力根白乙
    • 摘要: 国内科技兴海研究曾经掀起探索高潮,但是近些年其文献数量有所减少,关注程度有所下降.以往研究内容主要触及科技兴海的战略研究、规划编制、实践总结和成果转化层面,并取得一定的学术成就.然而科技兴海研究依然存在一些不足之处,作为拓展课题应从弄清概念属性、强化战略研究、探索实践经验、增进成果转化、建立保障机制等层面加以完善或开拓领域.
    • 摘要: 近日,在全国海洋科技创新大会上举行的国家科技兴海产业示范基地授牌仪式上,广东省广州南沙新区科技兴海产业示范基地成为全国12个获得授牌的基地之一。
    • 付秀梅; 李于森; 林春宇; 苏丽荣
    • 摘要: Marine bio pharmaceutical industry has gradually become China’ s strategic emerging in-dustries since the beginning of twenty-first Century.Marine bio pharmaceutics,as an emerging in-dustry,will play an important role in realizing the upgrading of industrial structure in Shandong Province.The paper analyzed the developing status of marine bio pharmaceutical industry at home and abroad.The paper then studied the current situation of marine bio pharmaceutical industry in Shandong Province,exploring the advantages and disadvantages of the development of marine drugs industry.6 influencing factors from four aspects of the social,financial,scientific research and the environment were selected and the influencing factors of marine bio pharmaceutical in Shandong province were analyzed by using the Pearson correlation model.According to the analy-sis conclusion,the specific policy recommendations to achieve sustainable development of marine bio pharmaceutical industry in Shandong province were put forward.%21世纪以来,海洋生物医药业作为我国战略性新兴产业,对山东省实现产业结构升级起着重要作用。文章从国内外海洋生物医药业发展现状入手,对山东省海洋生物医药业现状进行研究,分析其发展的优势和存在的问题;从社会、资金、科研、环境等4个层面选取6个影响因素,运用Pearson关联模型进行实证分析;根据分析结论,提出实现山东省海洋生物医药业可持续发展的相关政策建议。
    • 刘海朋; 陈东景
    • 摘要: From four dimensions including resources and environment support,society and econo-my support,technology and talents support,government support,the index system to evaluate the marine strategic emerging industry supporting conditions was established and 1 1 coastal provinces were taken as the research objects in this paper.The comprehensive factor weight obtained from entropy weight and AHP,combined with TOPSIS was used to evaluate the marine strategic emer-ging industries support conditions in China between 2009 and 2013.Then,K-means clustering a-nalysis,kernel density estimation model and obstacle degree evaluation were adopted to classify the support conditions level and analyze features of its spatial-temporal evolution and influential factors.The results showed that:at the national level,support conditions of most provinces dis-tributed in the mid-low areas from 2009 to 2011 and the polarization of the support conditions had a trend to deteriorate.Remarkable improvements have been achieved since 2012 and the gap in support conditions has been narrowed.As viewed from the dimensions,support conditions in dif-ferent dimensions have been improved at different degrees.Obstacle factors of marine strategic e-merging industries support conditions are different for 11 coastal provinces,and it shows that ma-rine technology patent is an influential factor of marine strategic emerging industries support con-ditions for all coastal provinces.%文章通过构建包括资源环境、社会经济、科技人才和政府支持4个维度的海洋战略性新兴产业支撑条件评价指标体系,运用熵值法和层次分析法综合赋权,结合TOPSIS 评价法对我国11个沿海省(自治区、直辖市)2009—2013年海洋战略性新兴产业支撑条件进行评价,并分别运用K-均值聚类、核密度估计和障碍度评价公式对我国海洋战略性新兴产业支撑条件评价结果进行分类、时空演变特征分析和影响因素分析。结果表明:从整体来看,2009—2011年各地支撑条件水平集中分布在中低值区域,2012年开始支撑条件水平显著提高,支撑条件的两极分化现象经历先逐渐加剧后有所缓和的过程;分维度来看,不同维度的支撑条件水平都有不同程度的提升,不同地区海洋战略性新兴产业发展的障碍因素差异比较明显,但海洋科技专利数量是其共同因素。
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