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生态地理分布的相关文献在1989年到2020年内共计83篇,主要集中在植物学、农作物、林业 等领域,其中期刊论文80篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献166275篇;相关期刊50种,包括山地学报、昆虫学报、西北植物学报等; 相关会议3种,包括2005年全国面向新世纪的花卉研究与生产技术开发学术研讨会、2005年国际菊科艾蒿类植物学术研讨会、第十三届全国电源技术年会等;生态地理分布的相关文献由171位作者贡献,包括赵一之、曹永生、杨忠义等。



论文:80 占比:0.05%


论文:3 占比:0.00%


论文:166275 占比:99.95%





  • 赵一之
  • 曹永生
  • 杨忠义
  • 苏艳
  • 卢义宣
  • 刘晓利
  • 刘晓莉
  • 李华惠
  • 陈晓艳
  • 奎丽梅
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 苏筱雨; 李会平; 阎浚杰; 黄大庄; 王志刚; 张爽; 毕拥国; 阎爱华; 吕飞
    • 摘要: 桑天牛和光肩星天牛均为我国重要的蛀干害虫,在我国大部分地区猖獗为害,严重威胁林业、经济林和风景园林的发展.为了控制天牛危害,总结40余年桑天牛和光肩星天牛的研究成果,主要包括桑天牛和光肩星天牛的生态地理分布、无公害控制技术的原理以及实践.明确了白僵菌、桑天牛卵啮小蜂、灭幼脲对桑天牛以及线虫、绿僵菌对光肩星天牛的致病机理,总结了我国北方主要树种对光肩星天牛和桑天牛的抗性序列,进而提出一整套桑天牛无公害控制技术,建成了“树种合作防御天牛危害的宏观模式”样板,有效控制了桑天牛和光肩星天牛的危害.
    • 苏筱雨; 李会平; 阎浚杰; 黄大庄; 王志刚; 张爽; 毕拥国; 阎爱华; 吕飞
    • 摘要: 桑天牛和光肩星天牛均为我国重要的蛀干害虫,在我国大部分地区猖獗为害,严重威胁林业、经济林和风景园林的发展。为了控制天牛危害,总结40余年桑天牛和光肩星天牛的研究成果,主要包括桑天牛和光肩星天牛的生态地理分布、无公害控制技术的原理以及实践。明确了白僵菌、桑天牛卵啮小蜂、灭幼脲对桑天牛以及线虫、绿僵菌对光肩星天牛的致病机理,总结了我国北方主要树种对光肩星天牛和桑天牛的抗性序列,进而提出一整套桑天牛无公害控制技术,建成了“树种合作防御天牛危害的宏观模式”样板,有效控制了桑天牛和光肩星天牛的危害。
    • 郝会文; 鲍敏; 柯君; 李雷雷; 马存新; 旦智措; 陈振宁
    • 摘要: 为研究青海省蝗虫区系和生态地理分布问题,于2014年7—10月以及2015—2017年每年的5—10月采用样带法对青海省所有县级行政区划分布的蝗虫进行了系统调查,结合前人的研究基础,统计出青海省蝗虫共有111种,隶属于7科39属.网翅蝗科属、种数均为最多(12属49种),锥头蝗科属、种数均为最少(1属1种).根据中国动物地理区划,青海省的蝗虫只有古北种(101种)和广布种(10种),所占比例分别为91.0%和9.0%,古北种占有绝对优势.特有种较多(58种),所占比例为52.3%.不同生境中蝗虫种类由多到少依次是:河湟谷地、青东南、青南高原、祁连山地、青海湖盆地、柴达木盆地;河湟谷地与青东南接近程度最高,青南高原与柴达木盆地的相似性系数为最低.
    • 杨超振; 苏艳; 陈晓艳; 曹永生; 杨忠义
    • 摘要: 为进一步了解云南省稻白背飞虱抗性资源的多样性分布, 采用GIS等技术分析2 149份云南地方稻种资源稻白背飞虱抗性多样性在不同气候类型和各类稻区中的表现.结果表明:稻白背飞虱抗性的表达离不开气候环境因素, 其多样性富聚区在全省不同生态环境中均有分布, 以滇西南和滇中较为丰富, 籼粳稻交错区和种植环境丰富的区域是多样性的富聚区;不同气候带中的稻白背飞虱抗性多样性依次为中亚热带=南亚热带=南温带>北亚热带>北热带>中温带>北温带;稻白背飞虱抗性多样性随海拔升高和温度降低而减小、随海拔降低和温度升高而增大.发掘了87份有研究利用价值的优异稻白背飞虱抗源.%The diversity performance of 2149 rice resources in Yunnan with resistance to Sogatella furciferain different climatic types and rice cultivation regions was analyzed by GIS technology to further understand diversity distribution of rice resources with resistance to S.furciferain Yunnan.Result:The expression of rice resources with resistance to S.furcifera is related to environmental factors.The diversity enrichment region of rice resources with resistance to S.furcifera distributes in different ecological environments in Yunnan.The regions of Southwest Yunnan, Central Yunnan, Japonica and indica rice overlapping and abundant planting environment are diversity enrichment regions of rice resources with resistance to S.furcifera.The diversity of rice resources with resistance to S.furcifera in different climatic zones is Mid-subtropical zone=South subtropical zone=South temperature zone>Northern subtropical zone> North tropical zone> Middle temperature zone> North temperature zone.The diversity of rice resources with resistance to S.furcifera decreases with elevation rise and temperature reduction but increases with elevation reduction and temperature rise.87 identified rice resources with strong resistance to S.furciferahave the utilization value in breeding for insect resistance of rice varieties.
    • 杨超振; 苏艳; 陈晓艳; 曹永生; 杨忠义
    • 摘要: The diversity performance of 2 440 rice resources with drought resistance in different climatic types and rice cultivation regions was analyzed by GIS technology to further understand diversity distribution of rice resources with drought resistance in Yunnan.Result:The drought resistance of rice resources is related to climatic environment.The drought resistance of rice resources decreases with elevation rise and temperature reduction but increases with elevation reduction and temperature rise.The diversity enrichment region of rice resources with drought resistance distributes in different ecological environments in Yunnan.There are abundant rice resources with drought resistance in Western Yunnan.Subtropical zone is the diversity enrichment zone of rice resources with drought resistance.The diversity of rice resources with drought resistance in different climatic zones is Mid-subtropical zone=Northerntropical zone = South subtropical zone = Northern subtropical zone > South temperature zone. The lowland and upland rice, mixed cropping system, and Japonica and indica rice overlapping regions are the diversity enrichment regions of rice resources with drought resistance at rice seedling stage.106excellent rice resources with drought resistance can be used in breeding for drought resistance of rice varieties.%为进一步了解云南稻资源耐旱性多样性分布, 采用GIS等技术分析2 440份稻资源耐旱性多样性在不同气候类型和各类稻区中的表现.结果表明:稻耐旱性与气候环境相关, 多样性呈随海拔升高和温度降低而减小、随海拔降低与温度升高而增大趋势;多样性富聚区在云南全省均有分布, 其中以滇西较丰富, 亚热带是多样性富聚气候带;多样性大小依次是中亚热带=北热带=南亚热带=北亚热带>南温带, 水陆稻和熟制类型兼种以及粳籼稻交错种植区域是稻苗期耐旱性多样性富聚区;挖掘了106份可供研究利用的优异耐旱稻资源.
    • 杨淑萍; 姜洁; 阎平
    • 摘要: Based on the field investigation and botany taxonomy method,the eco-geographic distribution of rare and endangered plants and endemisc plants in Karakorum Mountains of China were studied.The results indicate that:there are 34 species of rare and endangered plants in Karakorum Mountains belonging to 18 genera and 15 families,among which 16 species are national key protected plants,18 species are key protected plants in Xinjiang.There are 32 endemic species in Karakorum Mountains belonging to 24 genera and 12 families,among which 30 species are endemic species in Xinjiang,two species are endemic species in Tibet.The distributions of three endemic species in Xinjiang have spread to Tibet,which are Lepidium kunlunshanicum G.L.Zhou et Z.X.An,Poa spiciformis D.F.Cui and Androsace flavescens Maxim.The distribution area of three endemic species in Xinjiang has decreased,which are Salix metaglauca C.Y.Yang,Sabina centrasiatica Kom and Arenaria aksayqingensis L.H.Zhou.The horizontal distribution of rare and endangered species and endemic species decreases from the northwest to the southeast,and the vertical distribution concentrates at the altitude of 3 000-4 500 m where perennial herb are the main species with a few shrubs and trees.%论文通过野外调查,对喀喇昆仑山区珍稀濒危植物及特有种的生态地理分布进行研究,结果表明:区内珍稀濒危植物共计34种,隶属15科18属,其中,国家重点保护野生植物16种,新疆重点保护野生植物18种;区内特有植物12科24属32种,其中,新疆特有种30种,西藏特有种2种;部分新疆特有种分布区呈趋异变化,昆仑独行菜(Lepidium kunlunshanicumG.L.Zhou et Z.X.An)、黄花点地梅(AndrosaceflavescensMaxim.)、密穗早熟禾(Poa spiciformis D.F.Cui)分布区扩展至西藏,绿叶柳(Salix metaglauca C.Y.Yang)、昆仑方枝柏(Sabina centrasiatica Kom)、阿克赛钦雪灵芝(Arenaria aksayqingensisL.H.Zhou)分布区缩减呈现濒危;研究区珍稀濒危及特有种水平分布以塔什库尔干县为中心,自西北向东南渐少.垂直分布集中于海拔3 000~4 500m的范围,且以多年生草本为主,兼具灌木和乔木类型.
    • 蔡天霞; 李帅一; 陈辉; 石杲
    • 摘要: 目的为掌握内蒙古阿鲁科尔沁国家级自然保护区(以下简称保护区)啮齿动物资源现状,促进自然保护区的有效管理。方法作者于2012年5~7月,在保护区对57个调查点(每个调查点长500m)内的啮齿动物进行实地调查和观察,同时将该保护区按地貌、植被等划分为丘陵灌丛草原、典型草原、沙地草原、农田与居民区等4种生境。结果保护区发现啮齿动物20种,隶属2目6科。其中灌丛草原分布的种类最多,多达15种;典型草原次之,分布12种;沙地草原分布9种;农田与居民区分布最少仅6种。结论保护区内不同生境的啮齿动物分布的种类和数量均有所不同,啮齿动物地理的宏观格局,其本质是地貌、土壤及植物的分异规律所决定的。
    • 土艳丽; 文雪梅; 央金卓嘎
    • 摘要: 西藏半湿润高原区蕴含着丰富的资源植物,文中从药用和观赏价值介绍了常见龙胆科资源植物5属12种,总结了其生态特征和地理分布,为利用和保护该区的龙胆科植物资源提供新的资料.
    • 刘争; 于晓萍; 贾书果
    • 摘要: In this paper, we introduced the eco-geographical distribution, biology characteristics and propagation techniques on Aesculus chinensis Bung.. The utilization was also investigated in the article. The purpose of this paper was to provide a theoretical basis for the protection and development of A. Chinensis Bunge..%概括了七叶树的生态地理分布、生物学特性、繁育技术,并探讨了七叶树的利用价值,旨在为七叶树的保护开发提供理论依据.
    • 王崇云; 马绍宾; 吕军; 党承林
    • 摘要: Keteleeria is endemic in Eastern Asia,including 12 species and 2 variants in the world. There are 10 species and 2 variants in China,which is the endemic and diverse center. In China,most of the Keteleeria species concentrate in adjacent area among Hunan,Guizhou and Guangxi,indicating as the center for distribution and differentiatioa According to their ecological adaptation and geographical distribution, the Keteleeria species in China could be divided into inland type(Cool-temperate Type , Warm-temperate Type and Southwest Monsoon Type),Sea-closed Type and Islands Type. Karyotype literatures showed that eastern species developed from western ones,as well as northern species from south-em ones. Southwest China was the possible origin center of Keteleeria. Then it developed towards east and north.%油杉属是东亚特有属,全世界油杉属共有12种2变种,中国有10种2变种,中国是油杉属的特有中心和分布中心.在地史时期,油杉属植物曾广泛分布于北半球的欧洲、北美和东亚.油杉属的现代分布有残余的特征,种类大多产于中国西南部和中部,种类数量由西向东逐渐递减.根据生态习性与分布区气候特征,中国主要油杉属植物的生态地理分布可分为:内陆型(东部温凉型、东部温暖型、西南季风型)、沿海型和岛屿型.湘黔桂地区是油杉属的现代分布中心和分化、发展中心.从染色体资料来看,其演化趋势为:江南油杉→矩鳞油杉→黄枝油杉→台湾油杉.结合地理分布,油杉属植物可能起源于中国西南,而后向东发展.从分布区南北向看,核型不对称性为:台湾油杉>青岩油杉>铁坚油杉,南部类型比北部类型要进化.
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