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干出的相关文献在1999年到2023年内共计163篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、水产、渔业、植物学 等领域,其中期刊论文73篇、专利文献90篇;相关期刊62种,包括致富天地、农民致富之友、建筑市场与招标投标等; 干出的相关文献由297位作者贡献,包括伏光辉、唐兴本、孙苗苗等。



论文:73 占比:44.79%


论文:90 占比:55.21%





  • 伏光辉
  • 唐兴本
  • 孙苗苗
  • 安健
  • 张祖禹
  • 王绪春
  • 薛学坤
  • 陈百尧
  • 骆其君
  • 高希星
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 万文琴; 杜响; 秦欣; 骆其君
    • 摘要: 以坛紫菜为试验材料,研究不同强度酸雨(pH值分别为5.6、4.5、4.0、3.5)对坛紫菜生理特性的影响.试验中测定了坛紫菜细胞膜透性、抗氧化酶活性及叶绿素荧光参数等生理指标,以比较适当干出和完全浸泡、黑暗和光照条件下酸雨胁迫对坛紫菜生理特性的影响.结果表明:(1)经过不同方式处理的模拟酸雨处理后,适当干出处理的坛紫菜对酸雨的耐受性大于完全浸泡,黑暗处理的坛紫菜对酸雨的耐受性大于光照;(2)坛紫菜的各项生理指标受p H值为3.5的酸雨胁迫的影响最显著,而坛紫菜对pH值为5.6的酸雨胁迫表现出一定的耐受性.该试验为酸雨胁迫下的坛紫菜栽培管理提供技术依据.
    • 摘要: 壹社会主义是干出来的,新时代也是干出来的。在"五一"国际劳动节来临之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平给中国劳动关系学院劳模本科班学员回信,希望他们用干劲、闯劲、钻劲鼓舞更多的人并致以节日的问候。
    • 曹莫; 慕慧婷
    • 摘要: 如果你看过名为《爱的故事》的婚礼微电影,看过青岛商职学院和青岛太平洋保险的宣传片,参加过北京现代索纳塔9的发布会,可能会找到一个共同点,那就是它们的制作或布展都是由一家“乔治摄像服务中心”承接的,而这家公司的“老板”是年仅21岁的济南第六职业中专毕业生。
    • 许薇薇
    • 摘要: 江苏星亚新能源科技有限公司(以下简称“星亚”),2011年成立.但许星从事太阳能事业却不只8年.早在2000年,许星就已经在行业老牌企业辉煌做业务员.2年后,事业转型转做辉煌代理商.当问及为什么到2011年才成立公司时,许星幽默地说道:当时太单纯.
    • 樊荣
    • 摘要: 走进贵州省贵阳市乌当区偏坡乡偏坡村,造型别致的民居错落有致,干净整洁的水泥路直通农家,道路两旁、房前屋后绿树滴翠、鸟语花香……在不久前中央文明办公布的第五届全国文明村镇名单中,偏坡村成功人选。
    • 摘要: 人活一世,总要干点事情,认准了就干,要干就快干,要干就大干,要干就干出名堂来。无论我们从事什么工作,只有有了"一定要干出名堂来"的大气魄,我们才可能有大的突破、大的发展。战国时期,礼崩乐坏、人心不古,列国征伐不断,人们生活不得安宁。躲在深山老林里的鬼谷子,起心动念:谋划一个局结束这乱世。一阴一阳谓之道。他教了文和武两种徒弟,然后文有苏秦、张仪,武有庞涓和孙膑,让他们相生相克。
    • 王龙乐; 张鑫; 邹定辉; 陈斌斌
    • 摘要: 在有性繁殖时期,潮间带海藻羊栖菜(Hizikia fusiformis)的叶状体与生殖托遭受低潮干出脱水的影响.为阐明羊栖菜在有性繁殖时期不同部位对干出脱水的耐受能力,研究了羊栖菜的叶状体和雌、雄生殖托在干出脱水过程中以及随后的沉水恢复状态下叶绿素荧光动力学参数变化.实验结果表明,羊栖菜叶状体及其生殖托的PS Ⅱ有效光化学量子产量[Y(Ⅱ)]分别在0-73%和0-60%的脱水率范围内未发生显著变化,而继续脱水则会显著降低藻体的Y(Ⅱ),表明羊栖菜叶状体和生殖托的Y(Ⅱ)下降的脱水界限值分别为73%和60%,对脱水耐受能力较强.在连续干出脱水过程中,叶状体和生殖托的最大相对电子传递速率(rETRm.)和光强耐受能力(Ik)都显著下降,且在严重脱水状态(失水率为75%)下,羊栖菜叶状体和雌、雄生殖托的Y(Ⅱ)分别比干出初始时降低了12%、31%和37%,且复水后其雌、雄生殖托的Y(Ⅱ)无法恢复,甚至持续降低.同时叶状体和生殖托的rETRmax、1k和光能利用效率(α)都显著下降,说明严重脱水使藻体不同部位的PSⅡ反应中心受到了不可逆的损伤.在持续大幅度脱水过程(失水率高于60%)中及随后的沉水恢复过程中,比较藻体各部位的Y(Ⅱ)值发现,叶状体>雌生殖托>雄生殖托,表明严重脱水对雄生殖托的影响最大,对叶状体的影响最小.在有性生殖阶段,为了羊栖菜能有性繁殖成功,应避免藻体,尤其是生殖托经受到严重的干出脱水胁迫.%The fronds and reproductive tissues (female and male receptacles) of intertidal-grown Hizikia fusiformis exposed to air and faced desiccation when the tide is low during sexual reproduction period.In this study,we determined photosystem Ⅱ (PS Ⅱ) effective quantum yield [Y(Ⅱ)] and the parameters of rapid light curves of desiccation tissues:fronds,and female and male receptacles,at different desiccated states.We also measured Y (Ⅱ) of desiccation tissues upon rewetting after 50% and 75% water loss.Our objective was to reveal whether there are differences of desiccation tolerance or not among fronds and reproductive tissues of H.fusiformis when exposed to air during sexual reproduction period.The results showed that Y(Ⅱ) exhibited no significant changes within the range of 0-73% water loss from fronds,and within the range of 0-60% water loss from female and male receptacles.However,the values of Y(Ⅱ) were sharply reduced with the water loss more than 73% in fronds,and more than 60% in receptacles.Severe dehydration of 75% water loss reduced Y(Ⅱ) values by 12%,31%,and 37% in fronds,and female and male receptacles,respectively.The values of Y(Ⅱ) of submersed tissues (fronds and receptacles) followed by 50% always remained high levels.However,the values of Y (Ⅱ) of both severe-desiccated female and male receptacles could not recover,and continued to decrease even after re-submersion,suggesting that the PS Ⅱ reaction center in receptacles of H.fusiformis underwent irreversible damage when water loss reached up to 75%.Our results showed that PS Ⅱ reaction center in fronds of H.fusiformis exhibited greater desiccation tolerance of than that in receptacles.The maximum relative electron transport rates (rETRmax),light use efficiency (α),and the tolerance of high irradiance (Ik) for emersed fronds and receptacles of H.fusiformis exhibited no significantly differences at the initial desiccation state.Both rETRmax and Ik decreased significantly with increased water loss.Particularly,rETRmax were reduced by 33%,67%,and 78% in fronds,and female and male receptacles,respectively,after 75% of water loss.Furthermore,α were hardly affected by 50% of water loss,but it were reduced by 16%,42%,and 59% of their initial value when fronds,and female and male receptacles lost 75% water,respectively.The values of Y(Ⅱ),rETRmax,Ik,and α of the fronds were higher than those of the receptacles,and the parameters of the female receptacles were always higher than those of the male receptacles after 60% water loss of desiccation tissues under emersed state,and the results showed the same trends when followed by submersed state.Those indicated that male receptacles were the most susceptible,while the fronds were relative less susceptible by severe dehydration.It was concluded that severe desiccation is an important factor affecting the reproduction success of H.fusiformis during the sexual reproduction period,and the factors alleviating desiccation such as sea spray and shingle-overlapping would benefit the emersed fronds and receptacles of H.fusiformis.
    • 李晓蕾; 汪文俊; 梁洲瑞; 刘福利; 孙修涛; 曹原; 姚海芹; 王飞久
    • 摘要: 失水胁迫是野生条斑紫菜(Pyropia yezoensis)主要胁迫因子之一.为揭示条斑紫菜对失水胁迫的响应机制,本研究以2016年3月采自山东青岛湛山的野生藻体为材料,研究了失水胁迫下其光合作用和抗氧化生理响应特征.结果显示,随着失水胁迫程度的增大,PSⅡ原初光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)显著降低,在失水率60%左右时降至最低值,但复水1h后可恢复正常值.叶绿素a(Ch1a)、类胡萝卜素(Car)和可溶性蛋白(SP)含量逐渐降低,藻红蛋白(R-PE)和藻蓝蛋白(R-PC)含量先下降后上升.藻胆蛋白(R-PE+R-PC):SP比值的变化趋势与藻胆蛋白的变化趋势类似,但在失水率40%时上升至对照水平,失水80%时显著高于对照值.丙二醛(MDA)含量在失水率≤30%时没有显著变化,失水率≥40%时显著上升,但失水率在40%-80%时,藻体间没有显著差异.在失水率≤20%时,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性没有显著变化,过氧化物酶(POD)活性显著上升;随着失水率增加,3种酶的活力显著下降,低于对照组,但失水率在50%-80%时,组间没有显著差异.根据以上结果推测:失水早期,抗氧化酶SOD、CAT,尤其POD起着关键的清除自由基作用,因此,MDA含量没有明显变化;随着失水程度增加,藻胆蛋白的抗逆作用逐渐显现,为藻体在复水后快速恢复光合作用(Fv/Fm)提供保障.%Desiccation is the main abiotic stress for Pyropia yezoensis.In this study we investigated the photosynthetic and antioxidant physiological responses of a wild P yezoensis thallus to desiccation stress,including the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence quantum yields of photosystem Ⅱ (Fv/Fm),the contents of photosynthetic pigments [chlorophyll a (Chl a),carotenoid (Car),R-phycoerythrin (R-PE),R-phycocyanin (R-PC)],soluble proteins (SPs),malondialdehyde (MDA),and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),peroxidase (POD),and catalase (CAT).The results revealed that as the water loss increased,Fv/Fm decreased linearly and reached the lowest when the water loss was 60%;Fv/Fm returned to the normal level after the blades were rehydrated for 1 h.The contents of Chl a,Car,and SPs decreased gradually.The contents of R-PE and R-PC decreased when the water loss was <30% and then increased as the water loss was >30%.The change of phycobiliproteins/soluble proteins was similar to that of phycobiliproteins.This ratio increased to the control level when the water loss was 40% and was significantly higher than the control when the water loss was 80%.There was no significant difference in the content of MDA between the control and the blades when the water loss was ≤30%.The content of MDA increased significantly when the water loss was >40%.However,there was no significant difference between the blades when the water loss ranged from 40% to 80%.There was no significant change in the activities of SOD and CAT when the water loss was ≤20%.The activity of POD was significantly increased when the water loss was ≤20%.When the water loss increased to 30%,the activities of SOD,CAT and POD decreased significantly.There was no significant difference between the blades when the water loss ranged from 50% to 80%.The results above suggested that during the early stage of water loss,the antioxidant enzymes POD,CAT and SOD played key roles in scavenging the reactive oxygen species,which inhibited the yield of excessive MDA;as water loss increased,the water condition became disadvantageous for the antioxidant enzymes,and MDA was accumulated as a result.Based on the change of phycolibiprotein/SP,we speculated that the function of phycobiliproteins became more and more significant in protecting the blades against desiccation stress when the water loss was ≥30%,which could help with the rapid recovery of photosynthesis (Fv/Fm) during rehydration.
    • 王月
    • 摘要: 江苏农垦新洋农场通过开展“五带头”系列活动,推动党员干部不断完善自己,以高度的责任感和使命感做好身边的每件事,为职工群众带好头、作好表率。
    • 欧泽奎; 刘东超; 麦铭雄; 何宇轩; 杨鹏
    • 摘要: 在黑暗条件下对全缘马尾藻(Sargassum integerrimum)幼孢子分别进行0.5、1、2、4 h干出处理,研究干出处理对幼孢子体生长、幼孢子体体内叶绿素 a、叶绿素 c、类胡萝卜素、脯氨酸以及可溶性糖含量的影响。结果表明:相比于未进行干出处理的对照组,0.5 h、1 h组的短暂干出可促进幼孢子体生长(P<0.05),幼孢子体体内两种叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、脯氨酸以及可溶性糖含量差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);2 h、4 h组的长时间干出可抑制幼孢子体生长(P<0.05),幼孢子体体内两种叶绿素含量均降低(P<0.05),类胡萝卜素、脯氨酸以及可溶性糖的含量升高(P<0.05)并保持较高水平。在人工育苗过程中每天在黑暗条件下对幼孢子体进行短时间(0.5~1 h)干出处理,可促进幼孢子体生长,并适当提高其抗逆性以及对干旱的适应性。%The effect ofdifferenttime (0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h) desiccation in darknesson changes of germlinggrowth and content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, carotenoid, proline and soluble saccharides ingermlings ofSargassum integerrimumwere investigated.Compared with control group without desiccation, resultsshow thatthe germlings growth of0.5 hdesiccation group and1.0 hdesiccationgroup wereaccelerated (P0.05). Meanwhile,resultsshow that the germlings growthof2 hdesiccation group and4h desiccation groupwereinhibited (P<0.05), two kinds of chlorophyll content in germlings of each group decreased significantly (P<0.05), the contentof carotenoid, proline andsoluble saccharides in germlingsof each group increasedsignificant (P<0.05)andit remainedat high level. Study suggests that 0.5 to 1h of continuous desiccation in darknesson the germlings ofS. integerrimum during seedling process on a daily basis has the effect of accelerating the growth of germlings. This treatment can also improve the stress resistance and adaptability to drought stress of germlings.
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