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尿道括约肌的相关文献在1984年到2022年内共计130篇,主要集中在外科学、临床医学、预防医学、卫生学 等领域,其中期刊论文114篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献2384篇;相关期刊85种,包括老年人、婚育与健康、健康等; 相关会议3种,包括首届国际中西医结合大肠肛门病学术论坛暨第十二届全国中西医结合大肠肛门病学术会议、山东省医学会男科学分会第六次学术会议、第四届全国小儿泌尿外科学术会议等;尿道括约肌的相关文献由275位作者贡献,包括杜广辉、刘上、卢洪凯等。



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    • 潘其壮; 林海星; 徐乃奋; 张志刚; 周青英
    • 摘要: 目的探讨改良尿道括约肌的保护技术在双极等离子前列腺剜除术(PKEP)的临床效果。方法回顾性分析本院2019年1月至2020年12月收治的68例良性前列腺增生患者,分为观察组和对照组,每组34例患者,对照组施行等离子前列腺电切术(PKRP),观察组施行改良尿道括约肌保护的PKEP(颈部环切+顶部保留)。比较两组手术相关指标、最大尿流率(Qmax)、国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)、生活质量评分(QOL)、残余尿量(PVR)及并发症。结果观察组术中出血量、手术时间、持续膀胱冲洗时间、住院时间均明显小于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后观察组IPSS评分、PVR明显低于对照组(P<0.05),观察组Qmax、QOL评分明显高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组并发症尿失禁、术后出血、包膜穿孔、尿道狭窄、电切综合征发生率明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论改良尿道括约肌保护的PKEP较PKRP可减少创伤,改善患者生活质量及尿道功能,并发症风险小,值得推广应用。
    • 吴金莲
    • 摘要: 临床工作中经常遇到一些老年患者,自述经常出现小便失禁,尤其是在咳嗽、打喷嚏、大笑或遇到紧张情况时会出现少量尿液不由自主排出,无法控制,严重时淋漓不尽,常常将内裤弄湿,令人非常难堪和尴尬。其实,这种情况主要是由于老年人各种机能衰退,特别是神经系统和内分泌功能及尿道括约肌功能下降,控制尿液排泄的能力减退而造成的。
    • 郑慧敏; 陈跃来; 蔡君豪; 李之豪; 李珊珊; 宓轶群
    • 摘要: 目的通过评估前列腺癌根治术后尿失禁动物模型的稳定性,为进一步研究电针治疗尿失禁的控尿机制提供稳定模型依据。方法采用尿道括约肌电灼伤法建立前列腺癌根治术后尿失禁动物模型,通过观察模型大鼠喷嚏试验阳性率、尿道括约肌组织形态学变化和尿动力检测进行模型评估。结果模型组喷嚏试验阳性率为57.14%;通过Masson染色可知空白组和假手术组动物尿道结构完整,尿道括约肌肌纤维结构排列紧密整齐,无充血及炎性渗出,而模型组尿道外括约肌肌纤维排列结构疏松紊乱,部分细胞间质炎性渗出伴血肿和结缔组织增生,符合尿道括约肌损伤表现;通过尿动力学检测发现,组内比较模型组在造模后第10天的最大膀胱容量和漏尿点压低于造模前(P0.017);组间比较发现模型组在造模后第10天的最大膀胱容量和漏尿点压与假手术组相比差异有统计学意义(P0.017)。结论尿道括约肌电灼伤法可以成功建立前列腺癌根治术后尿失禁动物模型,该模型符合术后尿失禁患者临床表现和体征。模型建立后3-7天稳定性较高,适用于研究电针控尿机制,14天后出现自愈倾向,可能会影响电针疗效的判定。
    • 高珊; 孙彩霞; 冯巧妮; 谈海英; 杨晓丹; 李金燕; 高文会; 于丽萍; 王忠民
    • 摘要: 目的:通过盆底超声观察产后女性SUI患者中尿道漏斗形态学特征性改变,分析尿道漏斗与产后女性SUI的相关性。方法:选取2017年1月至12月于大连市妇女儿童医疗中心检查的2198例女性,有SUI症状合并尿道漏斗形成为A组(493例),有SUI症状无尿道漏斗形成为B组(188例),无SUI症状合并尿道漏斗形成为C组(540例),无SUI症状无尿道漏斗形成为D组(977例)。采用盆底二维超声分别在静息及Valsalva状态下测量尿道漏斗的宽度、深度、顶角角度;采用盆底三维超声在静息状态下测量尿道括约肌的长度、厚度、面积以及体积。结果:有SUI症状的尿道漏斗形成率明显高于无SUI症状患者(72%vs 36%,P<0.001)。在静息及Valsalva状态下,有SUI症状者的尿道漏斗深度明显大于无SUI症状患者(P<0.05);有SUI症状者的尿道漏斗顶角角度小于无SUI症状者(P<0.05)。有尿道漏斗形成者的尿道括约肌长度、厚度、面积及体积明显小于无尿道漏斗形成者(P<0.05)。静态及Valsalva状态下尿道漏斗深度增大是SUI危险因素(OR=1.135,95%CI为1.015~1.268;OR=1.048,95%CI为1.005~1.135,P<0.05)。静息状态时尿道漏斗深度用于诊断SUI的ROC曲线下面积为0.573(95%CI为0.530~0.616),尿道漏斗深度临界值定为2.85mm时,诊断的灵敏度为59.5%,特异度为52.7%;Valsalva时尿道漏斗深度用于SUI诊断的ROC曲线下面积为0.538(95%CI为0.510~0.581),尿道漏斗深度临界值定为3.61mm时,诊断的灵敏度为62.5%,特异度为54.4%。结论:尿道漏斗形成是产后女性SUI的特征性改变,可能与尿道括约肌形态改变有关,盆底超声用于预测临床SUI的发生具有较高应用价值。
    • 陈燕; 冯锦锦; 黄晨旭; 李一冬; 闫少华; 王一鹤; 文建国
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨在成肌分化过程中,组胺H3受体对外源性肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)诱导的C2C12细胞炎症反应的作用,从分子角度阐明小儿尿道括约肌的发育和损伤修复过程对外源性炎症刺激的抵抗机制.方法 利用外源性T N F-α刺激小鼠C2C12成肌细胞分化各阶段,将分化0、3、6 d,分别记为D0、D3和D6阶段,在体外模拟小儿尿道括约肌发育和损伤修复过程中遭遇外源性感染的过程.实验分组为空白对照组、TNF-α组、TNF-α+H3受体激动剂(methimepip,Met)组和TNF-α+H3受体阻滞剂(cirpoxifan,CXP)组.采用CCK-8法和流式法检测各组分化过程中细胞的生长活性和凋亡的影响;实时定量聚合酶链反应(quantificational real-time polymerase chain reaction,qRT-PCR)检测细胞炎症小体蛋白NLRP3以及早中晚细胞分化标志物MyoD1、Myogenin、Myosin-2的表达;ELISA法检测炎性因子IL-1 b的分泌.结果 C2C12细胞分化过程中,CCK-8法检测显示TNF-α和TNF-α+CXP会导致各分化阶段细胞的生长活性明显降低(P0.05).TNF-α和TNF-α+Met均不引起细胞凋亡63.3%,TNF-α+CXP导致61.3% 的D6阶段细胞发生凋亡.TNF-α诱导D3和D6阶段细胞炎症小体蛋白NLRP-3的mRNA表达分别增加101% 和90%,Met降低TNF-α诱导的NLRP3 mRNA达33% 和37%,而CXP增加TNF-α诱导的NLRP3 mRNA达23% 和24%.TNF-α使D3和D6阶段细胞的分化标志物MyoD1 mRNA降低38% 和22%,Myogenin mRNA降低29% 和35%,Myosin-2 mRNA降低42% 和33%;Met进一步降低TNF-α刺激下的D3和D6阶段细胞各标志物达23% 和31%,23% 和26%,31% 和36%,而CXP增加TNF-α刺激下的D3和D6阶段细胞各分化标志物达40% 和25%,35% 和31%,50% 和21%.ELISA显示TNF-α诱导D6细胞分泌IL-1 b的分泌量为49.7 pg/ml,Met降低了IL-1 b的分泌量,为37.9 pg/ml结论 TNF-α能诱导C2C12细胞发生炎症反应并抑制成肌分化过程;组胺H3受体可抑制TNF-α诱导的炎症反应并有序调控分化进程,由此证明小儿尿道括约肌发育和手术后损伤修复过程在遭遇外源性炎症刺激时,组胺H3受体可抵抗外源性炎症反应的作用来维持细胞正常的发育和修复.%Objective To explore the effects of histamine H3 receptor on inflammatory response during C2C12 striated myogenesis induced by exogenous alpha-tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and elucidate the resistant mechanism of exogenous inflammatory stimulation in pediatric urinary sphincter during development and repair process from a molecular prospective .Methods TNF-αstimulated C2C12 cells under striated myogenesis (D0/D3/D6) for mimicing exogenous inflammatory stimulation in pediatric urinary sphincter during development and repair process .Cell count kit-8 (CCK 8) method and flow cytometry (FCM) were utilized for detecting cell growth and apoptosis induced by TNF-α, and histamine H3 receptor agonist methimepip (Met ) and antagonist cirpoxifan (CPX ) . The inflammatory marker NLRP3 and three differentiation markers (early , middle & late ) MyoD1 , myogenin and myosin-2 were detected by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) . The secretion of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1b) was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) .Results During C2C12 myogenesis ,TNF-αand NF-α+ CXP inhibited cell growth by CCK-8 (P0 .05) .TNF-αand TNF-α+ Met did not induce apoptosis or necrosis while TNF-α+ CXP induced 29 .9% apoptosis and 31 .4% necrosis of D6 cell . The mRNA expression of NLRP3 increased 101% vs .90% by TNF-αin D3 and D6 respectively ;Met reduced the NLRP3 mRNA induced by TNF-αas 33% vs .37% , while CPX increased NLRP-3 mRNA induced by TNF-αas 23% vs .24% .TNF-αreduced the expression of myogenesis marker MyoD1 mRNA in D3 and D6 by 45% and 43% ,Myogenin mRNA by 29% vs .35% and Myosin-2 mRNA by 42% vs .33% respectively ;Met decreased the TNF-α-reduced differentiation marker mRNA again by 23% vs .31% ,23% vs .26% ,31% vs .36% ;while CPX increased the TNF-α-reduced differentiation marker mRNA by 40% vs . 25% , 35% vs . 31% , 50% vs . 21% . The secretion of IL-1 bwas 49 .7 pmol/ml by TNF-αon D6 cells and Met decreased the IL-1 bsecretion by TNF-αat 37 .9 nmol/L (T=12 .5 ,P<0 .001) while CPX increased the IL-1 bsecretion by TNF-αat 64 .4 nmol/L (T=29 .5 , P<0 .001) .Conclusions TNF-αcan induce inflammatory response during C2C12 striated myogenesis and also inhibit this differentiation process while histamine H 3 receptor can inhibit the inflammatory response induced by TNF-αand control to reduce the differentiation process . So when exogenous inflammatory stimulation affects urinary sphincter during the development and postoperative repair process , activating H3 receptor may antagonize the effects of exogenous inflammatory stimulus and maintain normal cellular development and repair process .
    • 柯润疆; Muhiyadin Sheikh Ali; 顾希杰; 范来来; 杨森; 南存金
    • 摘要: Objective To observe the activation of satellite cells of urethral rhabdosphincter of Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats after local injetion of human recombinant insulin-like growth factor-1.Methods 20 male SD rats were randomly divided into four groups:control group,and low,medium,and high-dose group (n =5 in each group).Recombinant human insulinlikegrowth factor-1 (rhIGF-1) in doses of 20,50,100 μg/μl was locally injected into the urethral wall of rats in low,medium,and high-dose rhIGF-1 group,and the same volume of saline was given to rats in control group.After 4 weeks,the rats were sacrificed.The newly formed myofibers were determined by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and the activation of satellite cells were detected by immunohistochemical staining with satellite cell specific anti-c-Met antibody and anti-pax7 antibody.Results HE staining showed the number of newly formed muscle fibers in control group,20 μg/μl group,50 μg/μl group and 100 μg/μl group were (0.82 ± 0.75),(1.33 ± 0.62),(2.00 ± 0.74),(2.67 ± 0.98),respectively;immunofluorescence staining showed the number of pax7 positive muscle fibers were (27.00 ± 2.65),(37.87 ± 9.46),(61.83 ± 11.66),(64.27 ± 9.28),respectively;the mean fluorescence intensity of c-Met were (7.41 ±2.00),(15.39 ±4.96),(21.60 ±4.26),(24.04 ±3.13),respectively.Compared with control group,new muscle fibers increased significantly in 50 μg/μland 100 μg/μl group (P values were 0.004 and 0.000,respectively).The number of pax7 positive cells also increased significantly in these two groups (P values were 0.000 and 0.000,respectively).However,there was no significant difference between 20 μg/μl group and control group in the number of new muscle fibers and pax7 positive cells (P =0.487 and 0.425,respectively).The mean fluorescence intensity of c-Met in three treated groups were higher than that in control group (P =0.000,0.000 and 0.000,respectively).Conclusion Local injection of human recombinant insulin-like growth factor-1 in urethral wall activates muscle satellite cells,promoting it to proliferate and differentiate into new muscle fibers,causing the hypertrophy of urethral rhabdosphincter of SD rats.%目的 观察大鼠尿道壁局部注射不同浓度人重组胰岛素样生长因子-1蛋白(rhIGF-1)后,原位肌卫星细胞的激活和增殖.方法 雄性成年SD大鼠20只,建立尿道壁局部注射rhIGF-1模型,根据rhIGF-1浓度不同,随机分为生理盐水组、20μg/μl组、50μg/μl组、100 μg/μl组,每组5只,生理盐水组作为对照.术后4周,取尿道组织行苏木素-伊红(HE)染色计数新生肌纤维数量,行免疫荧光测定肌卫星细胞分子标记配对核蛋白-7(pax7)及肝细胞生长因子受体(c-Met)蛋白的表达.结果 HE染色提示对照组、20μg/μl组、50 μg/μl组及100 μg/μl组新生肌纤维数分别为(0.82±0.75)、(1.33±0.62)、(2.00±0.74)、(2.67±0.98)个;免疫荧光染色pax7阳性细胞数分别为(27.00±2.65)、(37.87 ±9.46)、(61.83±11.66)、(64.27 ±9.28)个;c-Met平均荧光强度分别为(7.41 ±2.00)、(15.39 ±4.96)、(21.60 ±4.26)、(24.04±3.13);与对照组比较,50μg/μl组及100 μg/μl组新生肌纤维数量显著增多(P=0.004、0.000),且pax7阳性细胞数显著增多(P=0.000、0.000),而20 μg/μl组两者增加均不明显(P=0.487、0.425);3个处理组c-Met平均荧光强度均显著高于对照组(P =0.000、0.000、0.000).结论 大鼠尿道壁局部注射人重组胰岛素样生长因子-1能激活原位肌卫星细胞,促进其增殖分化为新生肌纤维,使尿道括约肌增生肥大.
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