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Boosting的相关文献在2000年到2023年内共计1537篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学、工业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文140篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献1394篇;相关期刊96种,包括统计与信息论坛、中国标准化(英文版)、中国科学技术大学学报等; 相关会议3种,包括中国中文信息学会二十周年学术会议、全国第13届计算机辅助设计与图形学学术会议暨全国第16届计算机科学与技术应用学术会议、中国电子学会第十一届青年学术年会等;Boosting的相关文献由3096位作者贡献,包括张波、邾玢鑫、陈怡等。



论文:140 占比:9.11%


论文:3 占比:0.20%


论文:1394 占比:90.70%





  • 张波
  • 邾玢鑫
  • 陈怡
  • 胡家培
  • 胡民海
  • 张小平
  • 秦岭
  • 南余荣
  • 阮新波
  • 姚凯
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 张喜龙; 韩萌; 陈志强; 武红鑫; 李慕航
    • 摘要: 数据流中的不平衡问题会严重影响算法的分类性能,其中概念漂移更是流数据挖掘研究领域的一个难点问题。为了提高此类问题下的分类性能,提出了一种新的基于Hellinger距离的不平衡漂移数据流Boosting分类BCA-HD算法。该算法创新性地采用实例级和分类器级的权重组合方式来动态更新分类器,以适应概念漂移的发生,在底层采用集成算法SMOTEBoost作为基分类器,该分类器内部使用重采样技术处理数据的不平衡。在16个突变型和渐变型的数据集上将所提算法与9种不同算法进行比较,实验结果表明,所提算法的G-mean和AUC的平均值和平均排名均为第1名。因此,该算法能更好地适应概念漂移和不平衡现象的同时发生,有助于提高分类性能。
    • 司晶硕
    • 摘要: 在传统的索赔额预测中,广义线性模型(GLM)是一种常用的方法。近年来,机器学习算法在该领域也取得了良好的效果,为索赔额预测提供了新的选择。在大数据时代,如何更准确地进行预测,是亟待解决的问题。为了解决该问题,本文利用两层Stacking模型,两种其他集成学习算法和广义线性模型对累积索赔额进行预测。通过比较各算法的均方根误差及平方绝对误差,可发现包括Stacking的集成算法精度全部优于传统广义线性模型。最后,本文利用累积索赔额建立了奖惩系统的转移规则,将之与集成学习结合可以更合理地开发新的保险产品。
    • Moheb R.Girgis; Rofida M.Gamal; Enas Elgeldawi
    • 摘要: Protein structure prediction is one of the most essential objectives practiced by theoretical chemistry and bioinformatics as it is of a vital importance in medicine,biotechnology and more.Protein secondary structure prediction(PSSP)has a significant role in the prediction of protein tertiary structure,as it bridges the gap between the protein primary sequences and tertiary structure prediction.Protein secondary structures are classified into two categories:3-state category and 8-state category.Predicting the 3 states and the 8 states of secondary structures from protein sequences are called the Q3 prediction and the Q8 prediction problems,respectively.The 8 classes of secondary structures reveal more precise structural information for a variety of applications than the 3 classes of secondary structures,however,Q8 prediction has been found to be very challenging,that is why all previous work done in PSSP have focused on Q3 prediction.In this paper,we develop an ensemble Machine Learning(ML)approach for Q8 PSSP to explore the performance of ensemble learning algorithms compared to that of individual ML algorithms in Q8 PSSP.The ensemble members considered for constructing the ensemble models are well known classifiers,namely SVM(Support Vector Machines),KNN(K-Nearest Neighbor),DT(Decision Tree),RF(Random Forest),and NB(Naïve Bayes),with two feature extraction techniques,namely LDA(Linear Discriminate Analysis)and PCA(Principal Component Analysis).Experiments have been conducted for evaluating the performance of single models and ensemble models,with PCA and LDA,in Q8 PSSP.The novelty of this paper lies in the introduction of ensemble learning in Q8 PSSP problem.The experimental results confirmed that ensemble ML models are more accurate than individual ML models.They also indicated that features extracted by LDA are more effective than those extracted by PCA.
    • 李艺涵
    • 摘要: 针对传统剩余泊位预测方法存在预测精度不高的问题,采用STM32作为双向地磁车辆检测传感器主控芯片,确定车辆通行的方向信息。控制器中使用ATMega1280嵌入式处理芯片,其具有EEPROM小容量数据存储功能。设计停车诱导子系统,采集、处理、传输和发布停车信息。采用boosting算法,构建泊位预测模型,并计算停车诱导距离。设计泊位预测流程,将T轮训练参数代入预测模型中,获取最终预测结果。由实验结果可知,该系统泊位使用率最高为91%,与实际数据一致,说明泊位预测结果较为精准。
    • 摘要: An African student’s perspective on the role of youth in furthering China-Africa ties As an African student from Kenya who has been in China for the past seven years, I have seen the friendship between China and Africa grow as time passes. A variety of elements boosting this affinity were presented during the First Forum on International Students from Africa held by the China-Africa Institute in 2021.
    • 摘要: CHINA Boosting Health Care for Women and Children China’s National Health Commission has unveiled an implementation plan to achieve a range of major targets in boosting health care for women and children by 2030.By 2030, the average number of practicing pediatricians and beds in medical institutions per 1,000 children will be raised to 1.12 and 3.17 respectively.
    • 杜诗语; 韩萌; 申明尧; 张春砚; 孙蕊
    • 摘要: 在集成分类中,如何对基分类器实现动态更新和为基分类器分配合适的权值一直是研究的重点.针对以上两点,提出了BIE和BIWE算法.BIE算法通过最新训练的基分类器的准确率确定集成是否需要替换性能较差的基分类器及需替换的个数,实现对集成分类器的动态迭代更新;BIWE算法在此基础上提出了一个加权函数,对具有不同参数特征的数据流可以有针对性地获得基分类器的最佳权值,从而提升集成分类器的整体性能.实验结果表明,BIE算法相较对比算法在准确率持平或略高的情况下,可以减少生成树的叶子数、节点数和树的深度;BIWE算法相较对比算法不仅准确率较高,而且能大幅度减少生成树的规模.
    • Liu Zhiliang
    • 摘要: The preparation conferenee for the 2021 China Intermational Maritime Exhibition(Marinter)was held in Shanghai on March 31.2021.deriding 10 convene the 21st event on Deeember 7-10.2021 in Shanghai.The conference noted that it will be the biggest goal of the exhibition under the premise of safety.holding the eshibition oflinre smoothly.speeding u the internal rireulation.promoting the external eirculation,improving the quality of international cooperation.helping the industry to reerover,boosting industry cronfidence,and promoting the groen and digital revolution in the maritime field.
    • Hayat Ullah; Bashir Ahmad; Iqra Sana; Anum Sattar; Aurangzeb Khan; Saima Akbar; Muhammad Zubair Asghar
    • 摘要: In the current era of social media,different platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have frequently been used by leaders and the followers of political parties to participate in political events,campaigns,and elections.The acquisition,analysis,and presentation of such content have received considerable attention from opinion-mining researchers.For this purpose,different supervised and unsupervised techniques have been used.However,they have produced less efficient results,which need to be improved by incorporating additional classifiers with the extended data sets.The authors investigate different su-pervised machine learning classifiers for classifying the political affiliations of users.For this purpose,a data set of political reviews is acquired from Twitter and annotated with different polarity classes.After pre-processing,different machine learning classifiers like K-nearest neighbor,naïve Bayes,support vector machine,extreme gradient boosting,and others,are applied.Experimental results illustrate that support vector machine and extreme gradient boosting have shown promising results for predicting political affiliations.
    • Yingying Zhang
    • 摘要: As an important part of modern electronics,displays are evolving from rigid and bulky modules to flexible screens.In recent years,integration of displays into clothing or even directly on human skin is highly desired in order to fulfil the requirements for convenient display technologies of smart wearables.With advantages of flexibility,deformability and breathability of textiles,displays incorporated in textiles may help pave the way for smart interactive clothing,boosting the development of emerging high-tech fields such as humanmachine interactions,the internet-of-things,and artificial intelligence[1].
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