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has的相关文献在1983年到2023年内共计39138658篇,主要集中在常用外国语、自动化技术、计算机技术、化学工业 等领域,其中期刊论文458篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊232种,包括疯狂英语阅读版(含光盘)、英语角、基础教育外语教学研究等; 相关会议4种,包括中国科协2005年学术年会分论坛暨西部开发与生态环境保护研讨会、首届智能CAD与数字娱乐学术会议、全国第13届计算机辅助设计与图形学学术会议暨全国第16届计算机科学与技术应用学术会议等;has的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
    • 高洁
    • 摘要: Let's have a look at the top 7 most common types of bread.1.Sliced bread切片吐司This is the bread that has already been cut and you usually make toast with it._1_.you have white bread,whole wheat bread which is brown,and 1)rye bread which is _2_.
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