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Track的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计216篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学、公路运输 等领域,其中期刊论文203篇、专利文献13篇;相关期刊135种,包括大地测量与地球动力学、海洋测绘、今日电子等; Track的相关文献由364位作者贡献,包括Jonathan Carter、Shannon Philp、Bin Wang等。



论文:203 占比:93.98%


论文:13 占比:6.02%





  • Jonathan Carter
  • Shannon Philp
  • Bin Wang
  • Brian
  • Hussein A. Ahmed
  • LI
  • Liming Li
  • Shubin Zheng
  • Vivek Arora
  • Wenfa Zhu
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 王迪; 徐飞
    • 摘要: “近日,梅赛德斯-AMG赛车部门正在以一种非常特别的方式庆祝梅赛德斯-奔驰这个位于阿法尔特巴赫的公司成立55周年,同时推出一款独家限量版跑车——梅赛德斯-AMG GT Track。这款新车是梅赛德斯-AMG有史以来开发的最强大的跑车,全球限量55辆,表达了55年前AMG创始人汉斯-维尔纳-奥弗莱希特和艾哈德-梅尔彻的理念:让最好的东西变得更好。作为一款独家性能车,梅赛德斯-AMG GT Track以一种独特的方式展示出了梅赛德斯-AMG的汽车艺术。”
    • Ting CHEN; Shumin CHEN; Mingsen ZHOU; Chaoyong TU; Aoqi ZHANG; Yilun CHEN; Weibiao LI
    • 摘要: This study analyzes landfall locations of tropical cyclones(TCs)over the western North Pacific during 1979–2018.Results demonstrate that the landfall locations of TCs over this region have shifted northward during the last four decades,primarily due to the shift of landfalling TC tracks,with the decreasing/increasing proportion of westward/northward TC tracks.In particular,the northward shift of the landfalling TCs was not related to their formation locations,which have not markedly changed,whereas"no-landed"TCs have significantly shifted northward.TC movement was significantly and positively correlated to the zonal component of the steering flow,while the correlation between TC movement and the meridional component of the steering flow was relatively unobvious.The westward steering flow in the tropical central Pacific that occurred around the formation and early development of the westward TCs was significantly weakened,which was unfavorable for their westward movement,thereby,causing the higher proportions of northward moving tracks.This weakened westward flow was related to the northward shift of the subtropical high ridge,which was caused by significant weakening of the southern part of the subtropical high.The vertical wind shear,sea surface temperature,and convective available potential energy also showed that the northern region of the western North Pacific became more favorable for TC development,whereas the upper divergence,low-layer relative vorticity,and accumulated water vapor content were not obviously related to the northward shift of TCs.
    • Justina Bompaana Tamponab; Johnpual Amenu; Emmanuel Amaglo; Godwin Edem Yaotsey; Wisdom Kwami Takramah; Priscilla Aku Nuna Dotse; Livingstone Asem
    • 摘要: Background: Malaria is a disease of public health concern, which causes significant mortality and morbidity in the tropics, particularly in Africa. Ghana as a country has been implementing a combination of preventive and curative interventions as outlined in the Strategic Plan for Malaria Control in Ghana, 2014-2020. Additionally, Ghana subscribes to sub-regional and global initiatives such as the test, treat and track (T3) initiative which seeks to ensure that every suspected malaria case is tested, every case tested positive is treated with the recommended quality-assured antimalarial medicine, and every case treated with antimalarial is followed up to ensure complete parasite clearance. However, the implementation of this policy is a challenge, hence the need to study provider adherence to the testing, treating, and tracking. Materials and method: The study is cross-sectional in nature and data for this research was collected from consulting room registers, patients’ folders, the District Health Information Management System and a structured questionnaire designed to interview healthcare providers. The data was exported into Stata for cleaning and analysis. The results of the study were presented in the form of statistical charts and tables. Results: The study revealed that generally, provider adherence to the T3 policy was encouraging in the Binduri district, and a high level of testing (100%) of suspected malaria cases eliminated the practice of presumptive treatment. However, tracking of patients (68.2%) was not as high as testing and treatment which was revealed by the number asked to return for a review during the folder review. Conclusion: Significant progress in clinicians’ adherence to policy on malaria case management (T3) in the Binduri District. Continued training and facilitative supervision are essential to sustain gains and close existing gaps in clinicians’ adherence to malaria case management policy.
    • 摘要: Submission of Papers Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration operates an online submission and peer review system that allows authors to submit articles online and track their progress via a web interface. Please visit http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/eeev and navigate to the Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration online submission site.
    • Zhe-Min TAN; Lili LEI; Yuqing WANG; Yinglong XU; Yi ZHANG
    • 摘要: To improve understanding of essential aspects that influence forecasting of tropical cyclones(TCs),the National Key Research and Development Program,Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China conducted a five-year project titled“Key Dynamic and Thermodynamic Processes and Prediction for the Evolution of Typhoon Intensity and Structure”(KPPT).Through this project,new understandings of TC intensification,including outer rainbanddriven secondary eyewall formation and the roles of boundary layer dynamics and vertical wind shear,and improvements to TC data assimilation with integrated algorithms and adaptive localizations are achieved.To promote a breakthrough in TC intensity and structure forecasting,a new paradigm for TC evolution dynamics(i.e.,the correlations,interactions,and error propagation among the triangle of TC track,intensity,and structure)is proposed;and an era of dynamic-constrained,big-data driven,and strongly coupled data assimilation at the subkilometer scale and seamless prediction is expected.
    • 摘要: 大会时间: 2021年8月18日—21日,广州研究型论文征集截止(Research Track): 2021年5月10日开放资源征集截止(Resource Track): 2021年5月20日第十五届全国知识图谱与语义计算大会(CCKS: China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing)由中国中文信息学会语言与知识计算专业委员会主办。
    • 摘要: Xovis为其3D人数统计传感器发布2项新的人工智能(AI)功能——口罩检测(Face Mask Detection)和查看方向(View Direction);霍尼韦尔近日针对生命科学行业推出了Fast Track自动化解决方案,采用一系列专利技术创新,助力企业加快重要疫苗、治疗和疗法的注册审批通过及临床试验,快速实现全面生产。
    • 摘要: 近曰,普利司通宣布收购Transence Technologies的iTrack Solutions业务部门。据了解,iTrack Solutions是一家知名的工程轮胎解决方案提供商,主要为采矿轮胎设计的轮胎压力监控系统(TPMS)。该公司表示,除了轮胎温度和压力监控之外,iTrack轮胎管理平台还提供可自定义的地理位置,速度警报等服务。
    • 摘要: iTrack GPS车辆追踪系统如果总担心停在街角的汽车会不会被偷,那就接入iTrack GPS车辆追踪系统,只要插入诊断端口,它就变成了随时追踪车辆情况的工具,一旦车辆被非法启动,你就能马上知道,免去丢车的损失。可以说,它是汽车防盗的新升级。Key Smart钥匙扣它只要60秒,就可以将所有钥匙"安排好",大小、形状都无所谓。整理好的钥匙,使用起来很好找,甚至不会叮当作响。它内置Tile功能,可通过充电线充电。用现在的常见5V1A手机充电插头充满电只需10多分钟,电池充满电可续航45天。
    • Ji Jing
    • 摘要: China’s island province Hainan empowers residents to rise out of poverty despite epidemic Over the past month,He Dexin,a resident of Ruilian Village in Chengmai,a county in Hainan Province in south China,has risen before dawn every morning to harvest and sell the vegetables he planted last winter,among them cabbages。
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