您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> 多传感器管理


多传感器管理的相关文献在2000年到2022年内共计120篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、航空 等领域,其中期刊论文55篇、会议论文9篇、专利文献592772篇;相关期刊33种,包括科技情报开发与经济、系统工程与电子技术、空军预警学院学报等; 相关会议9种,包括第三届中国信息融合大会、2009年西南地区网络与信息系统学术年会、中国航空学会2009年学术年会—全国第13届信号与信息处理学术年会等;多传感器管理的相关文献由206位作者贡献,包括内藤丈嗣、大和哲二、曾艺等。



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  • 内藤丈嗣
  • 大和哲二
  • 曾艺
  • 单甘霖
  • 三角修一
  • 何友
  • 杨秀珍
  • 白剑林
  • 童俊
  • 小田利彦
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 童俊; 刘旭蓉; 唐宇
    • 摘要: 针对地面防空武器系统中多传感器资源管理问题,研究了面向目标搜索的主动被动传感器协同指示引导子问题。推导了三维异地配置下被动传感器对主动传感器的指示引导模型,根据被动传感器对目标的作用范围讨论了指示引导范围,结合传感器量测过程中的量测误差和传感器的站址误差建立了指示引导误差模型,在此基础上计算了被动传感器对主动传感器成功指示引导的概率。仿真结果验证了本文模型的正确性与可行性。
    • 高晓光; 李飞; 万开方
    • 摘要: 针对实际作战中的复杂电磁环境,研究了数据丢包环境下的多传感器协同跟踪问题.首先分析了数据丢包的几种不同情况,分别建立了数据丢包模型,并针对不同的丢包模型提出了相应的补偿策略;然后建立了数据丢包环境下目标观测模型,推导了数据丢包环境下序贯扩展卡尔曼滤波算法;最后基于信息熵理论建立了数据丢包环境下的多传感器多目标跟踪优化模型,给出了离散粒子群求解算法.仿真结果表明,所提的丢包补偿策略具有良好的补偿效果,可以有效抑制数据丢包造成的滤波数据发散,保证目标跟踪精度.
    • 牛彪; 魏永强
    • 摘要: 在大多数目标跟踪情景中,传感器可以被控制,以执行各种可能对测量的质量和信息内容产生重大影响的动作.这些动作也会影响跟踪系统的估计性能.通常,这些行为可能包括更改传感器平台的位置,方向或运动,从而影响传感器检测,跟踪和识别场景中物体的能力.这些控制决策是由人工干预或某种确定性控制策略驱动的,这种策略不能保证最优性.本文我们选择柯西-施瓦兹散度作为控制目标函数.
    • 祝武; 彭冬亮; 任刚; 吕鹏飞
    • 摘要: Based on target tracking radar networking scenario multisensor management issues,combining Renyi information increment and covariance characteristics of each algorithm,a sensor management algorithm based on joint Renyi information gain and covariance control using the idea of parallel processing is proposed.In specific aspects of the simulation design,sensor tracking ability is greater than the number of targets and sensors tracking ability and less than the target number of scenes.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively track the target in most scenes,such as uniform speed,multi target uniform acceleration and so on.At the same time,the switching frequency of the sensor is better.%针对目标跟踪中雷达组网场景下多传感器管理问题,结合R é nyi信息增量和协方差两种算法各自特性,利用并行处理的思想提出了一种基于R é nyi信息增量和协方差联合控制的传感器管理算法.在具体仿真设计环节,分为传感器跟踪能力大于目标数和传感器跟踪能力小于目标数两种场景.仿真结果表明该算法在单目标匀速、多目标匀加速等多数场景下能够对目标进行有效跟踪,同时降低了传感器的切换频率,具有更好的实时性.
    • 王莉莉
    • 摘要: 针对以往组建多传感器对多目标跟踪联盟过程中,缺少对联盟的实时性、单目标跟踪精度和能耗需求考虑的问题,提出了基于搜索引擎结构模型的多传感器管理机制.在该机制中,检索器以对单目标的跟踪精度需求和能耗需求为关键词,检索传感器跟踪联盟方案.在此基础上,描述了传感器网络对单目标建立传感器跟踪联盟方案的过程.建立了在多目标同时来袭的情形下考虑单目标跟踪精度需求和能耗需求的传感器跟踪联盟模型,继而提出检索器检索传感器跟踪联盟方案的改进人工狼群算法.仿真结果表明,采用此方法,能够有效找到既满足单目标跟踪精度需求和能耗需求,又具有较高适应度的传感器跟踪联盟方案.%Aiming at the problem of lacking real-time discussion and single target tracking accuracy requirement and energy consumption demand when building multi-sensor tracking coalitions for multi-targets in past papers, a new multi-sensor management mechanism based on the structure of search engine was put forward.Under this mechanism,the searcher took the need for tracking precision and the need for energy from single target as the keys to search multi-sensor tracking coalitions.Theoriticly,the process of building multi-sensor tracking coali-tions for targets was described.What's more,the model of multi-sensor tracking coalition to multi-targets was built,with the need for tracking precision and the need for energy from single target considered,and the im-proved wolf algorithm was made as the searching algorithm of the searcher.The simulation result indicated that,by using the method,multi-sensor tracking coalition schemes with the need for tracking precision and the need for energy from single target satisfied were found,and these schemes had high fitness.
    • 徐公国; 段修生; 徐宏浩; 单甘霖
    • 摘要: 对防空作战目标识别阶段中的传感器管理问题进行了研究,提出基于Rényi信息增量的多传感器管理调度方案.首先利用D-S证据理论进行融合推理,得出不同目标与不同传感器配对时的Rényi信息增量;然后,建立了基于系统总Rényi信息增量最大化的传感器分配模型,此外,对量子粒子群智能优化(QPSO)算法进行自适应改进,能够对分配模型进行快速求解;最后,通过仿真实验验证了算法的合理性和有效性.%Aiming at the multi-sensor management problem in target recognition stage under complex aerial defense combat environment,a new multi-sensor scheduling method is proposed based on Rényi divergence.Firstly,the D-S evidence theory is applied to obtain the Rényi divergence of different sensors matched with different targets.Then,the sensor allocation model based on the maximized total Rényi divergence is established.Besides,the Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) algorithm is improved in order to quickly solve the management model.Finally,the experiments show that the improved algorithm is feasible and effective.
    • 郑玉军; 田康生; 张金林; 刘俊凯
    • 摘要: 针对效能函数中目标优先级分配不合理从而导致传感器资源分配效率不高的问题,采用模糊控制和神经网络方法来解决线性加权求和方法在目标参数量化和优先级分配中的困难,提出了自适应多传感器资源管理方法,利用神经网络自主学习的能力和模糊控制在处理不确定信息方面的能力提高传感器资源分配效率.仿真结果表明,改进方法可以根据不同目标自适应分配有限的传感器资源,相比传统传感器管理方法更加高效.%Aiming at the problem of sensor resource's low allocation efficiency resulted by unreasonable allocation of the target's priority in efficacy function,the fuzzy control and neural network (NN) are introduced to solve the problem that it is difficult to apply the linear weighted sum method in quantifying the target parameter and allocating the priority,and a self-adaptive management method of multi-sensor resource based on efficacy function is proposed.The sensor resource allocation efficiency was promoted by using autonomous learning ability of the neural network and fuzzy theory's ability to handle uncertain information.The simulation results show that the method proposed in this article can allocate the limited sensor resource self adaptively according to different targets,resulting in a more efficient approach compared with the traditional sensor management method.
    • 尹海兵; 张宏斌; 薄逢卯
    • 摘要: 基于线性规划模型理论,使用传感器效能函数和匹配函数矩阵,建立了多传感器管理模型和优化目标函数,对多传感器管理的算法求解问题进行了研究,并对算法进行了仿真实验。结果表明:两种算法都可以得到较为理想的结果;基于深度优先搜索算法的效果最好,可以寻找全局最优解;基于蒙特卡罗随机算法的时效性最好,可以实现计算时间的可控,在极端条件下能够快速获取可行解。
    • 左燕; 郭宝峰; 谷雨; 徐松柏
    • 摘要: A dynamic multi-sensor allocation algorithm based on the Riccati equation is proposed to deal with the computational burden of the sensor allocation problem in the multi-sensor tracking system. The algorithm calculates the stable covariance with the Riccati equation outline and dynamically allocates the optimal sensor sets based on the difference between the expected covariance and the stable covariance. Simulation results show that the algorithm can obtain the better tracking accuracy and computation efficiency comparing with the traditional covariance control algorithm and the greedy algorithm. The algorithm can be applied to the multi-sensor collaborative tracking in large-scale sensor networks.%针对组网跟踪系统传感器分配算法计算量过大的问题,提出了一种基于Riccati方程的动态传感器分配算法。该算法通过Riccati方程离线计算各传感器组合跟踪下的稳态滤波协方差,根据稳态滤波协方差与期望协方差的接近程度动态分配传感器资源。仿真结果显示,与传统协方差控制和贪婪算法相比,基于Riccati方程的动态传感器分配算法在大大减少计算量的同时能够保持较好的跟踪性能。该方法能够更好地应用于大规模传感器组网目标协同跟踪系统。
    • 杨媛媛; 盛卫东; 安玮; 张寅生; 江丹
    • 摘要: 结合中低轨中段弹道目标连续跟踪这一特殊应用背景,从跟踪相机交接的再捕获确认到稳定跟踪的全程角度出发,提出了一种基于信噪比和跟踪精度联合优化的新的传感器预指派模型。并采用通过对粒子降维处理和位置矢量更新的实值粒子群优化算法,对所提模型的性能进行分析和比较。仿真实验表明,该模型的调度性能较之前的优化目标函数及二进制粒子群优化算法,更贴近导弹中段飞行情况的实际且性能有所改进,因而是一种更高效的调度模型。%Based on a special application background of continual midcourse object tracking ,a novel sensor pre‐assignment model based on SNR optimization combined the GDOP optimization model is proposed according to the whole course from the capture affirmance to the stable tracking .Furthermore ,real‐number particle swarm optimization is adopted that through dimensionality reduction and position vector improvement , and the proposed model is analyzed and compared in detail .The simulation results show that the optimization model is a more efficient algorithm compared with the optimized objective function and binary particle swarm optimization algorithm .
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