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基于内容图像检索的相关文献在1999年到2021年内共计79篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、信息与知识传播 等领域,其中期刊论文61篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献1750006篇;相关期刊46种,包括东北大学学报(自然科学版)、中国图象图形学报、智能计算机与应用等; 相关会议3种,包括2009云南省研究生学术论坛、第八届全国多媒体技术学术会议、全国第13届计算机辅助设计与图形学学术会议暨全国第16届计算机科学与技术应用学术会议等;基于内容图像检索的相关文献由167位作者贡献,包括A·伊金、吴玲达、白琮等。



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  • A·伊金
  • 吴玲达
  • 白琮
  • 耿国华
  • 郝鹏翼
  • 陈胜勇
  • 黄玲
  • C·B·阿克居尔
  • D·于纳伊
  • S·佩雷兹德拉科巴
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李清亮; 张子鹏; 时玮淞; 蒋振刚; 赵家石; 师为礼
    • 摘要: 针对脑瘤图像提出一种基于内容的检索方法.首先采用图像膨胀算法增强脑瘤图像的感兴趣区域(ROI);然后基于点的空间像素强度的特征提取方法,描述脑瘤图像增强后的ROI局部特征;最后引入聚合特征算法提高图像特征的辨别能力和压缩能力.实验对比3种脑瘤图象检索方法的结果表明,该算法可得到较高的检索精确度,可实现高效、准确的脑瘤图像检索.%In view of brain tumor images ,we proposed a retrieval method based on content .Firstly , we augmented the region of interest (ROI ) of brain tumor images by using the image expansion algorithm .Secondly ,based on the feature extraction method of point-based spatial pixel intensity ,we described the local characteristics of the augmented ROI . Finally , we introduced the aggregated feature algorithm to improve the discrimination and compression ability of image features .The results of the experimental comparison of three brain tumor image retrieval methods show that the algorithm can obtain high retrieval accuracy and prove that the algorithm can achieve efficient and accurate brain tumor image retrieval .
    • 魏怀明
    • 摘要: As the issue of semantic differences between objects described by advanced users and low-level description of the image feature, a learning method using optimum-path forest was proposed.The features of the query image and the images to be queried in the database were extracted using Gabor wavelet and robust local binary patterns to obtain histogram feature vectors.The relevance feedback of images was obtained using optimum-path forest, generating tags training set.The preference of the users was learnt by similar distance measuring, thus the satisfactory results were got.Results of simulation on Corel database and Brodatz database show, in the ideal case without noise, the retrieval accuracy of some kind of images is up to 98%.Under noisy conditions, the decrease of the performance is the slowest.In Brodatz database, the average retrieval rate is only about 10% reduction.In the Corel database, the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is higher than that of other outstanding ones by about 8% in the case of big noise.%针对高级用户描述的对象与低级图像特征之间的语义差异问题,提出一种基于最佳路径森林的学习方法.使用Gabor小波和鲁棒局部二值模式对查询图像以及待查询数据库图像进行特征提取,获得直方图特征向量;通过最佳路径森林获得图像的相关性反馈,生成标记数据集;通过相似距离度量获知用户的偏好,得到满意结果.实验在Corel数据库和Brodatz数据库上进行,在无噪声的理想情况下,对某些类别的图像,该算法的检索精度高达98%;有噪声情况下,随着噪声的增加,其性能衰减最慢.在Brodatz数据库中,该方法平均检索率只减少了10%左右,在Corel数据库中,较大噪声情况下,其精度比其它方法高出8%左右.
    • 孙钦佩; 孙健永; 杨媛媛; 张建国
    • 摘要: 在医学影像信息学中,基于内容的图像检索(CBIR)技术被用来帮助放射科医师检索具有相似图像容的图像.CBIR通过图像的量化特征来检索高维特征数据库中与查询图像类似的影像.然而,当前大部分CBIR系统都会受特征维数影响,系统检索的响应时间随着特征向量维数及检索图像数量的增加而增长.对此提出了一种新的框架,使用VA-Trie结构来对图像特征建立高维数据库索引,以提高集成RIS/PACS中的CBIR的准确性和检索速度.%In medical imaging informatics,content-based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques are employed to aid radiologists in the retrieval of images with similar image contents.CBIR uses the quantization feature of the image to search for images similar to the query image in the high dimensional feature database.However,most of the current CBIR systems are affected by the feature dimension,and the response time of the system search increases with the increase of the feature vector dimension.In this presentation,we propose a novel framework to use the VA-Trie structure to establish high-dimensional database indexes for image features to improve the accuracy and retrieval speed of CBIR in integrated RIS / PACS.
    • 孙挺; 耿国华
    • 摘要: 针对一般相关反馈的基于内容图像检索(CBIR)方法不能有效处理相关图像和非相关图像的问题,提出了一种基于最佳路径森林分类(OPF)的贪婪学习方法(GL-OPF),该方法旨在返回每次迭代查询的最相关图像.首先,查询图像和数据集图像通过Gabor小波变换提取特征向量;然后,通过GL-OPF主动学习方法获得图像关联性反馈,生成标记训练集;最后,标记训练集通过OPF分类器进一步评估形成相关性和非相关性原型集,每次迭代都会返回查询的最相关图像.3个公开图像数据集Caltchl01、Corel和Pascal上的实验验证了本文方法的有效性.实验结果表明,在3个数据集中,迭代8次时,GL-OPF的查询精度比其他3种方法均有较大提高,此外,GL-OPF的迭代运行时间和查询时间与OPF几乎相同,很大程度改进了OPF方法.
    • 张宇楠; 陈俊杰
    • 摘要: 基于内容的图像检索是使用图像的底层视觉特征对图像进行检索,使检索结果在视觉角度上尽可能相似。但能否通过图像的底层特征来准确体现人对图像的视觉感知(即图像的情感语义)有待于进一步的探索。首先构建检索性能较好的基于内容的图像检索系统,并针对分类标准不同的两类图像库进行多次实验。实验证明,图像的情感语义无法通过单一的图像底层特征描述。%Content-based image retrieval means retrieving images by image low level visual features so that the retrieved results are as simi-lar as possible from the visual perspective.However it requires further exploration whether image low lever features can accurately represent visual perception,or image affective semantics,of human upon image.The paper first of all constructs content-based image retrieval system with better retrieval performance;next it carries out a number of experiments upon two image databases that are classified by different criteria. Experiments prove that image affective semantics can't be described by single image low layer features.
    • 王萍; 徐鹏; 张艺凡
    • 摘要: According to geometric features of texts and the fact that character strokes have symmetrical edges, Laplacian of a Gaussian(LoG)was employed for finding the ‘symmetrical edge-point pair’,then the ‘symmetrical edge-point pairs’ sample set was constructed,therefore the scale and orientation of the detect window were deter-mined by analyzing the sample distribution. The relational cluster of all character sub-regions was obtained by using the minimum spanning tree(MST)algorithm,then the text lines(including non-horizontal)were extracted in the form of lines or rows after pruning,false positive elimination,and threshold segmentation. Experiments show that the proposed method is capable of handling multilingual,different orientation and multi-scale images under complex background with a 76%precision rate and a 75%recall rate on ICDAR dataset.%通过对笔画的对称边缘特点与文字几何特征的认识,根据二阶边缘检测算子捕捉边缘点亮暗变化趋势的能力,使用高斯型拉普拉斯算子寻找“边缘点对”,并构建来自笔画等窄带区域的“对称边缘点对”样本集。从样本集的分布规律中自适应地定出文字笔画搜索窗的尺度及方向。利用最小生成树算法实现由系列搜索窗得到的所有笔画子区域的关联聚类,通过剪枝、伪区域鉴别和阈值分割,将文字以行(含非水平行)或列的形式提取出来。实验表明,该方法对复杂背景下不同的语言类型、亮暗类型、文字行方向及文字尺度具有适应性,在 ICDAR 数据集上的查准率和查全率分别达到76%和75%。
    • 林朝晖; 于俊清; 何云峰; 管涛; 艾列富
    • 摘要: To overcome the problems of high memory consumption and computational overhead of high-dimensional indexing in content-based image search engine,the locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) index and Hadoop can be combined to improve the performance of the index architecture and computational model.According to the features of LSH index,the structure of LSH index is modified to a loosely coupled structure,and the index files are deployed in the distributed query nodes for high concurrency index-guery.The MapReduce distributed computational model is used in index constructing process to improve the efficiency of high-dimensional index creation.Besides,the distributed database is used to store large amounts of high-dimensional index data,which enhances the system' s scalability.The experimental results show that the proposed methods are reasonable.%为了解决基于内容的图像检索中存在的索引存储量大和构建索引计算开销大等问题,在系统地分析局部敏感哈希索引算法及Hadoop分布式系统的基础上,改进了现有高维索引计算模型和索引结构方法.根据局部敏感哈希索引的特点,将现有局部敏感哈希索引改为松耦合的索引结构,将索引文件分布式部署在多个查询节点中实现了高并发的索引查询.通过MapReduce分布式计算模型实现了索引的并行构造,提高了索引构造的效率,并采用分布式数据库存储海量高维索引数据,增强了系统可扩展性.实验结果表明,该算法具有一定的可行性.
    • 韩立华; 王晓芬; 王玉梅
    • 摘要: 利用信息技术手段保护非物质文化遗产资源是目前研究的热点之一,图像检索技术的研究是构建剪纸艺术多媒体交互平台的关键环节.分析了基于文本的图像检索(TBIR)和基于内容的图像检索(CBIR)的思路及算法,并在剪纸艺术多媒体交互平台中进行了实现.深入对比了两者的优缺点,探讨了两种检索方式相结合的可能途径,在此基础上提出利用自动语义标注技术解决图像检索中存在的“语义鸿沟”问题,有利于提高图像检索的效率和准确率.
    • 王涛
    • 摘要: 为了有效解决基于内容图像检索中“语义鸿沟”问题,利用贝叶斯决策理论估计图像检索中相关图像集与不相关图像集合的分类面,通过移动查询点的策略,指导新一轮的查询,将查询点移向好的范例点而远离坏的范例点.试验证明该方法是一种有效的基于统计分析的反馈方法.
    • 王涛
    • 摘要: 为了有效解决基于内容图像检索中“语义鸿沟”问题,利用贝叶斯决策理论估计图像检索中相关图像集与不相关图像集合的分类面,通过移动查询点的策略,指导新一轮的查询,将查询点移向好的范例点而远离坏的范例点。试验证明该方法是一种有效的基于统计分析的反馈方法。
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