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The effect of sodium chloride on microstructure, water migration, and texture of rice noodle


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It is believed that salt can reduce the hardness and increase the elasticity of dried rice noodle. However, there is no scientific evidence on the role of salt on the quality of the dried rice noodle. This work aimed to investigate the effect of NaCl on the microstructure of dried rice noodle, water migration in rice noodle during cooking, and the texture of cooked rice noodle. The level of NaCl used in this study was 0, 3, and 5 g NaCl/100 g rice flour. Confocal Laser Scanning micrographs revealed that NaCl enhanced the development of the protein network but it reduced the packing of starch lumps in the dried rice noodle. Water distribution inside the rice noodle during rehydration was revealed for the first time using MAL Water migrated more slowly into the rice noodle with NaCl than the control (without NaCl) because the amount, size, and the depth of pores of the dried rice noodle with NaCl were reduced due to the formation of the protein network. It was found that NaCl increased the extensibility and decreased the tensile strength of the cooked rice noodle. The cooking loss increased with the increase in the NaCl concentration. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:人们认为,盐可以降低米粉的硬度并增加其弹性。但是,没有科学证据表明盐对米粉的品质有影响。这项工作旨在研究氯化钠对干米粉的微观结构,蒸煮过程中米粉中水分的迁移以及米粉质地的影响。这项研究中使用的NaCl含量为100、0、3和5 g NaCl。共聚焦激光扫描显微照片显示,NaCl增强了蛋白质网络的发育,但减少了干米粉中淀粉团块的堆积。使用MAL首次揭示了补液过程中米粉内部的水分布,因为含NaCl的干米粉的数量,大小和孔隙深度比对照(不含NaCl)迁移到含NaCl的米粉中更缓慢。由于蛋白质网络的形成,NaCl减少了。发现NaCl增加了米粉的延展性并降低了其拉伸强度。蒸煮损失随NaCl浓度的增加而增加。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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