首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >如何理解杜威教育哲学中“民主与教育的关系问题”




如何更好地解读杜威,其关键是如何理解杜威教育哲学中“民主与教育的关系问题”。通过对杜威教育哲学得以展开的现实基础、思想渊源及其内在逻辑等方面的分析研究,首先,可以确立“民主与教育的关系问题”是杜威教育哲学的根本问题。其次,把握这一问题的实质与内涵。一方面关乎对杜威教育哲学中的“民主”概念的理解,包括“作为社会生活方式的民主”、“作为实验计划的民主”以及“以‘理智能力’与‘道德情感’为基础细节的民主”三个层面;另一方面则涉及对“民主与教育的关系问题”在杜威教育哲学中内在展开的双重逻辑的认识,其一为“民主作为教育的原则与教育民主化的逻辑”,其二为“教育作为维持和改进民主的工具与民主教育的逻辑”。%Today,the critical step to understand Dewey better is to understand the relationship be-tween democracy and education in Dewey’s philosophy of education.This study investigated the realistic basis,the origin of thoughts and the internal logic of Dewey’s educational philosophy and found that first, the relationship of democracy and education is the fundamental issue in Dewey’s educational philosophy. Second,to grasp the essence and connotation of this issue,on the one hand,it is important to understand the connotation of democracy in Dewey’s philosophy of education,including democracy as social life style, democracy as experimental plan and democracy with intellect and moral feelings as basic details;and on the other hand,it is important to understand the double internal logic of the relationship of democracy and ed-ucation in Dewey’s educational philosophy.The first logic refers to democracy as the principle of education and education democratization;and the second logic refers to education as tools to maintain and improve the social democracy and democratic education.



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