首页> 中文期刊>食品与机械 >脂肪含量和包装方式对法兰克福香肠贮藏品质的影响




Investigated the influence of the effect of different fat content and packaging method on the sausage from day 0 to day 12. Lip-id oxidation, color, texture and volatile products were measured. The results showed that: TBARS values and brightness of frankfurters are positively related to the fat content, regardless of packaging ways; the packaging ways mainly affected the red values of sausages; hardness and stickiness was negatively related to fat content; it was concluded that fat content and packaging method had significant effects on volatiles production. Overall, it is advisable to employ lower fat content and vacuum packaging while maintain the quality of Frankfurters.%以法兰克福香肠为研究对象,以脂质氧化、色泽、质构和挥发性产物为评价指标,研究不同脂肪含量和包装方式对产品贮藏品质的影响.结果表明:随着贮藏时间延长,法兰克福香肠的硫代巴比妥酸值(TBARS)值和亮度均与脂肪含量呈正相关,与包装方式无关;香肠的红度与脂肪含量相关性不显著,与包装方式呈正相关;香肠的硬度和黏性与脂肪含量呈负相关,与包装方式相关性甚小;脂肪含量和包装方式与挥发性产物之间的相关性都较显著.选择较低脂肪含量和真空包装方式有利于保持法兰克福香肠的贮藏品质.



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