
Bottom Anti-Reflective Coatings (BARCs) for 157-nm Lithography

机译:用于157 nm光刻的底部抗反射涂层(BARC)

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Bottom anti-reflective coatings (BARCs) are essential for achieving the 65-nm node resolution target by minimizing the substrate reflectivity to less than 1% and by planarizing substrates. We believe that the developments in 157-nm BARC products are on track to make them available for timely application in 157-nm lithography. We have made some significant improvements in resist compatibility and etch selectivity in relation to the latest available 157-nm resists. Two chromophores having desired high light absorbance at the 157-nm wavelength have been identified. The prototype BARC formulations basically meet the critical requirements for workable 157-nm BARCs, including optical properties, thermal stability, photo-stability, etch rate and selectivity, and compatibility with photoresists. The BARCs also show good coating quality and stripping resistance. Another essential feature of the BARCs is that they are formulated in industry-accepted safe solvents. The lithographic profiles of a benchmarked 157-nm photoresist on our prototype BARC LH157B show straight 60-nm L/S patterns. LH157B also exhibited excellent lithography performance as an ArF BARC. Optimization of the BARC formulations is in progress.
机译:底部抗反射涂层(BARC)对于通过将衬底的反射率降至1%以下并平坦化衬底来实现65 nm的节点分辨率目标至关重要。我们相信157纳米BARC产品的发展正在步入正轨,以使其可及时用于157纳米光刻。相对于最新的157 nm抗蚀剂,我们在抗蚀剂相容性和蚀刻选择性方面进行了一些重大改进。已经鉴定出在157nm波长具有期望的高吸光度的两个生色团。原型BARC配方基本上满足了可工作的157 nm BARC的关键要求,包括光学性能,热稳定性,光稳定性,蚀刻速率和选择性以及与光刻胶的相容性。 BARC还显示出良好的涂层质量和抗剥离性。 BARC的另一个重要特征是它们是在行业认可的安全溶剂中配制的。我们的原型BARC LH157B上的基准157 nm光刻胶的光刻轮廓显示出直的60 nm L / S图案。 LH157B作为ArF BARC也表现出出色的光刻性能。 BARC配方的优化正在进行中。



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