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FSW的相关文献在2002年到2022年内共计134篇,主要集中在金属学与金属工艺、无线电电子学、电信技术、铁路运输 等领域,其中期刊论文95篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献36篇;相关期刊64种,包括军民两用技术与产品、兰州理工大学学报、现代材料动态等; 相关会议3种,包括第二届制造业自动化与信息化学术会议、第四次江苏科技论坛机械装备制造分论坛、第十一次全国焊接会议等;FSW的相关文献由297位作者贡献,包括万龙、代杨、周春东等。



论文:95 占比:70.90%


论文:3 占比:2.24%


论文:36 占比:26.87%





  • 万龙
  • 代杨
  • 周春东
  • 周进鹏
  • 彭惠民
  • 徐海斌
  • 温琦
  • 王健
  • 王剑春
  • 谢杰
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 屈林; 王操; 屈玉石; 张潇; 王丽萍
    • 摘要: 对6005A铝合金FSW板材分别进行固溶、固溶+深冷、固溶+时效和固溶+深冷+时效工艺处理后,采用拉伸试验机、材料显微镜、扫描电子显微镜等手段研究了深冷处理对其FSW焊接件组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明:深冷处理使得FSW板材屈服强度与抗拉强度有所提升,深冷后时效较未深冷处理试样屈服强度与抗拉强度分别提升了6%和8%,经固溶+深冷+时效后的FSW板材焊缝屈服及抗拉强度达到母材的80%,但其塑性有所下降。深冷处理使晶粒产生转动效应,阻碍位错滑移起到位错钉扎作用,时效后产生再结晶织构,进一步提高了材料的抗拉强度及屈服强度。
    • 田国平; 张松; 梁志方; 高艳芳; 陈志远; 高嘉爽
    • 摘要: 采用搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)和熔化极惰性气体保护焊(MIG)相结合的方法焊接制造的铝合金筒体(5A06H112,内径Φ2110_(+0.1)^(+0.3)×12_(0)^(+4)mm),由20 mm厚壁板通过辊弯至内径Φ2 102 mm、筒体本体FSW拼焊、筒体大量附件MIG焊接后筒体内径变形大变形不规律,导致筒体焊后去除焊接余量内径精加工至内径Φ2 110 mm后筒体剩余壁厚不满足设计规定的120+4mm,而筒体精加工后壁厚过大将使其超重不满足系统对质量的要求,壁厚小于12 mm无法满足结构强度要求,壁厚的控制对整个系统的安全至关重要。对FSW焊后变形规律进行分析,通过调整单侧焊接厚度、改变焊接顺序、优化工装方案等措施可将焊后单侧内凹变形从最大10 mm降至2 mm以内;对附件MIG焊后变形规律进行分析,通过优化装焊顺序、优化工装方案及精加工工艺方案等措施,最终使筒体机加工后壁厚合格率由原来的23%提高至100%。
    • 江角 昌邦; 彭惠民
    • 摘要: 1991年英国焊接技术研究所(TWI:The Welding Institute)研发的摩擦搅拌接合工艺(FSW:Friction Stir Welding)为铝合金的焊接带来一场变革.该工艺具有一系列难能可贵的优点.业已在汽车、铁道车辆、飞机等装备制造业中获得广泛应用.本文介绍日立集团公司自1995年起致力于将FSW工艺应用于铝合金铁道车辆的制造,在工艺、结构的开发及实现稳定的FSW的设备研究等开展的卓有成效的工作及取得的良好经济技术效益等情况.
    • 张厶文; 杨吉; 杨琦; 龙玲
    • 摘要: 针对常规三坐标搅拌摩擦焊设备无法实现搅拌头带倾角焊接的问题,文章通过优化搅拌头的结构,设计了轴肩圆锥外凸式搅拌头,以6061-T6铝合金为对象,进行无倾角搅拌摩擦焊焊接工艺试验,将其与常规搅拌头进行焊接性能对比试验,研究经过优化设计的外凸搅拌头进行无倾角搅拌摩擦焊焊接的接头性能和最优工艺参数。试验结果表明,采用搅拌头轴肩外凸式结构焊接,焊缝未发现有孔洞型缺陷,且相比于平轴肩搅拌头,焊缝成型质量受焊速大小的影响不大,对形成优良形貌的焊缝更有利,同时可降低对焊接设备的要求及提高焊接效率。
    • Erenilton Pereira da Silva; Ricardo Henrique Buzolin; Ulises Alfaro; Guillermo Requena; Haroldo Calvalcanti Pinto
    • 摘要: The microstructure and mechanical properties of butt-joints produced by linear friction stir welding of similar plates of as-cast ZK60 and modified ZK60 with 1.5 wt.%RE(ZK60-1.5 RE)are investigated.The thermomechanical affected zone is investigated in both advancing and retrieving sides,and the microstructure is compared to the base metal and the stirred zone.Electron backscattered diffraction measurements provide the average microstructural features of the transformed microstructure.The mechanical properties are assessed using hardness,tensile testing,and surface residual stress measured using X-ray diffraction.Higher torque and heat input are obtained for the ZK60-1.5 RE compared to the ZK60.The thermomechanical affected zone is notably larger for the ZK60 compared to the ZK60-1.5 RE.A gradient microstructure is formed in thermomechanical affected zones where deformed grains are progressively more recrystallised towards the stirred zone.There is no visible interface between the thermomechanical affected zone and the stirred zone.A fine and partially recrystallised microstructure is formed in the stirred zone.The retrieving side of the ZK60-1.5 RE has a slightly more refined microstructure compared to the other investigated zones.Anisotropy measured with increment in the maximum intensity of the(0001)increases towards to stirred zone.The formed microstructure is correlated with the role of twinning,recovery,static,and dynamic recrystallisation that can occur during friction stir welding.Twinning and grains with large misorientation spread are more pronounced in the thermomechanical affected zone and regions towards the base metal.Sharp low angle grain boundaries are observed towards the stirred zone.From refined recrystallised grains decorating the grain in the thermomechanical affected zone,a mosaic-like of low and high angle grain boundaries are observed in the stirred zone.The joints have comparable surface residual stresses.The friction stir welding improved the ductility and strength of the as-cast ZK60-1.5 RE alloy since the tensile samples fractured in the BM.
    • 李小龙
    • 摘要: 目的:为了降低FSW(暗娼人群)艾滋病感染风险,同时推动艾滋病预防控制工作可持续发展.方法:选择2018年1月至10月承德某辖区内FSW,对其进行为期半年的综合干预,并对效果进行评价.结果:对于干预前后的调查人员进行调查,主要包括梅毒感染率以及艾滋病新增率和艾滋病知晓率.通过干预前后数据对比发现干预后,实际效果较干预前有显著提升,干预前后差异具有统计学意义(p<0.01).结论:对FSW进行综合干预措施,能够使FSW艾滋病知晓率以及安全套使用率大大提升,降低预防艾滋病感染.
    • ZAN YuNing; WANG BeiBei; ZHOU YangTao; JIA CunLei; LIU ZhenYu; WANG QuanZhao; XIAO BoLv; MA ZongYi
    • 摘要: (B4C+Al2O3)/Al composite designed for the dry storage of spent nuclear fuels was fabricated and then subjected to friction stir welding, at a welding speed of 100 mm/min and rotation rates of 400–800 r/min. Sound joints were obtained under all welding parameters;however, significant softening occurred in the nugget zone(NZ) for all the joints. Therefore, all the joints exhibited significantly decreased strength at both room temperature and high temperature compared with the base metal, with the joints fracturing in the NZs. Rotation rate exhibited no obvious effect on the tensile strength of the joints, but led to increased elongation as the result of the broadened NZs. The detailed microstructural examinations indicated that the welding thermomechanical effect broke up the near 3D amorphous Al2O3 netlike structure distributed at the Al grain boundaries, caused the coarsening of Al grains, and the agglomeration and crystallization of amorphous Al2O3, thereby resulting in the softening of the NZs and the reduction in the joint strength. Consequently, inhibiting the breakup and crystallization of 3D amorphous Al2O3 netlike structure is the key factor to improve the joint strength of the(B4C+Al2O3)/Al composite.
    • 尹欣
    • 摘要: 研究了6061-T6铝合金的搅拌摩擦焊工艺参数对接头拉伸性能、硬度和微观组织的影响.研究结果表明:焊接过程中产生的热量不足会导致接头未能焊上,焊缝表面出现沟槽缺陷,降低接头的力学性能;产生的热量过多会致使热影响区晶粒粗大,降低接头的力学性能;在相同的焊速下,尽量选取较低的焊接旋转速度可以使焊缝与母材的硬度值更加接近,选用转速为800 r/min、焊接速度为200 mm/min时接头成型质量较好,抗拉强度较优.
    • 余爱武; 齐海雁; 陈登海; 钱小明; 董星
    • 摘要: 首次将动支撑双面搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)技术应用于大口径铝合金螺旋管的焊接生产,成功实现了一次性连续生产出直径900 mm、长度20 m的螺旋管样管,且焊接过程稳定可靠.对管体全焊缝进行了着色探伤、超声波探伤及局部焊缝X射线探伤检测,并测量焊缝减薄量及管体圆度,结果表明:管体焊缝三项探伤检测均未发现缺陷,焊缝减薄量严格控制在0.3~0.5 mm,管体圆度0.15~2 mm.这有效避免了传统熔焊工艺方法存在的效率低、缺陷多、变形大、成本高、环境差等缺点,真正实现了大口径铝合金螺旋管高效、高产、高质、绿色环保的焊接生产.
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