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长线传输的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计103篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、电工技术 等领域,其中期刊论文66篇、会议论文8篇、专利文献184261篇;相关期刊55种,包括东南传播、天津大学学报(英文版)、科学技术与工程等; 相关会议8种,包括第十三届全国水利量测技术综合学术研讨会、全国抗恶劣环境计算机第十七届学术年会、第二十三届全国直升机年会等;长线传输的相关文献由256位作者贡献,包括宋晓明、任勇峰、刘鑫等。



论文:66 占比:0.04%


论文:8 占比:0.00%


论文:184261 占比:99.96%





  • 宋晓明
  • 任勇峰
  • 刘鑫
  • 崔刚
  • 李济芳
  • 金勇
  • 陈方斌
  • 不公告发明人
  • 何爱兵
  • 冯旭升
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 任勇峰; 王小兵; 张凯华
    • 摘要: RS422以其低成本、高可靠性的特点,广泛应用于工业和防务的通信接口.但同时由于自身传输速率慢和传输距离短的缺点,使得它的应用范围局限于低速、近距离传输.针对此类问题,对制约RS422传输速率和距离的原因进行深入的分析,提出了一种在软件上提升接口通信速率的方法,对RS422数据进行6B/10B编码,增加电平的转换使处理器更好地进行边沿判断;编码中去掉了传统8B/10B编码中的直流分量,实现编码的唯一性,并且具有一位纠错功能.实验证明,通过增加编码的方式使得RS422的传输速率更加接近于理论值,对工程上提高RS422的吞吐率有一定的借鉴意义.
    • LI Jin; JIAO Xinquan; WANG Shuqin; LIU Donghai
    • 摘要: 为了解决高速数据在长线传输过程中可靠性较低,易于出现误码的问题.对基于LVDS的长线传输系统进行了有针对性的优化设计,在数据接口的硬件电路上增加补偿电路,用来解决在长电缆上的信号衰减与损耗.同时在逻辑上设计了基于CRC校验的数据包反馈重传机制,并对数据的传输设计了一种10 B/6B的编码方式,能够对数据进行纠错,进一步降低数据传输过程中的误码率.经过实验验证,该优化设计实现了在89 m的长电缆上,以330 Mbps的速率进行数据的零误码率传输.
    • 许小兰; 李灏
    • 摘要: 传统的USB鼠标、键盘传输线长度不到两米,不能满足远距离人机交互操作的需求.为解决USB信号传输距离短的问题,本文提出了一种基于USB延长器控制芯片的方案.该方案可满足100 m的USB长线传输距离,已经在某型测控计算机中使用,经检验系统运行稳定可靠.
    • 杨金花; 陈德军; 龙贵华
    • 摘要: 旋翼塔信号传输系统是旋翼塔测试系统的重要组成部分,测试系统测试数据真实性的最重要因素主要是由信号传输质量决定的.本文针对旋翼塔信号传输系统的基于模拟信号长线传输并容易受现场电机和高压动力线电磁场干扰的特点,提出了基于屏蔽技术、隔离技术、接地技术为主的旋翼塔信号传输系统抗干扰技术方案,并且从信号传输系统线路的绝缘、导通、短路、串扰、线损等方面进行了检查和调试,验证了旋翼塔信号传输系统抗干扰技术设计的合理有效.
    • 刘佳宁; 文丰; 王淑琴; 刘东海
    • 摘要: 针对高速数据远距离传输时可靠性低的问题,提出了一种基于LVDS的高可靠性长线传输系统.采用电流环传输指令,增强其抗干扰能力,并在逻辑上设计了双重计数消抖的防指令误判技术;重点介绍了一种简单、易实现的10B/6B向前纠错编码,以牺牲一定有效带宽为代价,通过对线上传输的有效数据增加监督码元,大大降低了数据传输的误码率.经实践验证,在总长119 m,由多级低频电连接器连接的屏蔽双绞线上,该系统实现了418 Mbit/s码率串行数据的零误码率传输.%In viewed of the low reliability in the high-speed and long distance data transmission,the design of long-distance transmission system with high reliability was put forward based on LVDS interface. The current loop signal transmission methods increased anti-jamming capability of command, and the dithering elimination technology of double counter prevented instruction misjudgment. It is mainly introduced about 10B/6B on-line coding mechanism of FEC which was easy to implement at the cost of sacrifice on valid bandwidth, and increased of monitor code to encoded the valid data on line,the bit error rate is greatly decreased and the realization of data transmission increased. By the practical test,the LVDS serial data at the rate of 418 Mbit/s could realize zero bit error rate transmission in 119 m shielded twisted-pair with lots of low-frequency connectors.
    • 刘俊杰; 李文杰; 李军峰; 吴珊; 刘磊
    • 摘要: 为了满足时间域航空电磁法(以下简称ATEM)测量系统对前置放大器的设计要求,制作实现了一款适用于ATEM系统的前置放大器.本文主要讲解了对空芯多圈线圈的阻抗匹配的原则;采用差分式放大电路对微弱二次场信号进行放大的原理;采用DRV134和INA137的平衡电路进行信号长线传输的技术;采用巴特沃斯型二阶低通滤波器设计电路的应用.实践证明,该前置放大器实现并满足了设计要求,有效的抑制了相关干扰噪声,提高了信号的识别能力,保证了较高的动态范围,在实际工作中取得了良好的效果.%In order to meet the design requirements of the airborne time-domain electromagnetic method (ATEM) measurement system, a preamplifier has been designed to suit ATEM system. This paper mainly explains the principle of the impedance matching of the multi-turn air-core coil; the principle of using the differential amplifier circuit to amplify the weak secondary field signal;the technology of using balance circuit of DRV134 and INA137 for signals ' long-line transmission; the application of using the Butterworth second-order low pass filter to design circuits. Practice has proved that the preamplifier had been implemented and met the design requirements. It could effectively restrain the correlation noise , and improve the recognition ability of signals , and guarantee a high dynamic range.This preamplifier has achieved good results in practical work.
    • 李强
    • 摘要: 介绍了钻机视频对讲及钻杆计数实时监控系统的构成、研发目的、使用效果.该系统具有硬件和软件优势,主要用于实现对井下所有防突、探放水打钻地点进行视频监控管理.该系统已经研发成功并且已经在山西、山东、江苏的部分煤矿开始推广应用.
    • 王戬; 聂浩; 杨明明
    • 摘要: 介绍了一种目前常用的基于光耦隔离的三线串行通信接口电路的设计方法,通过电路设计原理和实测数据分析了此种串行接口电路在传输速率提升后通信异常的原因,提出了几种高速光耦隔离电路信号传输错误的解决措施,设计了专项试验电路验证了这些方法的有效性和工程可行性.最后,给出了基于高速光耦隔离的三线串行通信接口电路设计实施方案的合理化建议.%A common design method of three-line serial communication interface circuit based on optocoupler is introduced in this paper. Circuit design principle and experiment data are analyzed to illuminate the reason of communication error when the transmission rate is increased. In order to resolve transmission error of serial interface circuit based on high-speed optocoupler, several methods are also proposed in the paper. The effectivity and engineering feasibility of these methods are proved by a special experiment. Finally, some valuable suggestions to design three-line serial communication circuit based on high-speed optocoupler are put forward.
    • 时仲盟; 胡晓吉
    • 摘要: 从军用多路长线传输系统的应用需求出发,以长线传输和多路切换的核心功能为研究对象,通过研究现有军用切换矩阵中存在的问题,从芯片级设计着手,研制具有长距离传输能力的切换矩阵收发设备。在目前切换矩阵的基础上,采用FPGA硬件平台与差分传输技术,将差分长线传输功能与切换矩阵功能相结合,设计一套包含发送端和接收端的8路VGA长线传输系统。试验结果表明,该系统有效改善了切换矩阵性能,保证了信号可靠、稳定地进行长距离传输。%Based on the need of multi-channel long-distance military transmission system, this paper studied the long-term trans-mission function and multi-switching function. By studying the current problems in military switch matrix, and proceeding from the chip-level design, a set of sending and receiving devices is developed. To analyze the current problems of switch matrix in depth, we studied the differential cable transmission technology. Based on the use of FPGA hardware platform and the differential transmission technology, we combined the long-term transmission with the differential switching matrix innovatively to design an eight channels VGA long-distance transmission system. The results showed that the system improved the performance of switch matrix and the signal quality in long-distance transmission.
    • 王毅
    • 摘要: 摘要:本文首先介绍了DC/DC变换器的输入端口特性,在此基础上结合系统电源设计的实例,详细分析了在输入端长线、输入端电压缓起情况下,系统电源设计应该考虑的问题和输入端口设计的方法,最后还介绍了系统中输入端滤波器的设计方法。
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