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血流图的相关文献在1978年到2023年内共计212篇,主要集中在内科学、中国医学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文167篇、会议论文17篇、专利文献37936篇;相关期刊132种,包括浙江体育科学、中国超声医学杂志、中国疗养医学等; 相关会议12种,包括2010年全国理论计算机科学学术年会、2009全国博士生学术会议——计算机视觉与人工智能、先进制造技术与工业信息学博士生学术论坛等;血流图的相关文献由434位作者贡献,包括谢志华、伍世虔、方志军等。



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  • 谢志华
  • 伍世虔
  • 方志军
  • 孙秀英
  • 许川佩
  • 张弦
  • 蔡荔榕
  • 蔡荔葵
  • 蔡飚
  • 卢宇
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 劳期迎; 曹殿青
    • 摘要: 生物电阻抗测量技术是利用生物组织与器官的电特性及其变化规律提取与生物生理、病理状况相关的生物医学信息的检测技术,其具有无创、快速、相对成本低、安全、操作简便、可重复性高和反应信息丰富、易被医生和患者接受等优点,广泛应用于疾病的动态监测和诊疗.因此,生物电阻抗测量技术已成为辅助临床诊疗中一种新兴技术并广泛应用.本文回顾了生物电阻抗在呼吸监测、脑、心、肺血流图,人体成分分析、断层成像技术等不同领域的应用,并通过探讨其中的工作原理、优点和缺点、技术问题现状和未来趋势,提出生物电阻抗测量技术的发展前景.
    • 戴宇彪; 李坤; 冯瑞枝
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨超声在颈部淋巴结病变的鉴别诊断及在淋巴结核疗效评估中的价值探讨.方法 90例患者为东莞市第六人民医院2014年1月-2017年1月期间收治的颈部淋巴结肿大病例,所有患者均接受超声检查.回顾性分析患者的临床资料,就患者的超声检查结果 、超声图像特点展开分析.结果 超声检查显示90例患者中53例为淋巴结核,20例为炎症反应性增生,5例为恶性淋巴瘤,12例淋巴转移.超声检查与病理检查结果 比较无明显差异(P>0.05).超声检查显示,90例患者总计102个颈部淋巴结,20个淋巴结未见血流信号,均为炎性增生淋巴结.剩余82个淋巴结中22个淋巴结为淋巴门型、12个为中央型、15个为边缘型、30个为混合型.超声检查结果 显示,炎性增生患者L/S0.05).102个淋巴结中,80个借助超声行淋巴结结合清扫术,治疗后再次行超声检查显示,均未见血流信号,病灶周边血管、甲状腺等无侵犯情况.17例转移性淋巴结通过颈部淋巴结检查,找到了原位癌,5个淋巴瘤未接受清扫术治疗.结论 术前超声检查不仅可以明确淋巴结的部位、大小、形态和位置,更能指导外科医生选择术式、时机,为预后疾病评价提供有效依据,值得推广.
    • 赵欣
    • 摘要: 美国Christie Medical Holdings,Inc.公司发布了其最新便携式血管显影设备Vein Viewer Flex。该产品是VeinViewer显影设备的第五代,在其之前上市了Vein Viewer Vision XTND,凭借该产品的加入,Christie公司现在能够提供3个层次的产品,以满足各大医疗卫生细分市场的需求。
    • 王群
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the value of umbilical artery flow index in the prediction of pre-eclampsia. Methods Puerpera who delivered in the department of obstetrics in our hospital from January 2011 to January 2014 were selected, and were assigned to the prediction group and the control group. The control group was regularly given antenatal care without the intervention of radial artery rheography. The prediction group was regularly given antenatal care combined with the intervention of radial artery rheography.①The incidence rate of pregnancy induced hypertension was compared between the prediction group and the control group. ②Morbidity degree of the pregnant women was compared between the prediction group and the control group. ③The prediction of pre-eclampsia in different gestational weeks via MP monitoring system was compared. ④Growth restriction of newborns delivered by the two groups of pregnant women was compared. Results ①The incidence rate of pregnancy induced hypertension in the prediction group was significantly lower than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). ②There were statistical differences of the data of mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia between the prediction group and the control group (P<0.05).③The accordance rate of pre-eclampsia predicted by the MP monitoring system in the pre-diction group was gradually increased according to the increase of gestational weeks.④There was significant difference of neonatal body weight between the prediction group and the control group(x2=9.52, P<0.01). Conclusion After the in-tervention of eclampsia via radial artery rheogaphy for the pregnant women with positive prediction, it is able to signifi-cantly reduce the incidence rate of pregnancy induced hypertension in pregnant women.%目的 探讨脐动脉血流指数对预测子痫前期的价值. 方法 收集2011年1月~2014年1月我院产科分娩的产妇,分为预测组和对照组.对照组定期产检未接受桡动脉血流图干预.预测组定期产检并接受桡动脉血流图干预.对比①预测组与对照组妊高征发生率.②预测组与对照组孕妇发病程度.③MP监测系统在不同孕周预测先兆子痫情况.④两组孕妇分娩新生儿生长受限情况. 结果 ①预测组中孕妇妊高征的发病率明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). ②预测组和对照组诊断为轻度子痫前期、重度子痫前期及子痫的数据有统计学差异(P<0.05). ③预测组中,MP监测系统预测子痫前期的符合率随孕周的增加而逐渐升高. ④预测组和对照组分娩的新生儿体重差异有统计学意义(x2=9.52,P<0.01). 结论 孕妇桡动脉血流图对预测子痫前期阳性的产妇进行干预治疗后,能够明显降低孕妇发生妊娠高血压疾病的机率.
    • 李亚男; 杨帆; 王丹; 孙灵灵; 白景英
    • 摘要: 根据氟苯尼考在肉鸡体内的药动学特征及肉鸡的生理学、解剖学特点,设计了一个包含氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺两部分在内的生理药动学模型血流图.模拟肌内注射给药后药物的吸收、分布、肝脏代谢及肝肠循环等过程.为氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺在肉鸡体内PBPK模型的最终建立提供了思考路径.
    • 姚绍卫; 夏勋荣
    • 摘要: 目前,国内常用的模拟人体血流的方法主要是弦线法和仿血流法,本文将简单介绍两种方法的特点及区别。一、弦线法1.方法原理弦线法模体(见图1)由水槽、弦线、匀速步进电机、数字控制器等部件组成,槽底铺有吸声内衬,用以降低超声回波和散射。弦线法模体操作简单,流速测量误差小,且可根据用户的要求进行编程。除了模拟匀速血流外,一般还提供正弦波、三角波以及一些常见的生理波形。
    • 谢志华
    • 摘要: 为了从生物特征和统计角度来提高识别的性能,提出了一种基于血流图的离散余弦变换(discrete cosine transform,DCT)与特征选择相结合的人脸识别方法。该方法首先利用血流模型把红外温谱图转换成血流图,得到更具丰富频率的特征。其次,采用DCT变换可以有效地消除血流图的相关性。最后,在DCT域特征提取阶段,为了提高特征提取的有效性,特征选择和子空间学习基于一致的可分性目标:特征选择引入基于可分性的DCT系数选择算法以抽取鉴别能力强的DCT系数,对抽取的DCT系数采用基于可分性的线性鉴别分析(linear discriminant analysis,LDA)方法。实验结果表明,该红外人脸识别方法可以快速有效地提取血流图中适合分类的特征,识别率优于传统DCT+LDA方法。%To get the good performance of infrared face recognition from the biological feature and statistical character, this paper proposes a novel method for infrared face recognition based on blood perfusion image by combining discrete cosine transform (DCT) and features selection. Firstly, infrared thermal images are converted into blood perfusion domain by blood perfusion model to get the constant information. Secondly, DCT is chosen to reduce the correlation in original face image. Finally, to improve the effectiveness of features extraction in DCT domain, the objectives of features selection and subspace learning are consistent (both follow the separability discriminant criterion):a feature selection algorithm is proposed to extract the DCT coefficients, LDA (linear discriminant analysis) is applied to DCT coefficients extracted by the feature selection algorithm. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed method can quickly and efficiently extract the features of blood perfusion domain for classification, and get better recognition performance than traditional DCT+LDA method.
    • 周翔; 方文俊; 罗斌; 汤进
    • 摘要: Face recognition is a hot research topic in the field of image processing. Infrared face recognition avoids some inherent defects of visible light face recognition,therefore has a broad application prospects. From biological characteristics and a statistical point,an infra-red face recognition method based on face blood perfusion model and Bayesian classification is proposed in this paper,which takes full advantage of the blood perfusion model of the human face,weakens the impact of environmental factors on the performance of infrared face recognition and extracts the precise biological characteristics. At the same time,the method enlarges between-class distance and less-ens within-class distance according to the statistical characteristics. Thermal images are converted into blood perfusion data;the PCA method is used to reduce the dimension of the face blood perfusion model data and generate the internal subspace and external subspace;the Bayesian classifier is used for face recognition. According to this idea,the comparative experiments are made in this paper,and this method is proved effective by the results of the experiments.%人脸识别是图像处理领域的一个热点。由于红外人脸识别可以避免可见光人脸识别存在的一些固有的缺陷,因此有着广阔的应用前景。文中从统计学角度和生物特征角度提出基于贝叶斯分类和血流模型的红外人脸识别方法,这种方法可以充分利用人脸血流模型的优势,减弱环境因素对红外人脸识别的性能的影响,提取精确的生物学特征,同时根据统计特征,并使用贝叶斯分类器,增加样本之间的类间距,减少样本之间的类内距。该方法将人脸温谱图转换为人脸血流图;使用PCA算法对人脸血流模型数据进行降维处理,并训练产生内部子空间和外部子空间;通过贝叶斯分类算法进行人脸识别。文中按照这个思路做了对比实验,实验结果证明这种方法是行之有效的。
    • 李金亭; 王玉玲
    • 摘要: 口腔护理是护理的重要内容。传统口腔护理,漱口种类繁多,作用单一,使用起来有诸多不便,结合临床护理工作实践,我们将中药“清热袋茶”用于口腔护理。经临床使用对60例口腔护理病人采用多普勒微循环动态分析仪测量病人硬腭粘膜表面微区微循环灌注量的动态变化,
    • 刘畅; 荣阳; 王茹
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨彩色多普勒超声诊断肝小血管瘤的临床价值.方法 采用彩色多普勒能量图(CDPI)、彩色多普勒血流图(CDFI)、脉冲多普勒频谱图观察44例(64个病灶)肝小血管瘤的血流显示情况,经过比较,CDPI较CDFI占明显优势.常规对肝脏进行不同切面扫查,发现病灶后采用能量图显示血流,再用频谱图显示血流速度变化情况.结果 彩色多普勒能量图在病灶内彩色血流的显示率、"静脉血流延伸征"、深呼吸后病灶内"繁星闪烁征"检出率高于彩色多普勒血流图.结论 彩色多普勒能量图在肝小血管瘤的诊断与鉴别诊断方面具有较高的应用价值.
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