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背向散射的相关文献在1992年到2022年内共计158篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、内科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文82篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献9702篇;相关期刊64种,包括湛江师范学院学报、地球物理学报、生物医学工程学进展等; 相关会议2种,包括全国第14次光纤通信暨第15届集成光学学术会议、第六届全国激光科学技术青年学术交流会等;背向散射的相关文献由394位作者贡献,包括王巍、江涛、白净等。



论文:82 占比:0.84%


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论文:9702 占比:99.14%





  • 王巍
  • 江涛
  • 白净
  • 韩宗虎
  • 张夏楠
  • 付思东
  • 何爱军
  • 刘小荣
  • 刘立海
  • 崔东
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 金红
    • 摘要: 多普勒超声心动图是了解原发性动脉高压对心脏损害的基本手段,用于研究左心室肥厚的形态和功能状况,并对高血压患者的治疗和预后提供重要参考。近年来,已有多项新技术用于超声心动图的诊疗过程,有助于进一步研究心肌的生理病理情况,如组织多普勒用以研究心肌内速度和时间间隔,分析应变和应变率,经胸多普勒衍生的冠状动脉血流储备,能量化冠状动脉应对充血刺激时的血管舒张反应,心肌回声造影超声心动图则在心肌水平研究超声造影微泡的动力学,实时三维超声心动图能够更精确地评估左心室容积和质量。这些新的方法已被应用于高血压的临床研究中,以加深对动脉高压引起心肌组织水平(心肌细胞、胶原、微循环)改变的生理病理和组织病理学的认识。现就高技术超声在高血压心脏病中的应用进展进行综述,指出了其与常规超声心动图相比的局限性和发展潜力。
    • 龙亮; 徐中标; 韩俊杰; 吕凤泉; 黄唯; 梁瑜; 高兴旺
    • 摘要: 目的:研究不同背向散射条件对晨检仪QABC+测量结果的影响。方法:将QABC+和参考电离室模块(由指型电离室和固体水构成)分别放在加速器治疗床的两个固定位置(头部A和网部B),源到上表面距离100 cm。以QABC+和参考电离室模块下方铺垫的固体水厚度作为变量(0~8 cm、10 cm、15 cm),测量对应背向散射因子B_(s)值。结果:固体水厚度超过5 cm之后,参考电离室测的B_(s)值趋于稳定,变化在1%内。QABC+测的B_(s)值偏大且在5~15 cm固体水之间仍有3.1%的增长;治疗床A位置等效为5 cm固体水。结论:QABC+测量结果受到背向散射的影响较常规电离室要大,且测得Bs值被放大,背向散射条件的轻微变化可能导致晨检仪误报。建议在晨检仪使用前应通过实验测量确定背向散射条件对其读数的影响,或者固定摆位条件以保证散射条件的稳定,使晨检设备高效、稳定、可靠地工作。
    • 璐璐
    • 摘要: 日前,俄罗斯国立核能研究大学莫斯科工程物理学院(NRNU MEPhI)的科学家团队研发出一种激光血管显像系统,可以对人体任何指定区域的血管进行高对比度成像。这种血管成像系统采用记录背向散射激光辐射的方法。光导纤维均匀地分布在成像区域周围,每根光纤上的激光功率为2~3毫瓦。与皮肤接触时发生辐射,可以增加探测深度,同时在成像区域保持辐射分布的均匀性。
    • 杨士杰; 唐苗; 汪世林; 邱宏波
    • 摘要: 背向散射直接影响激光陀螺的锁区,是阻碍激光陀螺精度提升的主要因素之一。首先,阐述了背向散射与锁区的联系,介绍了背向散射的成因、分类及分析方法。其次,简述了背向散射的检测方法和抑制措施。最后,对背向散射的研究现状进行了总结,并对其未来发展进行了探讨。研究成果可指导激光陀螺研制过程中的背向散射控制,有助于提升激光陀螺精度水平。
    • 刘宾; 赵鹏翔; 赵霞; 罗悦; 张立超
    • 摘要: 水下光学成像是探索水下奥秘的关键技术,但是环境中介质吸收和背向散射效应会造成图像严重退化.基于差分偏振的复原技术是水下图像复原技术的主要方法之一,通过正交偏振图之间的共模抑制实现背景散射光的抑制,但是相关研究表明该方法对于非均匀光场等情况的恢复效果一般,其原因主要在于非均匀光场条件下偏振度和强度的估计误差.针对上述问题,本文提出融合偏振信息的多孔径水下成像技术,该方法利用相机阵列实现虚拟大孔径成像系统,从而获取广角光场信息,进而融合场景的深度信息实现背景散射和偏振度的精确估计,估计参数值能更好地反映场景的全局特征.对浑浊水下环境中不同偏振度目标进行成像实验,与目前先进的复原算法进行对比,结果表明,本文方法能够有效克服水下非均匀光场带来的问题,得到高质量的复原结果.
    • 张晓语; 杜启振; 张树奎; 公绪飞
    • 摘要: The energy cross-correlation imaging condition,which takes the advantages of easy realization and suppressing the backscattering effectively,permits to generate images with definite physical meanings.However,such a condition designed by the second-order elastic wave equation cannot be used directly in the first-order elastic wave equation.To solve this problem,based on the energy conservation theorem and energy density,we construct an energy norm characterized by velocity-stress fields,representing the elastic wavefield energy.As for the source wavefield and the receive wavefield,we extend the velocity-stress energy norm to the energy inner product.Combined with the propagation direction of the forward and backward velocity-stress fields,the energy cross-correlation imaging condition is proposed to attenuate the backscattering.Numerical experiments indicate that this condition allow us to extract the results of reflected wavefield energy without extra computation and to suppress backscattering noise effectively.%基于地震波场能量构建的能量互相关成像条件,具有易实现、物理意义明确及背向散射压制效果明显等优势.但是,目前构建的能量互相关成像条件仅适用于二阶弹性波方程,难以直接应用于一阶弹性波方程.为此,本文针对一阶弹性波方程,基于能量守恒定理及能量密度,构建以速度-应力为参数的能量范数以表征弹性波场能量,将速度-应力能量范数拓展为能量内积以提取弹性波场反射能量.震源端与检波端的基矢量正方向保持一致的基础上,构建得到可有效压制背向散射的弹性波能量成像条件.数值模拟结果表明:该成像条件可以得到背向散射压制、振幅有效保持的能量成像结果.
    • 付思东; 唐国扬; 俞政涛; 刘晓宙; 何爱军
    • 摘要: Objective Portable ultrasonic bone densitometer,using backscatter technology,was designed to provide a solution to realize the portable and the low cost for the bone densitometer.Methods The system, using field programmable gate array(FPGA)as control IC to make the system work well,worked with high-speed analog to digital converter(ADC)and high-speed USB to implement high-voltage control module,gain control module,data acquisition and data transmission.Finally,measurements for noise,backscatter signals,and bone density with cancellous bones were performed.Results The size of the whole system was 15 cm×10 cm×3 cm,the speed of data transmission was up to 60 MB/s,the noise was low.Conclusions A kind of portable ultrasound bone densitometer with a USB port was designed. When supplied by USB port,the system could acquire the backscatter signal effectively.%目的 设计基于背向散射信号来评判骨密度情况的便携式超声骨密度仪,为实现超声骨密度仪的低成本和便携性提供一种解决方案.方法 使用现场可编程门阵列(field programmable gate array, FPGA)作为主控以控制整个系统正常工作,配合信号调理、高速模数转换器(analog-to-digital converter, ADC)和USB传输电路,来实现高压脉冲控制模块、增益控制模块、信号采集、数据传输.最后对系统噪声和采集到的背向散射信号进行测试,并用松质骨样本进行骨密度测量的测试.结果 系统整体尺寸为15 cm×10 cm×3 cm,数据传输速率可达60 MB/s,噪声水平低.结论 设计了一种USB接口的便携式背向散射超声骨密度仪,在USB接口供电时,可以有效地获取背向散射信号.
    • 蓝士祺; 雷兴; 王珂; 胡强; 韩宗虎
    • 摘要: Backscatter noise is one of the main noises in resonator fiber optic gyro(RFOG).Based on the principle for reducing the backscatter noise by carrier suppression method,the mathematical model was established for the influence of temperature and voltage on the gyro bias.It is theoretically proved that this method is largely affected by temperature and has higher circuit requirements.A new scheme of RFOG based on three-mode differential technology was put forward.In this scheme,the backscatter noise is decreased by operating three beams with large frequency intervals in the resonant cavity.A comparative experiment was conducted with traditional two-mode closed-loop gyro.The results show that the new scheme can effectively minimize the gyro noise,and both the maximum gyro bias and bias stability are improved by around 4 times.%背向散射噪声是谐振式光纤陀螺的主要噪声之一.基于载波抑制法降低背向散射噪声的原理,建立了温度和电压对陀螺零偏影响的数学模型,理论证明此方法受温度影响较大且对电路要求较高.提出了三频差动谐振式光纤陀螺新方案,该方案通过谐振腔内运行三束频率间隔较大的光波来抑制背向散射噪声.与传统二频闭环陀螺进行了对比试验,结果表明:新方案能有效地降低陀螺噪声,最大陀螺零偏和零偏稳定性改善约4倍.
    • 雷芬芬; 骆青君; 周斌
    • 摘要: 通过应用光时域反射仪(OTDR)测量多模光纤(MMF)反射光强变化,提出一种检测液体泄漏的光纤传感器,并对其进行理论仿真和实验研究.文中设计了2个远距离的光纤传感器.第一个传感器仅带有1个光纤传感结构.连接带有传感结构的长光纤和OTDR.设置OTDR的扫描脉宽30 ns、扫描时间3 min,光源的脉冲信号强度约为15 dB、扫描距离5 km.以水为检测对象时,光损耗减小,反射光强度变大.实验结果和仿真结果一致;第二个传感器是由2个传感结构的分布式复用传感器,用于检测两处的环境情况.2个传感结构都能很灵敏地检测水,证明了传感器的复用特性.该液体泄漏检测光纤传感器能被广泛应用于工程实践中.%By using optical time domain reflection (OTDR) to measure the intensity of the reflected light intensity of multi-mode fiber (MMF),a fiber optic sensor which can detect the leakage of liquid is proposed,and the theoretical simulation and experimental study are carried on.Two sensors are designed in this paper.The first sensor is only with a sensing structure.It connects OTDR and the long fiber with the sensing structure.The scanning pulse width is set to 30 ns,the scan time of 3 min,the strength of the light pulse signal about 15 dB,the scan distance of 5 km on the OTDR.When take water as test object,the loss of OTDR is decreased,and the intensity of the reflected light is large.The experimental results are consistent with the simulation results.The second sensor with two sensing structures is made into the distributed multiplex sensor for detecting water of different regional environment.The two sensor structures can detect water sensitively,which proves the multiplexing characteristic of the sensor.Therefore,the liquid leakage detection optical fiber sensor can be widely used in engineering practice.
    • 丁武文; 孙利群; 衣路英
    • 摘要: Methane is an important raw material for various petrochemicals in industrial fields and as also a clean fuel in daily life.However,as an inflammable and explosive material,methane leak can lead to disastrous consequences such as fire and explosion.Furthermore,as a kind of greenhouse gas,methane has stronger influence on global warming than carbon dioxide.In this paper,we present a new high sensitive scheme for methane remote sensing,which can facilitate detection and location of methane leakage.And the 2v3 band (near 1653.7 nm) of methane is chosen as the taaget transition which is free from the absorption of the other molecule in atmosphere.A tunable distributed-feedback diode laser is adapted to scan across the target transition.A Fresnel lens with a diameter of 150 mm is employed to collect the ambient backscattering light from natural features such as the buildings.The first harmonic signal is used to normalize the second harmonic signal to remove the influence introduced by the unknown reflectance factor of the actual target,therefore no retro-reflector is needed.Traditional tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS)method has difficulty in locating the second harmonic signal peak position in low concentration conditions because of low signal-noise-ratio (SNR).To improve the SNR especially in low concentration environment,a scheme named "baselineoffset" TDLAS is presented in the paper,in which a reference cell filled with standard methane sample is inserted into the measuring optical path.The reference cell can also be used to calibrate the sensor.Furthermore,the reference cell can be used to lock the central frequency of the diode laser to the absorption peak position to monitor concentration fluctuation continuously.In the peak-locking mode,the sensor demodulates the third harmonic signal as error signal to control the injection current of the laser source with PID control.Moreover,one advantage of peak-locking mode is that the measurement frequency is about two orders of magnitude higher than the traditional TDLAS method.With "baselineoffset" TDLAS,the remote sensor described in this paper obtains SNRs as high as 19 and 16 at a stand-off distance of 10 m and 20 m,respectively.With such a high SNR,there is no necessity for complex algorithm in absorption peak position location.By defining the standard deviation of the measuring concentration as the detection limit,experimental results show that the proposed methane remote sensor has detection limits of 5 ppm.m at a distance of 10 m and 16 ppm.m for 20 m,respectively,while measuring the ambient methane.In peak-locked mode,the experimental system has a detection limit of 22 ppm.m at a distance up to 37 m and can monitor rapid concentration fluctuation in.%讨论了一种新的高灵敏度甲烷遥测方法,利用可调谐激光二极管的调制光谱技术扫描甲烷的吸收峰,通过在测量光路中插入参考气池,增强低浓度情况下的吸收峰辨识能力,以提高甲烷浓度遥测信号的信噪比.此外,可以将激光器的中心波长锁定至气体吸收峰的峰值位置从而使仪器工作于吸收峰锁定模式,进行甲烷浓度的连续监测.实验结果表明,在测量距离分别为10 m和20 m时,周围环境中的甲烷积分浓度探测极限可以分别达到5 ppm.m和16 ppm.m.在吸收峰锁定工作模式下,系统在37 m距离处具有22 ppm.m的检出限,并可以监测甲烷浓度的快速变化.
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