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纯氧曝气的相关文献在1992年到2022年内共计107篇,主要集中在废物处理与综合利用、环境污染及其防治、建筑科学 等领域,其中期刊论文67篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献210381篇;相关期刊46种,包括新疆大学学报(自然科学版)、地球、江苏农业科学等; 相关会议5种,包括中国土木工程学会水工业分会全国给水深度处理研究会2011年年会、中国土木工程学会水工业分会给水深度处理研究会2005年年会、净水技术及水质检测技术研讨会暨中国城镇供水排水协会科学技术委员会年会等;纯氧曝气的相关文献由250位作者贡献,包括张锡辉、胡小兵、刘孔辉等。



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论文:210381 占比:99.97%





  • 张锡辉
  • 胡小兵
  • 刘孔辉
  • 刘海洋
  • 崔连起
  • 张新喜
  • 李俊儒
  • 杨传芳
  • 江澄宇
  • 江用彬
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 郭跃华; 程浪; 李瑞博; 吴胜春
    • 摘要: 采用低压纯氧设备在排污口应急处理进行了应用研究,结果发现:纯氧曝气能够快速提升黑臭水体的溶解氧,改善水体的感官效果.05.h可以将水体的溶解氧从01.5 mg/L提高到42.1 mg/L,5 h内水体中的溶解氧达到327.3mg/L;纯氧曝气可以使水体的颜色快速变化透明度显著增加,05.h水体黑色变成黑白色,2 h水体变成淡黄色,水体透明度从5 cm提高到50 cm;纯氧曝气可以在10 h内将污水中CODCr从480.3mg/L消减到227.1mg/L,消解率为53%.纯氧曝气可以在10h内将污水中TP从54.8mg/L消减到37.1 mg/L,消解率为318.%.纯氧曝气对氨氮的去除效果不好,曝气后水体中的氨氮升高了131.%.
    • 刘清华; 陈丽珠
    • 摘要: 在纯氧曝气与加碱联用条件下,通过中试试验研究活性无烟煤滤池的处理效果,试验结果表明:活性无烟煤滤池出水的碱度与处理效果相关,在纯氧曝气和加碱联用时,出水的碱度没有明显提高,出水中的溶解氧被微生物大量利用,去除单位氨氮平均耗DO量为6.91,比理论的4.57高,有部分DO因微生物量的制约而被浪费.活性无烟煤滤池随着试验过程中去除氨氮量明显升高,特别是在纯氧曝气和加碱联用时,滤池对氨氮平均去除量达到2.54mg/L,明显高于其他条件下的氨氮去除量,同时在高氨氮去除量的情况下没有出现NO2--N积累,活性无烟煤滤池表现出良好的去浊性能,在待滤水浊度高达8~10NTU时,出水的浊度能保证在0.15~0.20NTU很低的范围.
    • 田金宝; 李学超
    • 摘要: 以石化污水处理厂纯氧曝气为例,通过数据分析污泥性能指标变化趋势与生物相和出水COD值之间变化趋势的关联性,阐明污泥指数是纯氧曝气污泥法的一个重要性能指标,可以通过污泥容积指数SVI的监测值预测生物相和出水COD的情况,预测出水水质的变化趋势,据此指导和调整污水处理装置的运行,从而达到根据污泥性能指标监测结果指导工艺运行的目的,并且污泥指数SVI作为污水处理厂的日常管理监测项目之一,有必要进行日常监测分析和科学的综合评价.
    • 钱宏亮; 宋春刚; 邸文正; 米楠
    • 摘要: 南方某市第三水厂水源采用地表水.为应对季节性水源污染带来的有机物、氨氮等进水水质问题,对一期滤池进行综合改造.将原有石英砂滤料滤池改造为活性无烟煤滤料滤池,并增加纯氧曝气系统.滤池综合改造工程实施后,能够在保持原有滤池浊度去除效果的基础上,增加对有机物、氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、臭味等的去除效果,进一步提升出水水质.
    • 吴艺文
    • 摘要: 纯氧曝气技术在河流治理中发挥着重要作用,在本次研究中,本文重点分析了纯氧曝气快速消除河流黑臭的工程效果与河道影响因素,文章将结合某条污染河流为研究对象,先介绍了该河流的基本情况,再从纯氧曝气技术手段,对其河流治理效果与河道影响因素做深入研究.
    • 李柏志
    • 摘要: 近年来,由于随着水资源日益匮乏和污水排放标准的提高,使得膜生物反应器(MBR)受到了广泛的关注.文章对MBR的主要类型和特点进行了简要介绍,并对膜性质、膜组件、MBR工艺和膜污染的最新研究进行了较为细致的分析,并在曝气方面对纯氧曝气与空气曝气进行了对比,在此基础上指出了今后纯氧曝气与MBR工艺相结合的研究趋势.
    • 谢斌华
    • 摘要: 文章首先分析了河流黑臭产生原因,并阐述了纯氧曝气快速消除河流黑臭工程效果,提出了河流黑臭治理技术,河流黑臭对河道有着严重影响,不但会影响我国生态效益的提高,还会影响河道质量.传统的方法消除河流黑臭效果不突出,这就需要相关人员加强对纯氧曝气工艺的重视,充分发挥纯氧曝气在河道中的作用,进而消除河流黑臭,提高城市水环境质量.
    • 刘清华; 张晓娜; 陈卓华
    • 摘要: 通过中试研究了活性无烟煤滤池在纯氧曝气条件下,对高氨氮的耐冲击负荷能力和响应时间.结果表明:进水氨氮在1.38~1.75 mg/L时,滤池显示出良好的去除氨氮效能,滤后水氨氮稳定在检出限(0.02 mg/L)以下,没有NO2--N残留,能及时响应且无时间滞后.进水氨氮为2.46~3.07 mg/L时,出水平均氨氮为0.18 mg/L,无NO2--N积累且能实现同步响应去除氨氮.进水氨氮在2.71~3.07 mg/L时,滤池能同步去除氨氮至0.30 mg/L左右.进水氨氮在3.61 mg/L左右时,出水平均氨氮达0.99 mg/L,出水不达标;无NO2--N积累,进、出水NO2--N均在0.020~0.030 mg/L之间.
    • 周颖; 姜伟立; 秦丹宁; 胡亚奇; 张勇
    • 摘要: In this study,setting F/M at 0.05 kg/kg to represent low load conditions and F/M at 0.25 kg/kg to represent high load condition,the changes of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and soluble microbial products (SMP) under two typical loads were investigated when treating wastewater by activated sludge with pure oxygen aeration in sequencing batch reactor.The results showed that controlling aeration rate of 15 L/h,when F/M was 0.05 kg/kg,the higher DO environment in pure oxygen aeration made the SMP lower than that of air aeration.Comparing with air aeration,the output of EPS under pure oxygen aeration decreased.The content of SMP improved with the increase of EPS,and there was a positive correlation between SMP and EPS (r =0.947).%研究了两种典型负荷下(低负荷:F/M为0.05 kg/kg(以每kg污泥中有机物的质量计,下同),高负荷:F/M为0.25 kg/kg)纯氧曝气序批式活性污泥法处理废水时活性污泥胞外聚合物(EPS)和溶解性微生物产物(SMP)的变化情况,结果表明:控制曝气量为15 L/h,当F/M为0.05 kg/kg时,纯氧曝气使得出水SMP低于空气曝气.与空气曝气相比,纯氧曝气可减少EPS的产生.SMP随着EPS含量的增加而增加,两者呈显著的正相关(r =0.947).
    • 雷宏军; 刘欢; 张振华; Bhattarai Surya; Balsys Ron
    • 摘要: Aerated irrigation can effectively alleviate the oxygen stress in the plant root zone and improve the environment of the plant root zone.This study investigated the effect of the addition of surfactant BS1000 in saline irrigation water on water and oxygen transmission under pure oxygen aerated irrigation.The oxygen transmission characteristic was investigated by using a Mazzei air injector,pressure swing adsorption oxygen generator and Seair diffuser coupled system (AirSep-SeairMazzei).Micro-bubbles produced by the AirSep-Seair-Mazzei system provide a good opportunity for its application in the long-distance aerated irrigation because of slow buoyancy characteristics and high dissolved oxygen concentration.The dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature of water tank and drip tap were monitored by a dissolved oxygen meter.For simulating saline irrigation water,0.1 mol/L NaCl solution was prepared.Four B S 1000 concentrations were also prepared (0,1,2 and 4 mg/L).Therefore,a total of 8 combinations of NaC1 and BS 1000 were designed.During the experiment,oxygen transfer coefficient,DO saturation,flow uniformity coefficient and DO uniformity coefficient were determined.The results showed that the addition of B S 1000 had a positive effect of oxygen transfer process,and resulted in an increase of the DO saturation.The DO saturation of the irrigation water averaged 299.87% under pure oxygen aeration.Under the addition of BS 1000 in the aerated irrigation,an increase of the BS1000 concentration caused an increase of the oxygen transfer coefficient,while a decrease of the DO saturation.The oxygen transfer coefficient of 2 and 4 mg/L BS 1000 was 22.76% and 46.90% higher than that of 1 mg/L BS1000,respectively,under the condition without NaCl addition.Under the addition of NaC1 in the aerated irrigation water,the high surfactant concentration (not less than 2 mg/L) would result in a large oxygen transfer coefficient.The addition of NaC1 could inhibit the DO saturation.The DO saturation in treatments of surfactant BS1000 of 0,2 and 4 mg/L with NaCl addition was decreased by 5.55%,4.92% and 6.57%,respectively,compared to the treatment without NaC1.The average value of flow uniformity coefficient under the aerated irrigation was greater than 95% and the DO uniformity coefficient of each combination remained above 97%.The high DO had a positive effect of the growth of crop when the oxygen concentration in soil water was lower than the upper limit demanded by crop.The oxygen transfer coefficient was greater than 18.85% (P<0.05) under the addition of surfactant BS1000.The DO saturation was the highest in the treatment with 1 mg/L BS1000 regardless of NaC1 addition.And all the treatments had high uniformity.Therefore,the surfactant concentration of 1 mg/L was suggested.This research demonstrates the great importance of uniform transmission of super-oxygenated water in drip tap and provides a method support for a wide range of aerated irrigation application.%曝气灌溉可有效调节植物根区环境、改善土壤通气性.微咸水中NaC1的存在及活性剂添加对提高曝气灌溉的氧传质效率,实现节能高效的灌溉有重要作用.为研究NaC1介质及生物降解活性剂对纯氧曝气灌溉水氧传输特性的影响,该文采用变压分离制氧技术-氧气扩散系统-空气注射技术耦合系统,分析NaC1介质(未添加和添加)及生物降解活性剂BS1000(醇烷氧基化物质量浓度0、1、2、4 mg/L)2个因素对氧总传质系数、溶氧饱和度、流量均匀系数和溶氧均匀系数的影响.结果表明:BS1000的添加促进氧传质过程的发生,提高了曝气水中的溶氧饱和度;随着BS1000浓度增加,氧总传质系数逐渐增加,而溶氧饱和度呈现下降的趋势;BS1000质量浓度在2 mg/L,及以上时,NaCl介质对氧总传质系数的增幅显著;NaC1介质对曝气水中的溶氧饱和度起到抑制作用.各组合条件下,曝气滴灌中流量均匀系数均在95%以上,溶氧均匀系数均在97%以上.添加活性剂BS1000可使氧总传质系数平均提高18.85%以上(P<0.05).无论添加NaC1与否,添加1 mg/LBS1000的溶氧饱和度均最大,故1 mg/L BS1000是适宜的活性剂添加浓度.
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