您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> 爬行类动物


爬行类动物的相关文献在1989年到2021年内共计58篇,主要集中在动物学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、普通生物学 等领域,其中期刊论文52篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献44126篇;相关期刊42种,包括人与自然、地理教育、大自然探索等; 相关会议1种,包括中国动物学会两栖爬行动物学分会2007年学术研讨会等;爬行类动物的相关文献由72位作者贡献,包括乔轶伦、王从、王夫玉等。



论文:52 占比:0.12%


论文:1 占比:0.00%


论文:44126 占比:99.88%





  • 乔轶伦
  • 王从
  • 王夫玉
  • Hara Woltz(图)
  • Lindsey Konkel
  • SHI Lei
  • ZHOU Lu
  • 严作良
  • 严爱莲
  • 乔立鹏
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 误杀鳄鱼横祸袭来身材修长,端庄美丽的迪娅娜是美国一位专门研究爬行类动物的女科学家。她长年生活在条件艰苦的亚马逊河流域,对危机四伏的野外工作很有经验。然而,2015年夏天,她却遭遇了一次可怕的经历。
    • 钟小庆1; 麦良彬1; 何志超1; 蓝宗坚2; 王超3
    • 摘要: 龟类是古老的爬行类动物,龟寓意健康长寿、金钱财富、吉祥如意,龟文化博大精深,源远流长,而以龟文化引领的龟类养殖业是一个新兴产业。在构成现代渔业养殖、捕捞、加工和增殖、休闲五大产业中,前三者属传统渔业,而渔业资源增殖和环境修复、再造以及休闲渔业更具现代渔业特性,而龟类尤其是高档名龟占据着最高点。这是因为龟类中像中华草龟、中华花龟等大宗食用经济龟类都属国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、
    • 陈文娜; 董志巍
    • 摘要: 对于喜欢或研究两栖、爬行类动物或昆虫的人来说,滇西、滇南一带植被茂密的群山里隐藏着足够多的惊喜,等待着喜爱大自然的人们前往探索和发现。
    • 摘要: 主要有以下几点不同:第一,鸟下硬壳蛋,而大多数爬行类动物下软壳蛋。第二,鸟蛋需要体温热度孵化,而大多数爬行类动物蛋靠自然热度孵化,比如岩石裂缝或植被中的温度。这也就回答了为什么会有第一个不同,因为这些蛋不必非得承受一个成年孵化者的体重。
    • 叶楠楠; 宋铭忻
    • 摘要: 动物最常见的一类体外寄生虫是蜱,其在世界各地都广泛分布,并能够侵袭爬行类动物、鸟类、哺乳动物及两栖类动物。目前,全世界共有800多种已被发现,在我国100种左右的硬蜱科已被记录,10种软蜱科已被记录。
    • 叶明霞
    • 摘要: 一提到两栖类和爬行类动物,你一定会想到青蛙、壁虎这些我们熟悉的小家伙。我要是说起它们的“老大”——鳄鱼,你又了解多少呢?在北京动物园两栖爬行馆,最惹眼的动物就是鳄鱼。这里饲养了5种鳄鱼,有恒河鳄、密西西比鳄、扬子鳄等。其中扬子鳄是世界上体形最小的鳄鱼之一,也是濒临灭绝的爬行动物,它在北京动物园里的鳄鱼群中可是明星呢。
    • 摘要: 人类的老祖宗鱼类从水里爬到地面上来的时候,从手腕到脚踝都长有骨头。这些先祖的四只脚上都长有许多细长的脚趾——但是这些脚趾太多太细,既不方便控制也没有什么力量。
    • 蓝美玲
    • 摘要: 《黄帝内经》记载:“怒伤肝、喜伤心、思伤脾、忧伤肺、恐伤肾”,说明七情的过度偏激对人体的气血、脏腑都存在一定的损害。那么愤怒、生气对肝脏有哪些危害呢?如何才能养好我们的肝呢? 怒,并不是人类所特有的情感,几乎所有的哺乳动物、两栖爬行类动物和大部分鸟类都会出现发怒的情绪。人发怒时,常常会出现面红脖子粗,这是因为气血上涌的缘故,《内经》说“怒则气上”,这里的气指气机,是说愤怒时会使气机向上。
    • ZHOU Lu; SHI Lei
    • 摘要: There exist some controversies over the larger zoogeographic divisions of the arid areas of Central Asia, whose characteristics include complex ecological environments, complex fauna origins and unique patterns of animal distribution. The aim of this study was to determine, using quantitative analysis, the distribution patterns of amphibians and reptiles in the arid areas of Central Asia, whose various physiographical regions were divided into 17 Operative Geographical Units(OGUs). Based on the presence or absence of 52 amphibian and reptile genera in the 17 OGUs, and by making use of the Czekanowski Similarity Index, the Baroni-Urbani and Buser's Similarity Index, and the strong and weak boundary test, we studied the biotic boundaries within these contested regions. In accordance with our results, the classification dendrogram was divided into two main branches. One branch is composed of the northern OGUs of the Altai Mountains which are a part of the Euro-Siberian Subrealm. The other branch includes all of the OGUs south of the Altai Mountains, which belong to the Central Asia Subrealm. There is a significantly weak biotic boundary(DW>0, GW>GS, P<0.01) between the Euro-Siberian Subrealm and the Central Asia Subrealm that corresponded to the transitional zones. The boundary between the two subrealms runs along the Altai Mountains, the Sayan Mountains, the Hangai Mountains and the Mongolian Dagurr Mountains. The boundaries between the main branches in the Central Asia Subrealm are weak, reflecting the widespread existence of transitional zones in the arid areas of Central Asia. The Tianshan Mountains should be elevated to form its own separate region, "the Middle Asian Mountain Region", which, due to its special fauna and environment, would be classified at the same level as the Mongolia-Xinjiang Region. With the approach of creating a cluster analysis dendogram based upon the genera of amphibians and reptiles, the relationship of these higher level zoogeographical divisions was successfully resolved and the error of long-branch attraction was also avoided. With our clustering dendrogram as the foundation, the independence test was applied to strong and weak boundaries, and this resolved the problem ofwhere to attribute the transition areas and revealed as well the barrier effect that physical, geographic boundaries have upon amphibians and reptiles. The approach of combining genera clustering analysis with a statistical boundary test should be applicable not only to the distribution patterns of other animal groups, but also to delineating large-scale zoogeographical divisions.
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