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UAV的相关文献在1992年到2023年内共计534篇,主要集中在航空、自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文237篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献292篇;相关期刊151种,包括弹箭与制导学报、计算机测量与控制、电光与控制等; 相关会议4种,包括中国航空学会控制与应用第十三届学术年会、中国通信学会第五届学术年会、中国宇航学会飞行器测控专业委员会2007年航天测控技术研讨会等;UAV的相关文献由1288位作者贡献,包括赵涛、A.普拉格、刘贵云等。



论文:237 占比:44.38%


论文:5 占比:0.94%


论文:292 占比:54.68%





  • 赵涛
  • A.普拉格
  • 刘贵云
  • 刘昂
  • 唐尹
  • 刘元财
  • 吴育维
  • 唐冬
  • 彭百豪
  • 王文韬
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • Die Hu; Xuejun Zhu; Min Gong; Shaoshi Yang
    • 摘要: Fast data synchronization in wireless ad hoc networks is a challenging and critical problem.It is fundamental for efficient information fusion,control and decision in distributed systems.Previously,distributed data synchronization was mainly studied in the latency-tolerant distributed databases,or assuming the general model of wireless ad hoc networks.In this paper,we propose a pair of linear network coding(NC)and all-to-all broadcast based fast data synchronization algorithms for wireless ad hoc networks whose topology is under operator’s control.We consider both data block selection and transmitting node selection for exploiting the benefits of NC.Instead of using the store-and-forward protocol as in the conventional uncoded approach,a compute-and-forward protocol is used in our scheme,which improves the transmission efficiency.The performance of the proposed algorithms is studied under different values of network size,network connection degree,and per-hop packet error rate.Simulation results demonstrate that our algorithms significantly reduce the times slots used for data synchronization compared with the baseline that does not use NC.
    • Shiyang Zhou; Yufan Cheng; Xia Lei; Huanhuan Duan
    • 摘要: Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)-assisted communications have been considered as a solution of aerial networking in future wireless networks due to its low-cost, high-mobility, and swift features. This paper considers a UAV-assisted downlink transmission,where UAVs are deployed as aerial base stations to serve ground users. To maximize the average transmission rate among the ground users, this paper formulates a joint optimization problem of UAV trajectory design and channel selection, which is NP-hard and non-convex. To solve the problem, we propose a multi-agent deep Q-network(MADQN) scheme.Specifically, the agents that the UAVs act as perform actions from their observations distributively and share the same reward. To tackle the tasks where the experience is insufficient, we propose a multi-agent meta reinforcement learning algorithm to fast adapt to the new tasks. By pretraining the tasks with similar distribution, the learning model can acquire general knowledge. Simulation results have indicated the MADQN scheme can achieve higher throughput than fixed allocation. Furthermore, our proposed multiagent meta reinforcement learning algorithm learns the new tasks much faster compared with the MADQN scheme.
    • 高莎; 袁希平; 甘淑; 胡琳; 毕瑞; 李绕波; 罗为东
    • 摘要: 低空无人机(UAV)测量凭借着低成本、高效率、高精度的数据采集模式,可快速获取高空间分辨率的影像数据,已经成为遥感领域的一种重要技术手段。其中,影像匹配技术是UAV影像数据处理的重要步骤,图像间的匹配直接影响后期三维场景的精度及视觉效果。针对高原山地的高差起伏变化大地形复杂,植被覆被率高及地物分布不规则等问题存在,致使在该区域UAV地形测量处理中因局部噪声造成影像匹配较难。由于影像获取时受到该区特殊地形的限制,大场景影像需要借助多幅影像匹配拼接得到。目前,基于特征点的影像匹配是一种图像配准技术,不仅适用于低重叠度影像之间的匹配,还可以运用到运动恢复图像间的匹配。为探索特殊地形地貌条件下快速有效的UAV影像匹配技术,提出一种面向高原山地复杂地形的集成尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法与最近邻次近邻距离比(NNDR)、随机抽样一致算法(RANSAC)模型约束改进的UAV影像匹配方法。主要技术流程为:首先,基于SIFT算法,进行尺度空间的极值检测,构建高斯金字塔函数,通过高斯差分运算来实现特征点定位,并对所检测到的特征点的邻域位置、方向、尺度等进行统计分析,据此生成适合UAV影像特征的描述符;其次,集成“马式距离”和NNDR模型的综合运用,进行特征点对的第一次约束优化提取及相似度检测,在此基础上,利用RANSAC算法,引入匹配点对的均方根误差值(RMSE)进行第二次约束,以实现匹配错误点对的剔除,保证了影像匹配精确优化。此外,为了证实所提出优化算法的有效性,选择了1组高原山地典型地貌UAV影像数据进行匹配试验,结果表明:面向高原山地复杂地形进行无人机影像匹配中,所提出的改进算法不仅可以提取大量的特征点对,同时还可以提高同名特征点的检测正确率,并且配准正确率达到了85%,因此更加适用于高原山地复杂地形的无人机影像匹配处理技术优化。
    • 赵晓伟; 黄杨; 汪永强; 储鼎
    • 摘要: 为能及时监测和评估东北大面积的玉米出苗情况,估算苗株数,依据低空无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)遥感影像为玉米苗株数的快速估算提供有效支持。研究基于UAV多光谱数据,通过对比ExG,GBDI,ExG-ExR,NGRDI,GLI等颜色指数分割玉米与土壤背景,借助OTSU算法确定最佳阈值,选定最佳颜色指数ExG。优化出最佳形态学特征参数的组合:面积A、周长B、矩形长D、矩形周长G、椭圆长轴长度H、形状因子Q。借助支持向量机回归(support vector regression,SVR)模型,预测出玉米苗株数,评价精度,并估算和绘制了局地玉米苗株数的空间分布图。该SVR模型测试的精度达到96.54%,统计误差为0.6%。研究成果能够在短时间内迅速、快捷、准确地预测玉米苗株数和长势趋势。
    • 陈志超; 蒋贵印; 张正; 芦俊俊; 王新兵; 娄卫东; 刘昌华; 苗宇新; 郝成元
    • 摘要: 为了利用高光谱技术准确探测作物氮素营养状况,以东北春玉米为研究对象,获取6个氮肥梯度的随机试验数据,并采用无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)搭载UHD185高光谱成像系统,获取关键生育期试验小区内春玉米冠层高光谱遥感影像,通过5种方法对提取的冠层高光谱信息进行预处理,并分别采用偏最小二乘回归、BP神经网络回归和随机森林回归3种算法,构建春玉米氮营养指数反演模型。结果表明:(1)各光谱预处理下,春玉米氮营养指数与冠层高光谱反射率在近红外波段范围内相关性较高;比较高光谱特征参数,春玉米氮营养指数与黄边内一阶微分光谱中的最大值相关性较高;(2)经MSC预处理后,以高光谱特征参数为变量构建的反演模型精度最高,预测集R^(2)的平均值为0.80;(3)随机森林算法结合MSC预处理反演玉米氮营养指数效果更好,精度更高,模型更稳定。通过对比不同方法建立的春玉米氮营养指数反演模型,提高了模型估测能力和验证精度,有利于模型估测能力的调控与优化,提升了反演模型的适用性,为春玉米精准氮营养诊断和精准氮肥管理提供了理论依据和技术支撑。
    • Kabukila Kilotwa Michel; Hairong Yan; Njiraini Immaculate; Biaye Yaye
    • 摘要: In recent years, the demand for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in smart farming has had a tremendous increase in demand for its efficiency. Wireless sensor networks have very many nodes, and it is of no use when the battery dies. This is why there are several routing protocols being take into consideration to cub this problem. In this paper, in order to increase the heterogeneity and energy levels of the network, the M-LEACH protocol is proposed. The key aim of the Leach protocol is to prolong the existence of wireless sensor network by lowering the energy consumption needed for Cluster Head creation and maintenance, the proposed algorithm instructs a node to use high power amplification as it acts as the Cluster heads, and low power amplification when it becomes a Cluster Member, in the next stage. Finally, for better effectiveness, M-LEACH employs hard and soft threshold systems. Since it eliminates collisions and reduces the packet drop ratio for other signals, the M-LEACH protocol proposed works better than the Leach protocol.
    • 蒋玉香; 李振兴
    • 摘要: 为了提高海洋通信网络的性能,利用卫星提供宽带接入而不受地形限制的优势,提出了一种通过无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)协作的海洋卫星通信框架。安装卫星通信终端的大型船只联合使用船载基站(base station,BS)和UAV为小型船只的用户(ship user,SU)提供无线宽带接入服务。此外,提出了最大速率和最小功率两种方案,旨在分别提高SU的服务速率和延长UAV的续航时间。最后,仿真结果验证了所提方案的有效性。但是不同方案各具优势,作何选择要从用户需求出发进行合理权衡。
    • 李宁; 刘青; 熊俊; 董力文
    • 摘要: 针对传统森林火灾检测手段响应速度慢、效率低、误报率高等问题,设计了无人机搭载的由云台和相机组成的图像采集平台,通过火灾智能识别技术,实时识别监测火灾的发生,并达到了自动抵近侦察及实时态势感知的效果。在火灾智能识别算法方面,提出了improved-YOLOv3算法,通过在特征交互阶段增加yolo层,加强了网络对特征的融合度,从而增加了网络的检测能力。通过与性能相似的网络进行对比测试,验证了改进算法的有效性。测试结果表明,提出的算法检测准确率高、漏检率低、推理速度快,能够适用于实际火灾现场监测。
    • Hui Song; Minghan Jia; Yihang Lian; Yijing Fan; Keshan Liang
    • 摘要: Reviews and experimental verification have found that existing solution methods can be used to solve UAV path planning problems, but each approximate solution has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, ant colony algorithm easily falls into the local optimum in the process of realizing path planning. In order to prevent too low pheromones on the longer path and too high pheromones in the shorter path, the upper and lower limits of pheromones as well as their volatile factors are set to avoid falling into the local optimum. Secondly, multi-heuristic factors are introduced, and the overall length of the path serves as an adaptive heuristic function factor that determines the probability of state transition, which affects the probability of ants choosing the corresponding path. The experimental results show that the path length planned by the improved algorithm is 93.6% of the original algorithm, and the optimal path length variance is only 14.22% of the original algorithm. The improved ant colony algorithm shortens the optimal path length and solves the UAV path planning problem in terms of local optima. At the same time, multiple enlightening factors are introduced to increase the suitability of UAV for complex environments and improve the performance of UAV.
    • 刘琨; 黄大庆; 韩玉洁; 万思钰
    • 摘要: 无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)具有广泛的应用场景,多UAV协同搜索技术是获取战场环境信息的重要作战方式之一。文中针对复杂多变战场环境下目标搜索的问题,基于实际需求对整体的协同搜索系统进行详细的分析,通过模拟一个存在多种地面雷达威胁、地空导弹威胁的虚拟战场环境的实验场景,提出了多机协同搜索系统的总设计方案,搭建了系统硬件平台,给出了多UAV协同搜索系统的详细软件设计的构架与过程,设计了一个地面站软件用于控制多UAV执行区域协同搜索任务,实现在人机交互界面上进行多无人机区域搜索的3D航迹显示。
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