您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> Swing


Swing的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计149篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、工业经济、常用外国语 等领域,其中期刊论文133篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献12篇;相关期刊95种,包括人天科学研究、电脑编程技巧与维护、智能计算机与应用等; 相关会议3种,包括全国第十届Java技术及应用大会、食物中毒预防控制研讨会、全国第二届Java技术应用学术会议等;Swing的相关文献由203位作者贡献,包括曹大有、H.托范恩、丁捷等。



论文:133 占比:89.26%


论文:4 占比:2.68%


论文:12 占比:8.05%





  • 曹大有
  • H.托范恩
  • 丁捷
  • 冯慧阳
  • 刘意辉
  • 孙毅
  • 孙鹏
  • 张剑
  • 张海越
  • 徐华平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 杨浩瑞
    • 摘要: 在重庆,吃有"火锅小面",行有"轻轨托儿车",唱有"川渝rap和川剧",那舞有什么?谁都很难相信,在这个本土文化浓厚的地方,竟然有一群热爱着Swing Dance的年轻人。傍晚8点,我和同伴一同前行,出租车绕过熙熙攘攘的街道,愈来愈静,车子一路驶上一座小山。四下黑暗,唯有高处的屋内散发出温热的光。我们到达了一间位于山顶的咖啡馆,透过玻璃门,发现大家早已围成一个圈。陌生、兴奋、窘迫,在脱掉厚重的羽绒服并加入到圈中时得到了缓解。老师开始大致向我们介绍Swing Dance是什么,随后便进入到双人步伐的教学环节。两两搭伴,面面相觑,虽然动作简单且富有规律,但我和舞伴的眼睛从未离开过老师的身上。几个回合后,在脑子记住动作前还好身体已经下意识地知道该迈哪条腿了。
    • Lizzy
    • 摘要: The Chinese word for swing originally meant"moving around by holding ropes".The swing has a very long history.It dates back to (追溯到)the remote ages about 100,000 years ago.At that time,it was a tool to help people get food in high places.Evolution of the Swing,秋千的演变“秋千”一词的古意是“抓着绳子移动”。秋千的历史非常悠久。可追溯到大约10万年前的上古时期。当时的人们借此从高处采食。
    • Ji Jing
    • 摘要: Construction of China’s space station is in full swing.Wang Yaping became China’s first female spacewalker on November 7,when she took part in the Shenzhou-13 mission’s first extravehicular activities(EVAs),alongside mission commander Zhai Zhigang.
    • 邵叱风
    • 摘要: 为便捷证明算术计算Petri网模型的计算能力,分析其具体计算过程.结合面向对象编程语言Java开发插件Arithmetic Petri Net Simulation(APNS),对网中的库所、变迁、弧元素进行实例化,重写Fire方法生成自定义格式的模型运行日志;利用轻量级控件Swing实现交互界面,在模拟运行时对可触发变迁的发生进行选择,利于模型计算过程是否唯一的分析;提出(A+B)*(C-D)与A*B-C*D两个计算模型.实验对幂次方运算、(A+B)*(A-B)以及A^2-B^2模型进行模拟,对插件的可交互性、模型的可行性、幂次方模型运算过程的唯一性以及(A+B)*(A-B)与A^2-B^2模型的等价进行了分析与证明.
    • 张丹丹
    • 摘要: Java Swing组件是早期AWT组件的升级版本,但也不能替代AWT,早期在java的GUI设计中,AWT未能达成跨平台却有统一风格的界面设计.Swing由java语言编写而成,而java语言本身不受操作系统影响,因此被称为轻量级组件,可以在不同的平台上达成统一的界面效果.Swing包的JComponent类继承了awt包的Container类,所以大多组件都和容器相联系,比如JFrame、JDialog、JPanel,这些类对象都需要转换成容器,从而容纳其他组件.该文从JFrame窗体入手,对容器极其相关设置做出分析.
    • 李自纳; 张崇芳
    • 摘要: 游戏设计已经成为现在社会的一种热门行业.江苏卫视综艺节目《最强大脑》让数字华容道(其实就是排块游戏)游戏又火了一把.本文讲述了如何利用Java的GUI图形用户接口开发工具Swing绘制、鼠标监听等技术实现一个数字排列游戏.本文对排块游戏的功能进行分析和设计,实现了数字随机打乱、赢了比赛提示等功能.基于Java Swing的排块游戏设计与实现综合了Java开发基础、事件处理、图形用户接口等知识,有利于激发学习者学习Java的兴趣.
    • 刘涛1
    • 摘要: GUI是用户与计算机软件进行信息交互的平台,其设计的好坏在很大程度上决定软件产品的成败。使用Java来进行GUI编程设计具有设计简单、界面友好、跨平台等优秀特性,赢得了许多软件公司的青睐,成为软件GUI设计的首选工具。本文以Java为开发工具,使用java.awt和javax.swing类库对窗体进行自定义设计,改善了传统窗体界面设计单一、视觉效果差的缺点。该设计主要实现窗体的背景效果、自定义个性化控制按钮、窗体移动、放大、缩小、关闭等功能。该设计的实现为Java GUI提供了一种较好的设计方案。
    • 杨理哲; 张秀梅
    • 摘要: 近年来游戏的发展十分迅速,中国成为了全球最大的游戏市场,而且游戏行业的整体收入还在不断增长.2D像素风RPG游戏在二三十年前曾经红极一时,凭借自身的特点,在今天也得到了很多人的喜爱.而Java具有很多特性,用Java开发的软件可以方便地移植到不同的平台上.而游戏玩家使用的操作系统并不统一,为了方便游戏在各种系统下的稳定运行,所以采用了Java进行编码.
    • Majid Asadnabizadeh
    • 摘要: The objective of this paper is to generate insights into the role of states in the international climate change negotiations and implementation of climatic agreements by considering their internal factors based on recent climate change conferences. In this paper, the notion of swing states and recognition are used to determine influential drivers in Poland as it played out a different role over climate change agreements recently. The case study of Poland demonstrates how international obligations, domestic factors, and formation of policy can change the function of a state at international negotiations such as Katowice Conference of Parties—COP24—in December 2018. This research through reference to qualitative indices elaborates how the position of Poland in the recent international climate change negotiations—Cop24—has been shaped? In the conference of parties 24, Poland approached other developed countries that shared its tendency for cutting emission, delivered signals of political attention and solidarity in finding a common landing ground. In sum, the framework of analysis and our results revealed the importance of economic interest, domestic political interests, and passive public awareness to set up to the task in the international agreements such as Katowice negotiation by Poland. To be clearer, the most influential factor of Poland in affecting its role in international climatic negotiations is internal political and economic interests.
    • Moutaz Benali; Tarek Hamad; Ahmad Belkhair; Yousif Hamad
    • 摘要: This paper investigates the use of a combined hydrogen, heat, and power (CHHP) system for Omar Al-Mukhtar University campus using local resources. Based on previous local resource assessment studies, the hydrogen team of Omar AL-Mukhtar University (OMU) selected the fuelcell energy DFC4000TM unit. This study shows that the CHHP system can provide electricity to power the university campus, thermal energy for heating the anaerobic digester, and hydrogen for transportation, back-up power and other needs. Consequently, using the alternative fuels and renewable energy resources for OMU campus can lower fossil fuel consumption and, therefore, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
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