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RAM的相关文献在1985年到2023年内共计1296篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、电工技术 等领域,其中期刊论文762篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献528篇;相关期刊390种,包括中国传媒科技、电子与电脑、电子产品世界等; 相关会议6种,包括2009年空间环境与材料科学论坛、第十一届计算机工程与工艺全国学术年会、第八届计算机工程与工艺全国学术年会等;RAM的相关文献由1915位作者贡献,包括张泽鹏、魏榕山、刘大铕等。



论文:762 占比:58.80%


论文:6 占比:0.46%


论文:528 占比:40.74%





  • 张泽鹏
  • 魏榕山
  • 刘大铕
  • 孙晓宁
  • 王珏
  • 王运哲
  • 赵阳
  • 郭仕忠
  • 陈卫兵
  • 于芳
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • Mazen Alomar
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate antioxidant potential of pentoxifylline on spermatozoa of small ruminants including rams and bucks.Methods:The levels of hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)production in ram and buck spermatozoa incubated with 0(control),4 and 8 mM of pentoxifylline were measured after 45-min incubation.Then,the motility parameters of ram and buck spermatozoa incubated with 0(control),1 mM of H2O2,1 mM of H2O2 plus 4 mM of pentoxifylline,and 1 mM of H2O2 plus 8 mM of pentoxifylline were analysed.H2O2 was estimated using a fluorometric assay and spermatozoa motility characteristics were analyzed using computer aided sperm analyzer.Results:Pentoxifylline significantly decreased the levels of H2O2 produced from both ram and buck spermatozoa(P<0.05),and significant lower rates of H2O2 formation were noted when 8 mM of pentoxifylline was added(P<0.05).The values of all sperm motility parameters for the two species significantly decreased after incubation with H2O2(P<0.05).In contrast,when the spermatozoa were incubated with both H2O2 and two concentrations of pentoxifylline,the motility values rose significantly compared to those incubated with H2O2 alone(P<0.05).For both ram and buck sperm samples,the rapid and static subpopulation motility parameters were the most affected categories by pentoxifylline addition compared to the medium and slow categories.Conclusions:Pentoxifylline possesses an antioxidant capacity proved by its ability of reducing H2O2 levels as well as by increasing motility values of stressed spermatozoa.Therefore,pentoxifylline could be recommended as antioxidant additive for spermatozoa of small ruminants under stress conditions.
    • Aya M.Fadl; Elshymaa A.Abdelnaby; Hossam R.El-Sherbiny
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate the effect of INRA82 extender on ram semen quality preserved in cooled and frozen conditions in comparison with Tris-based extenders and to select the suitable extender for ram semen preservation.Methods:Semen samples were collected and pooled from Awassi rams(n=5)and divided into three aliquots.Each aliquot was diluted with one of the following extenders:(1)Tris-citrate glucose,(2)Triscitrate fructose,and (3)INRA-82.For liquid storage,diluted samples were kept at 5°C for 72 h.Progressive motility was measured at 0,24,48 and 72 h after cooling.Besides,viability,morphology,membrane,acrosome and DNA integrities were evaluated at 24 h post-cooling.For cryopreservation,diluted samples were cooled,equilibrated,loaded and frozen in liquid nitrogen.Thawed samples were evaluated in the same manner as cooled conditions.Results:Seminal characteristics were improved after cooling and thawing in samples diluted with INRA-82 compared to those diluted with Tris-citrate glucose or Tris-citrate fructose(P<0.05).Conclusions:Dilution of ram semen with INRA-82 improves semen parameters.Hence,INRA-82,as a stimulating diluent,can be successfully used to reserve viability and sustainability of cooled and cryopreserved ram semen.
    • 韩伟坤; 杨清祥
    • 摘要: 本文提出了一种利用FPGA实现LZW压缩算法的实现方案,描述了实现LZW算法的系统框图和控制器的控制逻辑,采用Verilog语言对核心控制单元进行模块化描述设计。在Xilinx的Artix7系列FPGA XC7A100T平台上进行仿真验证,结果表明本方案可行有效,并具有较好的移植性和可扩展性。
    • 董希彦
    • 摘要: 本文介绍了嵌入式北斗网络时间服务器的基本功能,重点讲述了如何在该设备中添加Web网页的方法及实现过程,以及在嵌入式设备中添加此功能应该考虑的资源因素。
    • 摘要: 为了促进同行之间的技术交流、强化继续教育,本刊特开辟的视频之窗栏目,为此提供一个极佳的交流平台。本刊视频发表要求如下:可采用AVI、MPEG和RAM等常用格式。视频文件的压缩格式需计算机常用操作系统支持。视频文件的音频和视频图像要同步。窗口尺寸要能够清晰显示图像细节,不低于352×288像素。字幕工整、清晰、易于辨认。
    • 房志东; 梅珑
    • 摘要: 阐述一种应用于GNSS接收机中,基于EMIF总线和双口RAM的数据通信方式,提高基带与定位解算模块的数据交互能力,解决传统寄存器读写过慢问题,解决单口RAM读写不能同时问题;通过多个RAM组合方式,降低FPGA读写RAM数据时间,提高了FPGA综合布线成功率;通过EDMA方式提高DSP处理多通道卫星数据的能力,降低DSP选型的成本。
    • 摘要: 为了促进同行之间的技术交流、强化继续教育,本刊特开辟的视频之窗栏目,为此提供一个极佳的交流平台。本刊视频发表要求如下:可采用AVI、MPEG和RAM等常用格式。视频文件的压缩格式需计算机常用操作系统支持。视频文件的音频和视频图像要同步。窗口尺寸要能够清晰显示图像细节,不低于352×288像素。字幕工整、清晰、易于辨认。字幕出现时间应与配音或者内容相协调一致。
    • 童话(文/图)
    • 摘要: 如何衡量一款手机的性能?其实和PC并无二致,处理器+运存+闪存“性能铁三角”的概念在手机圈也已深入人心。不过,在每一代产品的演进中,人们永远都会对移动处理器投入更多的关注,而熟知RAM和ROM的人却少之又少。在今年年底,我们不仅将迎来新骁龙8 Gen 2处理器,同样也有机会享受到LPDDR5X和UFS 4.0技术带来的升级体验。所以,在此之前,不妨和我们一起来简单重温手机存储设备的发展历程,并提前了解一下两大技术将为我们带来哪些提升吧。
    • 摘要: 为了促进同行之间的技术交流、强化继续教育,本刊特开辟的视频之窗栏目,为此提供一个极佳的交流平台。本刊视频发表要求如下:可采用AVI、MPEG和RAM等常用格式。视频文件的压缩格式需计算机常用操作系统支持。视频文件的音频和视频图像要同步。窗口尺寸要能够清晰显示图像细节,不低于352×288像素。字幕工整、清晰、易于辨认。
    • 李奇; 黄大胜; 李倩; 缪露露
    • 摘要: 针对专用DDS芯片存在功能单一等缺点,本文提出基于MATLAB和FPGA的DDS发生器的设计方案。该方案利用MATLAB强大的计算能力对信号波形相位点对应的幅值进行预先计算,调用Usart接收模块功能将MATLAB接收的数据固化到FPGA的RAM中,再通过相位在波表中查找幅值,可通过虚拟仪器ADALM2000查看输出的任意周期波形。
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