

机译:探索EFL学习者写作中的趣味性:语义 ud透视


Widia Atmaja. 14111320134. ExploringEntailments in EFL Learners’ Writing: A SemanticsudPerspective.udIn the educational world, writing proficiency becomes measurement for the learner’sudknowledge.When the writer or student tries to restate in their own word they need to learn aboutudparaphrasing. A sentence which expresses the same proposition as another sentence is a paraphraseudof that sentence (assuming the same referents for any referring expressions involved). Paraphrase isudto sentences (on individual interpretations) as synonymy is to predicates (though some semanticistsudtalk loosely of synonymy in the case of sentences as well. On the other hand paraphrasing has audtight relation with entailments in semantics field. That is, two sentences may be said to beudparaphrases of each other if and only if they have exactly the same set of entailments; or, whichudcomes to the same thing, if and only if they mutually entail each other so that whenever one is trueudthe other must also be true. The researcher found some students fail when do paraphrasing. Theudaims of this reseach is to know how the EFL learners use entailments in their writing and criteriaudthat shows the extent quality of entailments complies with a good paraphrase with semanticsudperspective.udTechnique and data collection procedure conducted by elicitation. This reasearch will usedudSurvey Based Research. The researcher follows the step of collecting data research of Susan M.udGass and Alison Mackey.Data collection is by using questionnaire and interview. Theudquestionnaire was gave to the 20 high achiever learners in writing class. This research was in theudsentence level. The total questions of questionnaire are 10 sentences and the learner asked toudparaphrase the sentences. 10 respondents also interviewed.udThe result of this analysis shows that there are different strategy in learners paraphrasingudwriting. Those eight strategies are available on Open Journal of Modern Linguistics compiled byudVilla, Marti, & Rodriguez, Paraphrase Grammar bySmaby, R., and An Introduction to EnglishudSemantics and Pragmatics by Pattrick Griffiths. The types of paraphrasing strategy are Change ofudOrder, Additional/ Deletation, Synonym Substitution, Passive Transformation, Direct/ IndirectudStyle Alternation, Complementary, Derivational Substitution, Hyponym Hierarchy Substitution,udand Change of Format. In total 200 target sentences from 20 respondents were taken fromudquestionnaire, 58 sentences used Change of Order, 35 sentences were paraphrased withudAdditional/ Deletation, 30 sentences used Synonym Substitution, 17 sentences used PassiveudTransformation, 5 sentences used Direct/Indirect Style Alternation, 3 sentences usedudComplementary Substitution, 1 sentences used Derivational Change, 2 sentences used HyponymudixudHierarchy Substitution, and 1 sentences used Change of Format and the other target sentences (49udsentences) are includes in not a paraphrase classification.There are four criterias that shows theudextent quality of entailment complies with a good paraphrase by respondents, they areudaccuratecomplete, written in their own voice, and make a sense in theirparaphrasing. On theudresearcher research, in total 200 sentences from 20 respondents were taken from the questionnaire.ud151 sentences counted as good paraphrases and 49 sentences counted as not paraphrases. In totalud20 respondents, 4 respondents answered the questionnaire and all of the sentences were included inuda good paraphrase criterion. They are R. 4, R. 6, R. 8, and R. 12.16 others have a not a good criteriaudand good paraphrase criteria. On the other hands, 16 others included into a respondent that stilludfound not a good paraphrase criteria on their paraphrases, they are R. 1, R. 2, R. 3, R. 5, R. 7, R. 9,udR. 10, R. 11, R. 13, R. 14,R. 15, R. 16, R. 17, R. 18, R. 19 and R. 20udKey words: Entailments, Paraphrase, Writing Strategy, EFL Learners
机译:威迪亚·阿特玛娅14111320134.探索EFL学习者写作的必要条件:语义 udPerspective。 ud在教育界,写作能力成为衡量学习者 udknowledge的标准。当作者或学生试图用自己的话重述时,他们需要学习 udparaphrase。表达与另一个句子相同的命题的句子是该句子的释义 ud(假定所涉及的所有参照表达都具有相同的参照物)。释义是 udto句子(在个别解释上),因为同义词是谓词(尽管某些语义学家 udtalk在句子的情况下也松散地使用同义词;另一方面,释义与语义领域的内容具有 udtight关系)。 ,如果且仅当两个句子具有完全相同的蕴含条件时,才可以说这两个句子是彼此的短语释义;或者,并且当且仅当它们相互依存,从而使每一个研究者发现一些学生在做释义时失败了。这项研究的目的是要了解EFL学习者如何在他们的写作和标准中使用附属语 ud,这表明了附属语的质量符合要求。 ud通过引诱进行的技术和数据收集过程,此研究将使用 udSurvey Based Research,研究人员将遵循以下步骤收集数据: Susan M. udGass和Alison Mackey。通过问卷调查和访谈收集数据。问卷调查被授予20名写作水平较高的学习者。这项研究处于“需求”水平。问卷的总问题为10个句子,学习者要求对句子进行破译。 10名受访者也接受了采访。 ud分析结果表明,学习者用措辞改写有不同的策略。这八种策略可在 udVilla,Marti和Rodriguez编辑的《现代语言学开放期刊》,Smaby,R.的《释义语法》和Pattrick Griffiths撰写的《英语 ud语义学和语用学概论》中找到。措辞策略的类型为 udOrder的更改,附加/删除,同义词替换,被动转换,直接/间接 udStyle替换,互补,派生替换,同义词层次替换, ud和格式更改。来自 udquestionnaire的20个受访者总共选择了200个目标句子,使用了58个句子的Order of Order,用 udAdditional / Deletion改写了35个句子,使用了同义词替代的30个句子,使用了Passive udTransformation的17个句子,使用了Direct / Indirect的5个句子样式替换,使用3个句子 ud互补替换,使用1个句子的派生性变化,使用2个句子的同义字 udix udHierarchy替换,使用1个句子的Format of Format和其他目标句子(49 udsentences)包括在非释义分类中有四项标准表明,“包容性”质量与受访者的良好表述相符,它们是“ uuccuratecomplete”,用自己的声音写成的,并且在表述中有意义。在 udresearcher研究中,从问卷中抽取了来自20位受访者的200个句子。 ud151个句子被认为是很好的复述,而49个句子被认为不是复述。总共20名被调查者中,有4名被调查者回答了问卷,所有句子都被包括在良好的释义标准中。他们是R.4,R.6,R.8和R.12.16,其他人则没有很好的标准复述和良好的释义标准。另一方面,被访者中有16个人仍然认为他们的释义不是很好的释义标准,他们是R.1,R.2,R.3,R.5,R.7,R.9。 udR。 10,R.11,R.13,R.14,R。 15,R.16,R.17,R.18,R.19和R.20 ud关键字:附件,释义,写作策略,EFL学习者


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