首页> 中文期刊>农业工程学报 >柑橘幼果提取物对猪肉冷藏过程中抗脂质氧化影响




The efficacy of different mass fraction of citrus young fruit extract (CE) in retarding oxidative rancidity was tested in raw ground pork during storage. Fresh ground pork meat was assigned to one of the following five processing: control (no antioxidants); AC-0.02 (0.02% ascorbic acid); CE-0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 (0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% CE, respectively). The pH of the samples decreased and the TBARS values and free fatty acids increased considerably (p<0.05) during storage. Samples treated with CE-0.1 and CE-0.2 presented lower total bacterial count than the control samples through the whole storage. The L value and a value decreased (p<0.05) with the addition of CE. The internal b* value of CE treatments were higher (p<0.05) than that of the control one and increased incrementally with CE concentration. The TBARS value and free fatty acids of CE-0.2 treated samples were the lowest among the treatments. The peroxide value (POV) of the control increased for 6 days and reached the maximum value at a certain storage time and decreased thereafter. In other treatments, POV increased all along the storage time. All treatments had lower concentration of conjugated dienes (CD) (p<0.05) compared to the control sample after the first day. Citrus young fruits of ethanolic extract exhibitsa protective effect against lipid oxidation in raw ground pork and provides the reference for meat processing industry.%为了研究不同浓度的柑橘幼果乙醇提取物(CE)在新鲜猪肉中的抗脂质氧化和抑菌作用.在冷藏(4℃)条件下对鲜猪肉进行以下5种处理:对照组(不添加保鲜剂);AC-0.02(添加0.02%抗坏血酸);CE-0.05(添加0.05%柑橘幼果醇提物,下同),CE-0.1和CE-0.2.在12 d的冷藏(4℃)过程中,各样品的pH值均显著降低(p<0.05),而硫代巴比妥酸值(TBARS)和游离脂肪酸的含量显著增加(p<0.05).CE-0.1和CE-0.2处理组的菌落总数在贮藏过程中均低于对照组.CE的加入使猪肉样品的L*值和a*值都显著下降,在贮藏过程中,CE处理组样品的b*值均高于对照组,且随着CE浓度的增加,b*值增大.5组试验样品中,经CE-0.2处理的样品TBARS值和游离脂肪酸含量最低;对照组的过氧化值在第6天达到最大值,随后逐渐减小,而其它处理组的过氧化值在储藏期间均呈上升趋势.在贮藏1d后,各处理组中的共轭二烯值均小于对照组.结果表明,柑橘幼果醇提物可作为肉制品的保鲜剂,能有效抑制新鲜猪肉贮藏过程中的脂质氧化和腐败微生物的生长.为开发柑橘幼果天然提取物保鲜剂提供理论参考.



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