首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >社会资助视角下的贫困生资助育人工作探析




With the reform of higher education tuition fee system and continuous expanded enrollment, the issue of poor students in colleges is increasingly attracting widespread attention. State governments have also introduced a number of policies and mea-sures, to increase efforts to support poor students. Colleges at all levels of higher education have gradually established a complete system composed by scholarship, grant, loan, tuition waiver and work & study program, to help poor students. Starting from the perspective of social support, this paper explores the necessity, practical importance and present situation of social support, as well as how to carry out the ideological and political education in the process.%随着高等教育收费制度的改革以及高校的连续扩招,高校贫困生问题日益受到人们的广泛关注。国家政府也相应出台了许多政策和措施,加大了对贫困大学生的扶持力度,各级高等院校逐步形成了集“奖助贷减免勤”于一体的贫困生资助体系。本文主要从社会资助的视角,探析社会资助的必要性、现实意义与资助现状,以及在此过程中如何开展相应的思想政治教育工作。



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