首页> 中文期刊>上海理工大学学报(社会科学版) >《夜莺与玫瑰》中红玫瑰的象征意义




The red rose in British writer Wilde's famous fairy tale The Nightingale and The Rose conveys abundant symbolic meanings.Superficially the rose of blood created by the nightingale at the cost of its life is a flower of love and a flower of passion.But on the deep level,the red rose is a rose of art,which is a vivid carrier of the author's aesthetic theory.Meanwhile it's also a rose of soul,which embodies the soul of the nightingale,i.e.Wild's own soul.The breakdown of the blood rose satirizes and criticizes the drawbacks and corruption of the British society in the late 19th century.The author appeals to the public to treasure true love.The works,to some extent,can be regarded as a Bible of Love.%英国作家王尔德的著名童话故事《夜莺与玫瑰》中的红玫瑰有其丰富的象征意义。从表层上看,夜莺用生命塑造的血玫瑰象征着一朵爱情之花和激情之花。但深层次分析,这朵红玫瑰是一朵艺术玫瑰,它生动地体现了作者的唯美主义思想。同时,它又是一朵灵魂玫瑰,它是夜莺灵魂的化身,即作者灵魂的化身。王尔德以玫瑰的碎裂来针砭时弊,呼唤珍惜真爱。在某种程度上,《夜莺与玫瑰》堪称一部爱的圣经。



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