首页> 中文期刊> 《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》 >把握课堂教学思路 提高学生培养质量

把握课堂教学思路 提高学生培养质量



目前,侦查教学在一定程度上存在"重业务传承讲授,轻职业素养教育"、"重实战实训教学,轻理论理念探究"、"重个案侦查程序,轻思路思维演绎"的教学误区。因此,理清课堂教学授课思路"刻不容缓"。应当明确"塑造学生强烈的警察意识"是培养合格预备警官的重要前提,"赋予理论教学以合理定位"是提高学生业务能力的根本保障,"积极拓展学生的侦查思维"是侦查教学环节的最高境界,提高教育教学质量,是培养优秀的人民警察的重要环节。%At present,,there are teaching mistakes such as "emphasis on business heritage taught,neglecting of professionalism education","emphasis on combat training teaching,neglecting of theory concept study" and "emphasis on case investigation procedures,neglecting of interpretation of thought" in the investigation teaching to a certain extent.So it is urgent to clear the teaching ideas.It should be clear that "shaping students' strong sense of police" is an important prerequisite to train qualified probationary police officer,"setting the reasonable position for the teaching of the theory" is the fundamental guarantee to improve the business capabilities of students,"actively expanding the investigation thinking of students" is the highest realm of the investigation teaching links,and constantly improve the quality of education and teaching to train outstanding people's police.



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