首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 >乡村教师队伍建设的困境与策略--兼议如何完善师范生免费教育政策




乡村教师队伍是推进我国基础教育优质均衡发展的重要力量,但乡村教师队伍建设在引进与培养等方面陷入多重困境。师范生免费教育政策为鼓励优秀师范毕业生长期从教、面向基层从教起到了一定的积极作用,但其制度设计却带来诸多争议。政府应对师范生免费教育政策进行细化完善并进一步加大农村教育的扶持力度,高校要针对免费师范生的生源特点科学调整培养方案,社区要积极重建和发展乡村文化,学校要引导教师树立专业自信,唯有形成合力,才能从根本上走出乡村教师队伍建设的困境。%The construction of rural teacher team is an important force to promote high-quality and balance develop-ment of basic education,but the construction of rural teacher team confronts with realistic plights in many facets.The poli-cies for free normal education play significant role to encourage elite free normal candidates to engage in education and face basic education,but its institute design suffers many disputes. So the government should refine and perfect the policies for free normal education and strengthen its sustained force. Colleges should reconstruct training scheme according with the characteristics of its students. Rural community should rebuild and develop rural culture. Schools should lead teachers to establish professional confidence. With these measures,the plights of the construction of rural teacher team can be resolved.



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