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单殖吸虫的相关文献在1978年到2021年内共计113篇,主要集中在动物学、水产、渔业、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文107篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献132844篇;相关期刊47种,包括广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)、广州大学学报(自然科学版)、华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)等; 相关会议3种,包括鱼类种子工程与可持续发展科技论坛、中国动物学会寄生虫学专业学会第三次会员代表大会暨第五次学术讨论会、中国动物学会成立65周年年会等;单殖吸虫的相关文献由152位作者贡献,包括丁雪娟、李海燕、姚卫建等。



论文:107 占比:0.08%


论文:4 占比:0.00%


论文:132844 占比:99.92%





  • 丁雪娟
  • 李海燕
  • 姚卫建
  • 张剑英
  • 岳城
  • 夏晓勤
  • 郎所
  • 焦丽
  • 王伟俊
  • 聂品
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 翟凯旋; 习丙文; 陈凯; 潘良坤; 朱新鹏
    • 摘要: 为准确鉴定严重危害保育胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)的单殖吸虫(Monogenea)种类,本研究采用形态特征和LSU rDNA序列分析相结合的手段对所发现样品进行准确鉴定和描述.在养殖基地胭脂鱼鳃部所检查到的单殖吸虫形态特征如下:虫体呈长带状,前端具有口吸盘;阴道细长,交配管呈钩状,具有中央刺,卯茄形;具2对中央大钩,固着器与虫体分界明显,覆盖有指向前方的几丁质棘.LSU rDNA序列分析表明该单殖吸虫与美国亚口鱼(Catostomus ardens)寄生的一种伪缪丽虫(Pseudomurraytrema sp.)相似率最高(91.7%,AF382059);系统发育分析表明其与鳞盘虫科类群亲缘关系较近并位于分支基部.综合形态和分子数据,本研究所发现寄生于胭脂鱼鳃部的单殖吸虫被鉴定为亚洲伪缪丽虫.本文补充了亚洲伪缪丽虫的形态学特征和LSU rDNA序列数据,为进一步研究胭脂鱼寄生亚洲伪缪丽虫的疾病防控提供基础资料.
    • 郝翠兰; 喀迪尔丁·艾尔肯; 容梦婕; 张文润; 穆妮热·喀迪尔; 田胜利; 岳城
    • 摘要: 研究贝加尔雅罗鱼(Leuciscus baicalensis)感染的单殖吸虫的群落多样性及感染情况,为额尔齐斯河鱼类寄生虫病防治提供基础资料。2009年8月到2016年7月,剖检贝加尔雅罗鱼296尾,共感染了6种单殖吸虫,分别为号筒指环虫(Dactylogyrus tuba Linstow,1878)、双髻指环虫(D.sphyra Linstow,1878)、小刺指环虫(D.micracanthus Nybelin,1937)、多小枝指环虫(D.ramulosus Malewitzkaja,1941)、普氏三代虫(Gyrodactylus prostate Erergns,1963)和斯氏拟双身虫(Paradiplozoon skrjabini Achmerov,1974);贝加尔雅罗鱼单殖吸虫的总感染率为20.27%,平均感染强度为3.05只/尾(1~18只/尾),平均感染丰度为(0.62±2)只/尾;混合感染率相对较低,仅占2.36%;各单殖吸虫的感染率均小于10%,平均感染强度均小于5只/尾,其中小刺指环虫为优势种;在5个体长段中,14 cm≤L<16 cm体长段感染单殖吸虫的种类、感染率及感染强度均达到最高;体长段之间的多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数及丰富度指数结果相差不大,不同体长段宿主中单殖吸虫种群的分布类型均为聚集分布;体长段14 cm≤L<16 cm与L≥16 cm感染强度差异显著,其余体长段之间的感染强度差异均不显著。
    • 谢志胜; 郝翠兰; 焦丽; 马江霞; 郭爱民; 岳城
    • 摘要: 在乌鲁木齐市周边某大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)养殖场采样过程中,采集到大口黑鲈鳃部一种单殖吸虫(monogenean),经过形态学初步鉴定,确定这一单殖吸虫为锚首虫科(Ancyrocephalidae)锁钩虫属(Onchocleidus Mueller)的异形锁钩虫(Onchocleidus dispar).异形锁钩虫的特征主要为:背、 腹中央大钩形态相似,但背中央大钩几乎是腹中央大钩的一倍,背联接片平直,两端膨胀呈圆形,有一细长、 漏斗状的交接管,并在尖端末梢有点螺旋;附属片呈"钳形".通过资料检索发现,异形锁钩虫在我国属首次报道,系我国新纪录属种.
    • 周形; 杨芳; 丁雪娟
    • 摘要: 记述采自海南文昌清澜港的尖吻魟Telatrygon zugei鼻腔的长旋分盘虫Merizocotyle macrostrobus Chisholm&Whittington,2012和广东汕尾的何氏鳐Okamejei hollandi泄殖腔的澳洲小杯虫Calicotyle australis Johnston,1934.所获标本与原始描述基本一致,仅个别量度略有差异:长旋分盘虫的中央大钩比原始描述长;澳洲小杯虫的雄性交接器较原始描述短.小杯虫亚科为中国新记录亚科,长旋分盘虫与澳洲小杯虫为我国新记录种,尖吻魟与何氏鳐分别为二者的宿主新记录.
    • 夏晓勤; 黄晓丽; 石米娟; 程莹寅; 张婉婷; 陆承平
    • 摘要: 文章报道了寄生于鲫(Carassius auratus)鳃部的锚首虫一新种,鲫锚首虫(Ancyrocephalus carassii sp. nov.).该虫几丁质结构与寄生于鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)的河鲈锚首虫(A.mogurndae)在整体上很相似,尺寸略大, 但鲫锚首虫的背联结棒上有两个突起, 背中央大钩基部较后者更粗壮, 且在近钩顶处有一明显的小凹.这是首次在鲫上发现锚首虫科(Ancyrocephalidae)单殖吸虫的寄生.%This study reported a new monogenean species,Ancyrocephalus carassii sp.Nov,isolated from gills of Carassius auratus purchased in the Weigang Market,Nanjing,China.Its body length and width are 1.12 mm and 0.32 mm, respectively. Opisthohaptor consists of 7 pairs of embryonic marginal hooklets, 2 pairs of anchors and 2 con-nective plates. Total length of dorsal anchor, shaft, point, and inner root are 0.073 mm, 0.056 mm, 0.028 mm, and 0.035 mm, respectively, and outer root is not obvious. Total length of ventral anchor, shaft, point, inner root, and outer root are 0.059 mm, 0.047 mm, 0.02 mm, 0.03 mm, and 0.012 mm, respectively. The size of dorsal connective plate and ventral connective plate are 0.015 mm×0.1 mm and 0.014 mm×0.078 mm, respectively. Total length of marginal hook-let is 0.025 mm, with its point being 0.007 mm and the shaft being 0.016 mm. Thin-long copulatory tube winds up. It is about 0.256 mm in length while it's bulb-like root is 0.012 mm in diameter, and its supporting apparatus is about 0.033 mm in length. Vagina coiling is 0.119 mm in length, and its trumpet-like opening that connects with supporting apparatus is about 0.45 mm.The chitinous structure of this species is pretty similar to those of A.mogurndae on Sini-perca chuatsi,suggesting a relative relationship between the two species of Ancyrocephalus.This is the first report of ancyrocephalid on C.auratus.
    • 熊向英; 蔡星; 丁雪娟
    • 摘要: 为研究温度和光照对寄生于食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)鳃的百慕大伴盐虫(Salsuginus bermudae)虫卵孵化的影响,将收集到的虫卵分别置于35°C、30°C、25°C、20°C、15°C、10°C 的梯度温度中以及全光照、12 h光照和12 h黑暗交替的节律光照(6:00开灯,18:00关灯)、全黑暗的条件下,记录其孵化率和幼虫孵出所需时间.结果表明,在10~35°C 的温度范围内,百慕大伴盐虫孵化的最适温度为35°C,孵化率与温度呈极显著的正相关,同时温度显著影响百慕大伴盐虫的胚胎发育阶段,35°C 时虫卵产出第2天即开始有钩毛蚴孵出,而10°C时第7天才开始有幼虫孵出.不同的光照条件对百慕大伴盐虫虫卵的孵化率影响不大,表明光照不是其孵化的必需条件,但节律光照对虫卵的孵化具有延滞作用.%To investigate the effect of temperature and illumination on egg embryonation of Salsuginus bermudae, we collected the eggs of S.bermudae from the gills of Gambusia affinis and put them at temperatures of 35 °C, 30 °C, 25 °C, 20 °C, 15 °C and 10 °C, exposing to complete illumination, alternation of 12-hour illumination and darkness (light on 06:00; light off 18:00), and complete darkness, and then recorded the hatchability and the time needed for larva hatching. The results show that the optimum incubation temperature was 35°C, and the correlation between the hatching rate and incubation temperature was significantly positive. Besides, temperature influenced the embryonation period obviously: coracidium appeared on the 2nd day after the eggs being laid at 35 °C, but the larvae only appeared on the 7th day after the eggs being laid at 10 °C. Effect of different illumination conditions on the hatching rate was not remarkable, indicating that light is not a necessary factor for egg hatching, but 12-hour illumination and darkness can delay the embryonic period.
    • 熊向英12; 蔡星13; 丁雪娟3
    • 摘要: 为研究温度和光照对寄生于食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)鳃的百慕大伴盐虫(Salsuginus bermudae)虫卵孵化的影响,将收集到的虫卵分别置于35°C、30°C、25°C、20°C、15°C、10°C的梯度温度中以及全光照、12 h光照和12 h黑暗交替的节律光照(6:00开灯,18:00关灯)、全黑暗的条件下,记录其孵化率和幼虫孵出所需时间。结果表明,在10~35°C的温度范围内,百慕大伴盐虫孵化的最适温度为35°C,孵化率与温度呈极显著的正相关,同时温度显著影响百慕大伴盐虫的胚胎发育阶段,35°C时虫卵产出第2天即开始有钩毛蚴孵出,而10°C时第7天才开始有幼虫孵出。不同的光照条件对百慕大伴盐虫虫卵的孵化率影响不大,表明光照不是其孵化的必需条件,但节律光照对虫卵的孵化具有延滞作用。
    • 谢志胜; 马江霞; 郝翠兰; 段成任; 杨昆明; 郭爱民; 岳城
    • 摘要: 为研究新疆观赏鱼市场双须骨舌鱼感染单殖吸虫的种类情况,采用形态学比较具有鉴定依据的背腹中央大钩、联接片、交接器等结构,初步鉴定为寄生在双须骨舌鱼鳃部的单殖吸虫有两种,分别为角棒虫属(Gonocleithrum)的银龙角棒虫(Gonocleithrum aruanae)、相似角棒虫( Gonocleithrum coenoideum).经资料检索,该属种在我国均未报到,故为属种新纪录,该新纪录属区别于其他属的主要特征是在身体中部有一" Y"形的性腺片和呈螺旋形卷曲的支持器.所有标本均保存于新疆农业大学鱼类寄生虫学实验室.
    • 郑晓淇; 周形; 刘琳; 丁雪娟
    • 摘要: 记述采自中国南海鱼类的4种鳞盘虫科单殖吸虫,分别是寄生于姬鮨Tosana niwae鳃的眶棘鲈似杯盘虫Calydiscoides scolopsidis Lim,2003,寄生于裸颊鲷Lethrinus spp.鳃的澳洲似杯盘虫Calydiscoides australis Young,1969、棱纹似杯盘虫 Calydiscoides duplicostatus (Yamaguti, 1953) Young, 1969与复杂似杯盘虫Calydiscoides difficilis (Yamaguti,1953) Young,1969.其中,眶棘鲈似杯盘虫的交接器长管状,支持器末端扩大呈斧状,阴道片状,底部连接一弯管;澳洲似杯盘虫交接器由背腹两块骨片构成,腹片末端分叉,背片具薄膜,阴道球状且中部具不规则褶皱;棱纹似杯盘虫交接管基部分叉,支持器Y形,右支长度约为左支的1/3,末端连接一几丁质管;复杂似杯盘虫交接器由两块大几丁质片构成,阴道由杯状部与块状部构成.所获标本与原始描述基本一致.眶棘鲈似杯盘虫、澳洲似杯盘虫、棱纹似杯盘虫与复杂似杯盘虫均为我国新记录种.%Four species of Calydiscoides Young,1969 were collected from marine fishes off South China Sea and recorded in China for the first time. C. scolopsidis Lim,2003 obtained from the gills of Tosana niwae; C. australis Young,1969, C. duplicostatus (Yamaguti,1953) Young,1969 and C. difficilis (Yamaguti,1953) Young,1969 were collected from the gills of four species of Lethrinus. They can be distinguished mainly by the structure of their male copulatory organ (MCO) and vagina. The MCO of C. scolopsidis is tubular, and the distal part of accessory piece with slightly expanded as axe-shaped;sclerotized vagina plate-shaped,with a tube at its distal part. The MCO of C. australis consists of ventral sclerite with bifurcate extremity and dorsal sclerites with menbranous element; vagina globular, with convoluted undulations at the middle. The MCO of C. duplicostatus with bifurcate extremity,accessory piece Y-shaped,and the length of right branch is about 1/3 of the left branch and there is a sclerited tube at the end of the right branch. The MCO of C. difficilis consists of two large complex pieces, and its vagina consists of cup-shaped sclerite and a large sclerited pieces. The shape and dimensions of the four species were basically in agreement with the original description of these species. All specimens are deposited in the Laboratory of Fish Parasitology,School of Life Science,South China Normal University.
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