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GSM/GPRS的相关文献在2000年到2021年内共计389篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、电工技术 等领域,其中期刊论文383篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献1篇;相关期刊180种,包括电信技术、电子与电脑、电子设计应用等; 相关会议5种,包括中国电机工程学会电力系统自动化专业委员会2012年学术交流会、第四届水行业流量仪表选型与应用技术研讨会、四川省通信学会2007年学术年会等;GSM/GPRS的相关文献由357位作者贡献,包括邬春学、侯祝平、凌卫华等。



论文:383 占比:98.46%


论文:5 占比:1.29%


论文:1 占比:0.26%





  • 邬春学
  • 侯祝平
  • 凌卫华
  • 刘辉
  • 叶青
  • 周芳
  • 姜昊彤
  • 庄杰
  • 张文云
  • 张洪
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 万物互联,“网”、“端”先行,无线通信模组为物联网终端提供联网功能,随着5G加速物联网的发展,模组厂商成为物联网产业爆发式增长的受益方。芯讯通无线科技(上海)有限公司(下文简称:芯讯通)能够提供5G、C-V2X、LPWA、LTE-A、智能模组、LTE、WCDMA/HSPA(+)、GSM/GPRS无线蜂窝通信以及GNSS等多种技术平台的模组及解决方案,是一家全平台的模组厂商。
    • 李云强; 黄宪通
    • 摘要: 设计一种基于GPS定位的老人跌倒提醒系统,该系统以STC12C5A微处理器和ADXL345加速度传感器为核心板,基于SVM阈值法实时检测老人状态,以GPS模块准确定位老人摔倒的位置,当监测出老人跌倒15 s未站起时,通过GSM模块SIM900A电路将相关信息无线远距离传输给监护人。经测试,系统能够在7~10 s内将信息通知到用户,此电路设计的创新点在于系统稳定性好,识别率高,体积小,功耗低,成本低廉。
    • 梁美丽; 尹礼寿; 陈立杰
    • 摘要: 中国人口老龄化日趋明显,独居老人发生危险得不到及时救治,关爱老人成为迫切需要解决的问题.系统以Cortex M3核心板和高性能GSM/GPRS模块SIM900A作为设计核心,设计了一款可以自发短信的老人健康参数检测系统.核心板采用STM32F103C8T6作为控制器,在无创脉搏波测量法的基础上建立心率、血压、血氧饱和度相应的测量模型,并基于参数测量值进行数据挖掘分析,当监测数据值超出或低于正常范围时发出报警短信给监护人.此电路设计的创新点在于体积小,功耗低,成本低廉.
    • 张军
    • 摘要: 基于GSM/GPRS手机的远程通讯功能,达到远程控制汽车目的.当系统传感器感知被盗情况,可以通过GSM网络系统及时准确向车主报警.车主通过GSM网络通讯用手机发送控制指令,使汽车断油断电.并可通过GSM网络的附带GPRS定位功能,锁定被盗车辆所在位置.系统配备车内活体监测传感器有效确保车辆泊车后小偷的进入,通过手机取得与车主联系并启动录象与喊话达到车内财物的安全.
    • 李文龙; 郑文刚; 卜云龙; 张馨; 姚远方
    • 摘要: 由于温室环境信息采集需求多样、应用分散设备接入网络困难且为物联网,云服务优先应用领域,使得采用运营商通讯(GSM/GPRS、3G、4G等)的环境数据采集设备在温室生产中应用越来越多,但实际运行过程中依然存在系统能耗高、太阳能温室内充电效率低、铅酸蓄电池供电为主体积大、整体密封性差难以适应高温高湿环境等问题,迫切需要在以上几个方面开展优化设计.开发了低成本、集成度高、低功耗的温室环境感知终端,能够采集常规数字(I2C、1-wire、串口等)、模拟信号传感器(0~5V,4~20mA),灵活选择传感器满足用户对不同监测参数的测量需求并通过GSM/GPRS接入已有的设施农业云服务平台,适合分散,大区域接入、单温室直接网络接入等应用场景.重点在终端能耗管理、防护结构、太阳能供电结构等方面开展优化设计,小功率太阳能电池板采用多角度安装方式,实现延长充电时间超过2h?d-1,提高温室内太阳能利用率;将主动通风空气防辐射罩与符合IP67标准防护壳构成一体,适应高温高湿环境,并加速防辐射罩内部与外部气流交换速度,提高温湿度、CO2测量响应速度和精度;低功耗硬件选型配合事件触发唤醒能耗管理模式解决GSM/GPRS通讯能耗问题使终端休眠能耗为44uA,常规应用频率平均功耗达1.1mA,实现无外接供电设备全负荷独立工作近1个月,满足温室环境在线监测需求.该优化设计与应用具有开放性、易用性、低成本、安装便捷等特点,能够提升温室生产监测能力,市场前景广阔.%The environment data acquirement devices with GSM/GPRS, 3G or 4G module were used in greenhouse production widely for diverse demands in measuring parameters, hard to link to Internet for distributed and large area application, and needed by IOT and cloud service technology. But these productions had disadvantages of the higher power consumption, low charging efficiency with solar panel inside greenhouse, higher size and weight powered by lead acid battery, and poor seal ability hard to adapt the high temperature and humidity. It is important to carry out the optimization design for these devices. Base on the optimization in energy consumption and distribution, packaged structure, and solar powered structure, a low cost, highly practical, and low power consumption greenhouse climate monitoring terminal was designed in this paper. It provided digital interface for the protocol of I2C, one-wire, and USART, analog signal acquisition interface for 0-5V or 4-20mA output sensors was also provided in this terminal. It could connect several kinds of environment sensors (Air temperature and humility, CO2 concentration, light radiation, soil humility) as user needed. Multi -angle mounted low power solar panels could prolong the charging time more than 2 hours each day in greenhouse. Higher solar energy utilization efficiency was achieved. The active ventilation radiation shield and encapsulated box with the standard of IP67 were used for decreasing the affection of high temperature and humidity in greenhouse. Air sensor and PCB were integrated in radiation shield and encapsulated box. Faster response time and higher accuracy could achieved by the structural optimization design. Low power consumption design methods in hardware and software were applied in this system. It achieved the 44uA power consumption in sleep mode. Average power consumption was 1.1mA when measure interval time was 15 minutes, and transmit interval time was 1 hour. It could be used for nearly one month using only Li-on battery. The monitoring terminal was also accessed to the cloud service platform. Through the design and application in greenhouse and cloud platform, there were open, easy -using, low cost and convenient installation characteristics in this terminal, and it could improve the ability of greenhouse climate measurement.
    • 唐翔; 鲍可进
    • 摘要: 针对水射流数控机床运行状态的实时监控及出现故障时立即报警等问题,采用以ARM Cor-tex-M3为内核的STM32F103ZET6微处理器芯片,并使用μC/OS作为操作系统,结合工业级双频GSM/GPRS模块和GPS模块设计了数控机床实时监控及报警系统.实际应用表明,系统工作稳定,响应及时,可广泛用于军工、航空航天等工业现场的安防监控.%In view of the real-time monitor and alarm system when faults occur of Water-jet CNC, the system chip adopts STM32F103ZET6 cored with ARM Cortex-M3, allocated with μC/OS, combining technical grade dual-frequency GSM/GPRS module from SIMCOM and GPS module from UBLOX to complete designing system. By putting into practice,it shows the stable system and high speed response can be widely applied to the security monitor of military industry, aerospace industry and other industries.
    • 马光; 王威
    • 摘要: 针对目前导航系统不能较好实现对汽车的精准定位和实时监控问题,介绍了一种基于Android平台的多功能汽车监控终端的设计方法.以STM32F103微控制器、北斗/GPS双模模块、GSM/GPRS模块等作为硬件平台,通过对Android系统的移植及相应的软件程序设计,实现了对汽车更精准的定位、路径规划和导航,同时完成了对车内温度的实时监控和检测,从而进一步完善了汽车的监控终端.
    • 毛涛; 张生
    • 摘要: According to the development of the intelligent water meter and the traditional water meter,more intelligent and convenient for use of the residents of water meter,this paper designed and implemented a new intelligent water meter based on the technology of Internet of things.The water meter based on Internet of things technology,MSP430F448 MCU as the main chip system,through the mobile wireless module (GSM/GPRS) and ZigBee wireless network technology,achieved effects,such as,water meter automatic gathering information,data transmission and automatic control of water meter and so on.Water meter and Internet connected to each other.At the same time combining with big data and cloud platform and others it analyzed the user's water situation.In addition,the residents can timely grasp the water situation and simplify the water sector in water resources management.%根据智能水表以及传统水表的发展,为居民水表的使用更加智能化及便捷化,设计并实现了基于物联网技术的一款新型智能水表.该水表基于物联网技术,以MSP430F448单片机为系统主芯片,通过中移动无线模块(GSM/GPRS)和ZigBee无线网络技术实现对水表进行自动采集信息、数据传输以及自动控制水表等作用.水表和互联网相互连接同时结合大数据、云平台等对用户的用水情况进行大数据分析,方便居民及时掌握用水情况同时极大简化了水务部门对水资源的管理.
    • 茅天阳; 赵亮
    • 摘要: 文中分有线和无线传输方式对智能家居中的通信技术进行了综述.有线传输方式包括电力载波通信、以太网、RS-485总线等,无线传输方式包括ZigBee、WiFi、GSM/GPRS、无线射频技术等.此外,对各种传输技术的优缺点进行了比较,指出了智能家居通信技术的发展方向,认为无线传输方式将会是未来发展的重点.
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