您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> Grande


Grande的相关文献在1957年到2022年内共计120篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、公路运输、轻工业、手工业 等领域,其中期刊论文118篇、专利文献2篇;相关期刊71种,包括科技文萃、中国贵金属、现代音响技术等; Grande的相关文献由77位作者贡献,包括赵聪、Philip R. Fresquez、庞晓华等。



论文:118 占比:98.33%


论文:2 占比:1.67%





  • 赵聪
  • Philip R. Fresquez
  • 庞晓华
  • 柳柽
  • 罗冲
  • Alexandre Piantini
  • Badri Parajuli
  • Carlos Mielitz Net-to
  • Carolina Castilho e SilvaI
  • Daniela Garcez Wives
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 孔祥军
    • 摘要: 法国不仅盛行浪漫,更盛产奢侈品,除了豪车、美酒、服饰、时尚商品外,音响产品和音乐文化艺术一样不落,处处体现价值,提高品味,很多奢侈品不仅是土豪男士们的热爱,也是众多女性的梦幻尊贵。那么,法国音响产品属于入列奢侈品的话,今天笔者要说的这款FOCAL旗舰Grande Utopia EM EVO黑金版音箱,绝对可以是其中之一。
    • 摘要: Orfeo Grande单看外观和型号名称,大家都会联想到它是前段时间推出的Orfeo Jubile的特别版延续,甚至可以说是代替品。其实,Orfeo Grande完全是JMR新型号,只是设计是以Orfeo Jubile为蓝本。今次它将名字后面加上Grande,是与之前的大书架箱Voce Grande甚有关连。
    • 摘要: JMR自2015年开发出Adara旗舰级全数码运作兼有源-体化扬声器以来,已经多次考虑要将Adara这项突破性技术投放在书架音箱上,实现这项最高阶设计于小容积箱体内,让用家可在较细小的房间内发挥。JMR-向对设计书架音箱甚有经验,尤其是大型书架音箱,厂方往往会视为一种技术上的挑战,希望制作一对能冲破书架音箱的体积限制,令效果能接近落地音箱。
    • 摘要: Zinc One Resources Inc(TSX—V:Z)公布了其在秘鲁中北部的Bongar锌矿项目钻探结果。该公司表示MGC18051钻孔显示出24.1%的锌,长度28.1米或19.9垂直米,是钻孔里的最佳截距,并确定了该项目东北部矿化的连续性。“Mina Grande centro的这些结果让我们更好地了解了矿床的几何形状和尺寸,”zinc One的临时首席执行官Bill Williams说。
    • 摘要: 美国民权组织Avaaz日前宣布发起一项签名反对巴西Volta Grande金矿建设开发,认为该金矿破坏当地原居民生态和文化遗产,而该金矿是巴西目前最大规划建设金矿。
    • Mouhamat Seck; Serigne Faye; Mark Robertson; Michael Rose
    • 摘要: The sandy Quaternary and the deep Maastrichtian aquifers located in the northern coastal zone of Senegal, from the locality of Kayar in the south to Saint-Louis in the north, constitute the main sources of water supply for urban and local needs as well as mining activities. The Quaternary aquifer that provides the water required for the irrigation of local farmlands, hosts a significant heavy mineral sands deposit currently being mined by the Grande Cote Operations (GCO). As a result of variable rainfall and increased water abstraction, this shallow aquifer has recorded a continuous water level decline since 1970, with potential negative effects on both the social and economic development of the region. The mining of heavy minerals (zircon, ilmenite, leucoxene and rutile) at GCO is realised through conventional dredging techniques that require large volumes of water (up to 60,000 m3/d). The water pumped by the dredge to enable the extraction of the heavy minerals, infiltrates into the shallow aquifer, runs-off into the dredge pond or evaporates. The objective of this study is to evaluate a water balance that enables the provision of a permanent water supply to the dredge pond, whilst minimising the risk of flooding of the cropping depressions adjacent to the mine site or drying out of the farming wells. The hydrodynamic model implemented for this purpose was calibrated and tested during the first year of operation. The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) obtained for the calibration is approximately 0.52 m. The predictions indicate a requirement for the system to recover part of the tailings infiltration through dewatering boreholes. The quantity of recycled water is estimated at 16,000 m3/d on average. The model simulations show an additional water requirement, extracted from the deep Maastrichtian aquifer, varying between 23,000 and 28,000 m3/d to achieve the optimum pond water level.
    • J. Mwangi Kahindo; Sumesh C. Chhabra; Odalo J. Ochieng; Thomas Thoruwa
    • 摘要: There is a need for an alternative sustainable fuel based on renewable sources and efficient carbon dioxide scrubbers. Alkyl esters prepared by transesterification of vegetable oils from various plants have been evaluated. In this work the potential of sustainable macroalgae bioethanol in biofuel production by transesterification of Jatropha curcas oil was assessed. Rhizoclonium grande macroalgae was collected from Shimoni shores in Kwale, Shelly beach in Mombasa, Jamvi la Wageni in Mtongwe Likoni, English point near Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) Mombasa, dried and processed to obtain 5.36% ± 0.355% v/w bioethanol using Aspergilus niger for hydrolysis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae for fermentation. J. curcas seeds were collected from contracted farmers of Energy Africa in Shimba hills, Coast region. Oil from the seeds was machine cold pressed and solvent extracted using n-hexane giving 44% - 53%v/w yield. The physicochemical properties of the J. curcas oil were investigated. Transesterification of J. curcas oil was carried out using bioethanol from the algae with 63% - 70% FAEE yield. Characterisation of the bioethanol and ethyl esters was done using GC-MS. Physicochemical and fuel properties of the biofuel were investigated at Technical University of Mombasa (TUM), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Government Chemist and Kenya Pipeline Laboratories in Mombasa. There was significant difference in physicochemical and fuel properties observed in density, calorific value, kinematic viscosity, pour point and cloud point between the Jatropha oil and Jatropha fatty acid ethyl esters (JAT FAEE) samples. No significant difference observed in the physicochemical and fuel properties between the JAT FAEE and standard biodiesel samples. This was according to statistical analysis of data done using STATA/SE 13.0 and Xlstat at 95% confidence level (P < 0.05) two-tailed. From the findings bioethanol from R. grande biomass used in transesterification has a potential to improve the sustainability, physicochemical and fuel properties of biofuel from J. curcas a non-food crop. The effect of the use of bioethanol and its byproduct on shelf life of the biofuel can further be investigated.
    • 摘要: 自1852年由法国商人亚里斯泰德·布两科(Aristide Boucicaut)创立以来,VMHSE旗下高端食品连锁品牌La Grande Epicerie首次在巴黎右岸的十六区Passy开了第二家分店。新店专设了一个地下酒窖,内藏数百瓶精选的佳酿,由酒类产品经理Hughes Forget精心照料!
    • 摘要: 近日,玛莎拉蒂助力威尼斯遗产基金会与美国卢浮宫友人协会,先后在巴黎卢浮宫博物馆以及威尼斯历史悠久的Scuola Grandedella Misericordia举办了两场分别以“恢弘之夜”(La Grande Nuit)和“甜蜜生活”(La Dolce Vita)为主题的盛大慈善晚宴。
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