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住院分娩率的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计177篇,主要集中在预防医学、卫生学、妇产科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文172篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献85159篇;相关期刊79种,包括中国妇幼健康研究、中国保健、卫生软科学等; 相关会议5种,包括降低我国孕产妇死亡率 提高妇女健康水平学术论坛、中国卫生经济学会农村卫生改革与发展研讨会、第六届全国优生科学大会等;住院分娩率的相关文献由327位作者贡献,包括刘建蒙、刘芳、吴匡时等。



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  • 刘建蒙
  • 刘芳
  • 吴匡时
  • 周玉博
  • 宋牣玮
  • 崔颖
  • 康楚云
  • 张亚黎
  • 方利萍
  • 易大兰
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 于欣; 蔡银素
    • 摘要: 妊娠和分娩是人类繁衍生息必不可少的生理过程。近年来,随着人们生活水平,认知水平的提高,加之政府和相关部门对妇幼工作的支持和投入,住院分娩率大幅度提高,在降低新生儿和孕产妇的死亡率上取得了可观进展。可是分娩无疑会对女性造成极大的痛苦和伤害。许多孕妇为了避免这种伤害选择了剖宫产,这就导致了剖宫产率不断升高,不必要的医疗大大增加。所以,有效的产科护理不仅可以减轻孕妇痛苦,增加顺产率,还可以让孕妇摆脱“病人”姿态。事实上,对于大多数孕妇来说,都难免产生焦虑、抑郁、紧张等不良情绪。这些不良情绪会使孕妇体内激素发生变化,从而引起不良的生理反应,比如临产时缩宫素,前列腺素合成不足会导致子宫收缩乏力造成难产;除此之外,精神因素还会导致大脑皮层功能紊乱,影响孕妇的进食和睡眠,这都使得胎儿和母体在分娩过程中收到严峻的威胁。
    • 刘旭阳; 王广州
    • 摘要: 第七次全国人口普查数据是分析当前中国人口规模、结构最具完整性和时效性的数据。利用“七普”数据间接估计2005—2020年中国总和生育率,其结果与人口抽样调查数据以及其他来源数据测算结果不尽相同。趋势上,2014—2015年是生育峰值年,总和生育率先升后降;水平上,2005—2020年总和生育率整体维持在1.6以上,高于人口抽样调查数据对总和生育率水平的判断。从数据质量视角探析“七普”与人口抽样调查数据结果差异原因,本文认为,两种数据均可能受主客观因素的影响,但考虑到“七普”数据与人口抽样调查数据之间的差异,人口抽样调查数据低估生育水平,而“七普”数据也存在高估历史生育水平可能,总和生育率真实水平介于两者之间,接近“七普”数据估算结果的可能性更大。此外,基于“七普”数据计算,2005—2020年小学净入学率、孕产妇住院分娩率、婴儿死亡率较人口抽样调查数据更低,需要深化探析这些指标对中国社会发展的影响。
    • 摘要: 今年以来,广西东兰县以提高妇幼健康服务能力为重点,以抓常规妇幼保健为基础,以提高住院分娩率、控制孕产妇死亡率、降低婴幼儿死亡率为目的,以资源整合为契机,搭建高效平台,提升服务水平,为全县妇女儿童健康提供了有力保障。
    • 刘钊(整理)
    • 摘要: 妇女儿童健康状况大幅改善孕产妇系统管理率91.9%。住院分娩率达到99%。孕早期检查率93.3%。产前筛查率95.3%。3岁以下儿童保健管理率92.6%。7岁以下儿童保健管理率92.3%。孕产妇死亡率由1949年的1500/10万下降至2018年的9.83/10万。婴儿死亡率由200‰下降至4.01‰.
    • 陈娅杰; 高贵玉; 刘芳; 王红梅; 李妍; 史秀梅; 陈子红; 岳增春; 魏莎
    • 摘要: 目的 了解县域乡镇卫生院产科建设情况.方法采用查阅病历、现场调研、走访乡(镇﹚常驻居民等方式对全区18个县域乡(镇﹚卫生院进行调查.结果产科业务用房布局基本合理;各种检测仪器、抢救设备及药品基本齐全;乡(镇﹚卫生院医生及护士配备不足,且专业化层次不齐,部分产科病例不够规范,登记资料不健全,服务保障体统待完善.结论乡(镇﹚卫生院应招聘一些专业产科大夫,且定期培训产科人员;建立健全产科制度;畅通危急孕产妇抢救网络等提高乡级产科服务水平,有效利用基层的便利条件,缓解上级医院压力.
    • 康洪霞; 王奇娟; 刘秋明; 李京佳
    • 摘要: Objective To analyze the status and effect of maternal health care service in China in 2001-2014 and to discuss the correlation between health service index and maternal and prenatal mortality rate.Methods Dynamic series and multiple rank-sum test were respectively used to analyze time trends and regional difference in health service index,and correlation between service index and maternal and prenatal mortality rate was explored.Results Every maternal health service index in China in 2001-2014 presented a uptrend, among which hospital delivery rate increased most quickly with average increase rate of 2.10%.There was still significant difference in hospital delivery rate and new-method delivery rate among different regions in 2014 (χ2 value was 22.587 and 21.357, respectively, both P<0.05).At the same time maternal and perinatal mortality rate had a downtrend, with average annual decline rate of 6.25% and 6.73%, respectively.In 2014, difference in above two indexes among different regions was still significant (χ2 value was 17.856 and 14.455, respectively, both P<0.05).Maternal and perinatal mortality rate had strong negative correlation with health service indexes (rs value ranged from 0.776 to 0.996, all P≤0.001), and correlation between maternal and perinatal mortality rate and hospital delivery rate and new-method delivery rate was most strong.Conclusion Regional difference is still found in hospital delivery rate, new-method delivery rate, maternal and perinatal mortality rate in China in 2014, indicating needs for improving fairness and availability of maternal health service and narrowing regional difference in maternal and perinatal mortality rate.%目的 分析2001至2014年我国孕产期保健服务的现状和效果,探讨各项保健服务指标与孕产妇和围生儿死亡率的相关性.方法 分别采用动态数列和多样本秩和检验分析各指标的时间趋势和地区差异,运用秩相关分析探讨各保健服务指标与孕产妇和围生儿死亡率的相关性.结果 2001至2014年,我国各孕产期保健服务指标均呈上升趋势,其中住院分娩率上升最快,平均上升速度达2.10%;2014年,不同地区在住院分娩率和新法接生率的差异仍具有统计学意义(χ2值分别为22.587、21.357,均P<0.05).同时,孕产妇和围生儿死亡率呈下降趋势,年平均下降速度分别为6.25%和6.73%;2014年,两指标的地区差异仍具有统计学意义(χ2值分别为17.856、14.455,均P<0.05).孕产妇和围生儿死亡率与各保健服务指标之间均存在强的负相关(|rs|值为0.776~0.996,均P≤0.001),其中两项死亡率均与住院分娩率和新法接生率的相关性最大.结论 2014年,我国住院分娩率、新法接生率以及孕产妇和围生儿死亡率仍存在地区差异,尚需进一步改善孕产期保健服务的公平性和可及性,缩小孕产妇和围生儿死亡率的地区差异.
    • 王晓东; 金艳文
    • 摘要: 目的:开展乡镇卫生院产科标准化建设,提高产科质量,促进住院分娩,降低孕产妇和新生儿死亡率.方法:按照?乡镇卫生院产科建设达标标准?,对全县37所乡镇卫生院产科进行达标评估.结果:所乡镇卫生院通过市级评估,成为达标合格乡镇卫生院,二所卫生院成为市级产科建设达标示范院.结论:乡镇卫生院产科标准化建设成效显著,软硬件得到有效配置,人员素质普遍提升,住院分娩率由75%提高到99%,孕产妇系统管理率由70%提高到90%,连续六无孕产妇死亡,新生儿死亡率持续下降.
    • 张媛; 周玉博; 李宏田; 高燕秋; 张亚黎; 罗树生; 康楚云; 刘建蒙
    • 摘要: 目的 描述中国住院分娩率的变化趋势,并探讨国家相关政策对住院分娩率的影响.方法 总活产数和住院分娩活产数来自全国妇幼卫生年报,相关政策来自官方网站.根据政策调整,将年份分为降消项目实施前(1996至1999年)、降消项目实施期(2000至2008年)和后降消项目期(2009至2015年).结果 20年间纳入分析的总活产数为244 398 010,住院分娩活产数211 605 727.住院分娩率由1996年58.7%(6 309 255/10 739 816)升至2015年99.7%(13 583 658/13 626 948),年均增长率2.8%.期间,经济地区别和城乡别住院分娩率也同步上升且差距逐年缩小至近于消失.在降消项目实施期和后降消项目期,农村住院分娩率上升速度均快于城市,中、西部快于东部.到2015年所有省份住院分娩率均接近或达到100%,仅西藏和青海略低;然而,从区县来看尚有112个区县不足96%,其中39个不足80% 的区县分布在4个西部省份(西藏、四川、青海和新疆).结论 中国住院分娩率20年来逐年上升,提前达到2020年目标(98%),地区和城乡差别近于消失.在全面放开二孩政策背景下,宜巩固成绩、关注复杂妊娠,着重提升住院分娩服务能力和质量;对于住院分娩率依旧偏低的少数西部区县,宜继续强化倾斜政策,探索精准卫生帮扶模式,以共享社会发展成果.%Objective To describe the secular trends of institutional delivery (ID) rate in China from 1996 to 2015,and to assess the impacts of national health policies on the ID rate.Methods Data on the number of live births and IDs for districts/counties in 31 provinces of China was annually collected by the Office for National Maternal & Child Health Statistics of China.Information concerning the relevant policies was from official governmental websites,including the programme to reduce maternal mortality and eliminate neonatal tetanus (2000 to 2008),and ID subsidy programme in rural China (2009 to present).According to the programme to reduce maternal mortality and eliminate neonatal tetanus,the calendar years were categorized into three periods: pre-programme period (1996 to 1999),programme implementation period (2000 to 2008) and post-programme period (2009 to 2015).Results A total of 244 398 010 live births were included in the analysis,in which 211 605 727 were delivered in institutions.During the 20 years,the ID rate steadily increased from 58.7% (6 309 255/10 739 816) in 1996 to 99.7% (13 583 658/13 626 948) in 2015,with a compound annual growth rate of 2.8%.Analyses stratified by economic regions or urban-rural areas showed notably consistent increases in ID rates,and the regional and urban-rural differences became nearly disappeared by 2015.The largest regional difference between East (71.6%,2 540 896/3 547 423) and West (44.6%,1 675 305/3 752 873) was 27% in 1996 and <1% in 2015 (East 99.9%[5 177 865/5 180 636]and West 99.0%[3 925 766/3 964 622]).The urban-rural difference was 22.7% in 1996 (urban 73.5%[2 756 531/3 748 703],rural 50.8%[3 552 724/6 991 113]) and 0.4% in 2015(urban 99.9%[6 257 853/6 262 763],rural 99.5%[7 325 805/7 364 185]).During the programme implementation period and the post-programme period,the ID rates in rural area increased faster than those in urban area,and the corresponding compound annual growth rates in rural area were 2.4 and 2.8 times of those in urban area;the ID rates in Middle and West regions increased faster than those in East region,and the corresponding compound annual growth rates in West region were 3.6 and 6.3 times of those in East region.By 2015,the ID rates in all provinces other than Tibet (90.5%[48 445/53 505]) and Qinghai (97.2%[60 836/62 600]) reached or were close to 100%.However,there were still 112 districts/counties with ID rates <96%,of which 39 with ID rates <80%;the 39 districts/counties were all located in four western provinces (Tibet 19,Sichuan 15,Qinghai 3,and Xinjiang 2).Conclusions During the past 20 years,the ID rate in China has steadily increased and achieved the goal of the year 2020 ahead of schedule;the regional and urban-rural inequality in ID has nearly disappeared.Given universal two-child policy,it is of significance to strengthen existing achievements,focus on complicated pregnancies and comprehensively improve the capability and quality of ID services;meanwhile,it is also of significance to develop particular policies and explore the medical-aid model for the minority-inhabited western regions with lower ID rates.
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