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Fisher的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计462篇,主要集中在环境质量评价与环境监测、自动化技术、计算机技术、机械、仪表工业 等领域,其中期刊论文314篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献146篇;相关期刊193种,包括继续医学教育、中国医药科学、分析仪器等; 相关会议2种,包括2007中国电机工程学会高电压专委会学术年会、全国第18届计算机技术与应用学术会议(CACIS)等;Fisher的相关文献由782位作者贡献,包括S.、A.、焦李成等。



论文:314 占比:67.97%


论文:2 占比:0.43%


论文:146 占比:31.60%





  • S.
  • A.
  • 焦李成
  • 杨明
  • 田小林
  • D.
  • M.
  • 刘晓星
  • 刘涛
  • 崔兴瑞
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 吴子祺
    • 摘要: 在以往的海洋史研究中,研究者对边陲小岛关注不多,也较少讨论水上人对陆地的控制。这些岛屿虽不及广州、厦门和澳门等主要港口重要,但也有值得学界关注之处。学界普遍认为,是否在陆地定居是水上人与陆地居民的划分标准。
    • 张延良; 卢冰; 蒋涵笑; 洪晓鹏; 赵国英; 张伟涛
    • 摘要: 微表情时空特征描述子提取到的特征向量维数高,导致分类算法运算复杂度高,运行时间长,识别准确率较低.为此提出基于Fisher特征选择的方法,挑选鉴别力强的特征分量,对特征向量进行降维.采用"留一交叉验证"法,在CASMEII和SMIC两个数据集下分类实验表明,经Fisher特征选择后微表情的识别率可以达到75.71%和75%,分别较原特征向量识别率提高了61.22%和46.43%,而维数仅为原特征向量维数的4.18%和4.71%,分类所需时间是原方法的4.27%和1.61%.
    • 丁建; 李宁谦
    • 摘要: 将费歇(Fisher)分类器中的线性函数替换成非线性的高斯核函数,使用MNIST数据集对Fisher分类器进行训练,研究了核函数对分类结果的影响以及将算法应用于手写数字识别.结果表明,替换了高斯核的Fisher分类器,能够有效地区分非线性数据的类别,同时又保持了线性数据的准确率.
    • 摘要: 全球最大的钯矿——斯蒂尔沃特钯矿(Stillwater)斯蒂尔沃特钯矿位于美国蒙大拿州,资源储量为14,487,740矿石量。全球最大的铅矿——George Fisher铅锌银矿George Fisher铅锌银矿位于加拿大,股东结构为Cream Minerals Ltd 80%、Doromin Resources Ltd 20%.
    • 赵冬娥; 吴瑞; 赵宝国; 陈媛媛
    • 摘要: 高光谱成像因光谱分辨率高、图谱合一、可实现快速无损检测等特点现已广泛应用于农业、医学、遥感等领域.现有的对可回收生活垃圾检测与分类的方法, 都存在检测时间长, 分类效率低, 而大量多种垃圾无法同时快速分拣等问题.考虑到不同类别的生活垃圾由于其主要组成分子结构的差异, 对不同波长的光有不同的吸收特性.高光谱图像在记录待分类垃圾的空间信息的同时, 可以获得垃圾对不同波长的光的反射率光谱信息, 通过建立识别分类模型对反射率光谱信息进行分析可以实现对高光谱图像中待分类垃圾的识别与分类.收集常见纸质、塑料、木质三种材料的可回收的垃圾样本, 包括塑料瓶、食品包装袋、塑料玩具 (饰品) 碎片、一次性筷子、雪糕棒、木制家具碎片、木制包装盒、废旧课本、广告纸、办公用纸等多种物品共30个样本, 进行清洗和裁剪处理, 避免样本表面污渍对样本反射率产生影响.利用高光谱成像系统采集样本在近红外 (780~1 000 nm) 范围内的高光谱图像, 其中18个样本做训练样本集, 12个样本做测试样本集.对采集的样本图像数据做预处理, 包括去噪声以及黑白校正反演反射率信息等处理;通过主成分分析 (PCA) 方法对训练样本集感兴趣区域 (ROI) 进行分析, 提取到的特征波段为795.815, 836.869, 885.619, 916.409, 929.239, 934.37, 957.463, 972.858和988.253 nm;在特征波段下分别提取这三种类别垃圾的参考光谱, 通过光谱角度填图法 (SAM) 对测试样本ROI区域内提取的测试样本点集在特征波段下与参考光谱进行匹配, 由匹配程度进行样本点归类, 分析结果表明, 测试样本集中纸制样本 (A类别) 、塑料样本 (B类别) 、木制样本 (C类别) 的分类准确度分别为100%, 98%和100%, 测试样本点集整体的分类准确度为99.33%;通过Fisher判别方法分析训练样本集得出判别函数式和判别准则, 对测试样本点集分类, 评价结果为A, B和C类样本分类准确度分别为100%, 100%和97%, 测试样本点集整体分类准确度为99%.通过SAM和Fisher两种判别方法对测试样本集的光谱图像进行目标物的检测与分类, 结果表明, 利用SAM判别方法在可回收垃圾的高光谱图像中实现检测与分类有更高的分类准确度, 可达到99.33%.同时, 也验证了使用高光谱成像进行可回收垃圾快速分类的科学性以及可行性, 对未来系统化、机械化、智能化地解决生活中可回收垃圾的分类具有一定的实用意义.%Hyperspectral imaging technology is profoundly applied into the fields of agriculture, medicine and remote sensing due to its high spectral resolution, merged image-spectrum, and fast non-destructive testing. While the method used now has the defects of long-term testing period, poor efficiency and sorting asynchrony. Spectral image can identify and classify the target garbage by establishing a recognition and classification model and analyzing reflectance spectrum information based on the facts that different materials of domestic garbage, due to their different molecular structures, will absorb different wavelengths of light and the hyperspectral image can obtain the spatial information and the reflectance spectral information from different-wavelength illumination of the target garbage. Collected recyclable garbage samples of common paper, plastic and wood materials, including plastic bottles, food packaging bags, plastic toys (jewelry) pieces, disposable chopsticks, ice cream bars, wooden furniture pieces, wooden boxes, waste textbooks, advertising paper, office paper and other items, 30 in total. And cleaned and cut them to avoid the influence of sample surface stains on the sample reflectivity. Hyperspectral imaging systems were used to acquire hyperspectral images of the sample in the near-infrared (780 ~1 000 nm) formed 18 training samples and 12 test samples. Pre-processed the collected sample image by de-noising and black-and-white correction inversion of reflectivity information. Then analyzed the region of interest of training samples by principal components analysis. The characteristic band extracted were 795.815, 836.869, 885.619, 916.409, 929.239, 934.37, 957.463, 972.858, 988.253 nm; Next, matched and categorized the characteristic band of the ROI with reference spectra of the three types of garbage from the characteristic band by spectral angle mapping. The result illustrated that the classification precision of paper (A class), plastic (B class) and wood (C class) were 100%, 98% and 100% respectively and the average was 99.33%; at last, sorted the test samples by Fisher linear discrimination. The classification precision of class A, B, C were 100%, 100% and 97% respectively and the average was 99%. After a series of testing and classification by SAM and Fisher as the narrated above, the results showed that aforesaid manipulation of hyperspectral image for recyclable garbage by SAM can get more accurate results which is 99.33%. meanwhile, the research can testify that it's feasible to apply the scheme of hyperspectral imaging to assort garbage, which is significant to methodically and automatically recycle garbage in the future.
    • 无1
    • 摘要: 十多年前,Procesos ControlNumerico Computarizado 公司以一个不同的商业名称进行经营,因为当时他们采用的方法与现在完全不同。那时,由工程师Horacio NelsonGomez 创立的企业向Fisher 控制公司提供石油行业的零件。正当他们为石油和天然气行业生产零件时,Gomez 遇到了Aaron Flores Vasquez,他目前是Procesos Control Numerico公司的主要股东。
    • 摘要: 艾默生新推出的Fisher^TM Cavitrol Hex严苛工况阀内件可减少甚至消除气蚀,提升旋转阀性能并延长使用寿命。Fisher Vee-Ball^TM旋转阀现可使用Cavitrol^TMHex抗气蚀内件,来降低或消除气蚀产生的振动。Cavitrol Hex阀内件可提升阀门在严苛工况中的使用性能并保持阀门效率,从而提高安全性。振动可能会损坏设备并缩短设备的使用寿命,设备受损将无法正确控制流量,从而对设备可用性,效率和产量产生不良影响。
    • 摘要: 总部在密歇根州的HYGE公司正在推出一种可生物降解的湿巾卷纸。它的现代化设计使其与现有的厕纸架无缝契合,HYGE公司表示它比厕纸更干净并且更环保。HYGE联合创始人Brent Fisher表示,随着人们逐渐意识到传统卷纸的卫生和浪费问题,湿巾卷纸越来越受欢迎。
    • 吴琼1; 崔立民1
    • 摘要: 大学生学业预警机制是提高教育教学质量和学生毕业率的重要手段之一。本文选取并预处理了大学生学习预警指标体系,提出了一种基于Fisher判别分析法的大学生学业预警方法。通过仿真分析,证明该预警模型具有较高的准确率和可行性。
    • Ebube N. Onwasigwe; Martha Verghese; Hadyn Reid; Carlissa Holden; Lillian Smith; Shantrell Willis; Rajitha Sunkara; Louis Shackelford; Lloyd T. Walker
    • 摘要: Allspice contains phytochemicals which may have antioxidative and chemopreventive potential. The objective was to determine the effects of allspice on the AOM induced aberrant cryptic foci (ACF) in colon of Fisher 344 male rats. Rats were obtained from Harlan, IN, and raised in an environmentally controlled condition of 12 hours of light and dark cycles and at 50% relative humidity. Rats in experimental groups were fed with different concentrations of allspice (0.5%, 1% and 2%) in an AIN-93G based diet. Rats received AOM injections at 7 and 8 weeks of age at 16 mg/kg body weight. After 17 weeks, rats were asphyxiated with CO2, and liver, and colon samples were collected. Colons were stained with methylene blue to enumerate ACF and crypt multiplicity. Rats fed 0.5% allspice had the highest cecal pH (7.64) compared to control (6.88) (P ≤ 0.05). Rats in the treatment groups gained 225 g to 251 g over the 13-week period. A 29% reduction in total crypts was observed in rats fed 2% compared to 0.5% allspice. Highest number of crypts was seen in control group. Antioxidative enzyme activity was higher in rats fed allspice compared to the control group. Total tumors (0.25 - 2.5), tumor bearing rat ratio (1 - 2.5) and incidence rate (50% - 100%) in rats fed different concentrations of allspice were lower compared to rats in the control group (6.6%, 5.8%, and 100% respectively). Consumption of allspice in the diet reduced the number of ACF in Fisher 344 male rats. Allspice can be utilized in food formulations for its chemopreventive effects against colon cancer.
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