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EVD的相关文献在1998年到2022年内共计293篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、工业经济、经济计划与管理 等领域,其中期刊论文279篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献13篇;相关期刊155种,包括中国经济周刊、数字商业时代、电器等; 相关会议1种,包括第三届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议等;EVD的相关文献由255位作者贡献,包括郑重、钱志远、孙善清等。



论文:279 占比:95.22%


论文:1 占比:0.34%


论文:13 占比:4.44%





  • 郑重
  • 钱志远
  • 孙善清
  • 王德秀
  • 韩敏
  • 任苙萍
  • 刘步尘
  • 刘毅
  • 南海涵
  • 古丽萍
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 叶田娇
    • 摘要: 土石方填筑路基的压实质量,不仅影响整个路基的抗变形能力以及承载能力,同时,对于路基的使用寿命以及相关服务水平也起着至关重要的作用。以往对土石方填筑路基压实度的检测方法,采用灌水法、环刀法以及灌砂法等,这些检测方法不仅需投入大量的人力、物力,而且操作相当复杂,重要的是检测时间较长。基于此,为验证基于EVD的一种土石方填筑压实度的快速检测方法以及其可行性,我们在正在施工的临渭高速施工现场,选取不同路基填料完成实验室检测,并建立EVD与压实度之间的相关关系,从而快速、准确的检测路基的压实度。本文分别对不同路基,如红沙岩路基、页岩土,粉土路基以及红砂岩路基进行检测,并建立EVD与压实之间的关系,证实具有良好的相关性。
    • 程利力; 周诚; 张勇; 肖小进; 陈嘉锡
    • 摘要: 传统机场路基压实度检测存在耗时长、破坏性大等问题,压实质量往往难以得到有效评价.为实现机场路基压实质量快速无损检测,本文通过构建压实度与动态变形模量的相关关系,利用EVD(Dynamic Deforma-tion Modulus)检测技术对压实质量进行快速无损检测,并分析不同碾压遍数以及不同碾压位置的动态变形模量Evd的分布差异性.本文以某通用机场飞行区扩建项目部分机场路基施工段为例,结果表明:(1)利用检测点Evd进行压实度表征是可行的;(2)同一碾压遍数的不同位置压实质量存在一定差异,其碾压施工长度方向比宽度方向不均匀性大;(3)随着碾压遍数的增加,非薄弱区Evd随之增大,薄弱区Evd越来越小,可通过EVD检测及时对潜在薄弱区域进行识别并采取换填措施.研究结果可为现场压实质量快速无损检测提供一定参考.
    • 朱洪志
    • 摘要: 路基是道路承载能力的基础,路基的质量好坏关乎着道路全寿命周期使用状况,高效便捷的检测方法对公路路基施工质量具有很大帮助.本文将从密实度方面和力学指标检测两大方面探讨现有填石路基检测方法,既包括传统已有检测方法也包含新兴的一些检测手段.
    • Clovice Kankya; Daisy Nabadda; Consolata Kabonesa; Luke Nyakarahuka; James Muleme; Samuel Okware; Richard Asaba
    • 摘要: Background: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) presents with a high global mortality and is known to be a highly infectious disease with devastating and gendered effects on the social fabric, yet most of the science has focused on the disease’s biology. However, little has been documented with regard to the gender and social aspects of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in two sub counties (Kikyo and Bundibugyo Town Council) in Bundibugyo District in Western Uganda. The study was set to examine the gender differences in the level of knowledge, attitudes and perceptions about EVD. Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional design using both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. A structured questionnaire was administered to 254 respondents, 50% of whom were women. Simple random sampling was used to select the participants. Questionnaire data were analysed using SPSS at univariate and bivariate levels. Qualitative methods such as key informant interviews (with 6 participants) and Focus Group Discussions (three, one with men alone, another with women alone and the last one with both men and women) were also used to collect additional information from participants. Results: The findings indicated that socio-demographically, the majority (35%) of the respondents were aged between 20 and 29 years, 53% of whom were females. More women (about 56%) compared to men (44%) attained secondary education while more men (about 51% versus 49% of the women) reported that they were married. In terms of religion, the majority of the survey participants were Catholics (59% females and 49% males). With regard to communities’ knowledge about EVD, there was no significant relationship between men and women in terms of prior knowledge about EVD, risk factors and control measures. However, slightly more males (about 51%) than females (49%) had heard about EVD and more males (about 52%) than females (48%) admitted that they were at risk of contracting the disease. On the control measures, slightly more females than males (about 53% vs. 47% respectively) proposed avoiding contact with infected persons. The results further revealed that more males (about 51%) than females (49%) were willing to relate with EVD survivors, and this was due to the latter’s fear of contracting the disease. The major devastating effects of EVD that were reported included loss of lives, disruption of peoples movements, isolation of people, disruption of children’s school activities, stigma and discrimination of survivors. More females (about 52%) than males (about 48%) reported that EVD survivors were discriminated during the EVD outbreak in Bundibugyo District. Conclusions: This study has shown that whereas both men and women demonstrate average knowledge about EVD, there is need for more training and sensitization targeting women who have delusions about the severity of the disease, its risk factors, stigma and the integration of survivors in the affected communities. Communities also need to be sensitized about the gender roles that increase both the burden of EVD and the risk of men and women contracting the disease. This will lead to more culturally sensitive responses to EVD outbreaks in future.
    • 夏晓
    • 摘要: 在高速铁路建设阶段,掌握施工过程中的质量检验技术是控制施工质量、保证行车安全的重要手段.本文给出了EVD在高速铁路路基工程质量检验中的应用简介.
    • 孙召花; 高明军; 吴坤; 徐良; 段鹏
    • 摘要: Electrode material is a key factor for the development of electroosmosis.Comparative experiment of electroosmosis of electric vertical drain (EVD) and metal electrode was made in laboratory.The electroosmotic strenghting effects of different electrodes was compare by analyzing data on current, potential, water discharge and moisture content of reinforced soil.Experimental results showed that EVD can be used as electrode whose conductivity was superior to metal electrodes after electricity some time.In this experiment, the vertical discharge advantage of EVD has not demonstrated due to a problem with drainage scheme.When aluminum was used as cathode, it was dissolved and eroded and formed coagulant like substances.So the moisture content of soil around the cathode was decreased by electrochemistry reinforcement.This can be served as a way to decrease the moisture content of soil around the cathode.%电极材料是制约电渗法发展的关键因素,在室内试验中开展导电塑料排水板(EVD)与铁、铜、铝金属电极的电渗对比试验.通过对土体中电流、电势及排水量、加固后土体含水率等数据的分析,研究了EVD电极与金属电极的电渗加固效果差异.试验结果表明EVD可以作为电渗电极使用,在通电一段时间后,其导电性能要优于金属电极.由于设计试验排水方案为水平侧向排水,不能凸显EVD的竖向排水优势.铝作为阴极时,由于其金属的活泼性较强,发生溶解、销蚀形成凝结剂物质,从而以电化学加固的形式降低了阴极附近土体的含水率,因而电渗法可以通过在阴极处制造局部的电化学反应来降低阴极附近土体的含水率.
    • 林冬青; 杨昭信; 古耀达
    • 摘要: 动态测量仪器的检定校准,是长度计量检测的一项难点.目前,开展动态变形模量Evd测试仪溯源的计量部门不多,已开展的仍使用接触式位移传感方式来复现Evd测试仪离散的沉陷值,检测难度较大.本文介绍一种用非接触的光电测头代替原位移传感测头,利用.NET开发控制人机界面,建立硬件通信机制,智能化检测仪动态变形模量Evd试仪沉陷值的方法.
    • Ahmad Meesaq; Yixiong Zhang; Weiwei Xiao; Alahmadi Fahad Abdullah; Hani Derhem AbdoAlzabidi; M.Fadhl M.Al-Sadi; Alanazi Mansour Rashid; Alotaibi Abdullah Saud; Ashour Hattan Ahmed; Ghulam Qadir; Zhiling Liu
    • 摘要: 目的:分析埃博拉病毒病(Ebola virus disease,EVD)的流行病学特点和临床特征,并提出疫情管理措施.方法:选取2016年1月-2016年3月间收治的36例在利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚ETU留观的疑似EVD患者为研究对象,围绕年龄、性别、旅行情况、既往检出情况总结流行病学特点,根据RT-PCR EBOVRNA检测、实验室检查以及临床观察统计临床特征.结果:36例疑似EVD患者经检查确诊5例,其流行病学特点如下:(1)人口特征.女性居多,男女比例为2:3,均为成年患者;(2)感染学特征.生活中直接接触EVD宿主而被感染,而且不但可从患病人体中直接感染,还可受到黑猩猩、豪猪等灵长类动物感染.临床特征:5例EVD患者中均有头疼发热、恶性呕吐、食欲减退或厌食症状,体温在37.3°C-39.7°C之间波动,但病情有轻重差异.5例中仅1例无结膜充血或水肿,仅1例出现吞咽障碍,1例出现呼吸不适,且均无巩膜黄染和不明原因出血症状;管理方法:尽早隔离传染源,并对疑似病例进行隔离观察切断一切传播链,同时制定对症治疗为基础的综合治疗方案.结论:EVD患者伴有多种临床表现,诊断时通过对其流行病学和临床特征研究,再结合PCR核酸检测能够准确、快速有效的确诊,对于确诊患者可立即进行隔离处理同时实施综合治疗可缓解病情,降低死亡率.
    • Saddam Hossain; Sumaiya Akter; Mhamud Hasan
    • 摘要: As of December 2nd 2015, a total of 28,601 cases have been reported with 11,300 reported deaths (not including cases where the outcome is unknown) during the current outbreak of ebola virus disease (EVD). In this paper, we mainly focus on the transmission of ebola virus disease, estimate the burden of the disease and the persistent nature by finding the basic reproduction number, and analyze the comprehensive steps to control the virulent disease. We have considered three mostly affected countries, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone respectively and collected data from various sources are used to surmise the present and future nature of the disease. Being the poorest country in the world like Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, they do not have efficient policies to fight against such kind of endemic and they have been unable to control the spread of the disease. We have found some real facts that increase the chances to be infected by this virulent disease. Since the reproduction number R0 is still above unity and if we do not take precautionary steps and work accordingly then the disease will definitely exist in the community and the burden of the disease would increase continuously.
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