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0-1矩阵的相关文献在1985年到2018年内共计79篇,主要集中在数学、自动化技术、计算机技术、经济计划与管理 等领域,其中期刊论文71篇、会议论文8篇、专利文献17671篇;相关期刊62种,包括绍兴文理学院学报、佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)、运筹与管理等; 相关会议3种,包括全国组合数学学术会议、全国组合数学学术会议、全国组合数学学术会议等;0-1矩阵的相关文献由131位作者贡献,包括金晶晶、姚伽华、张兴涛等。



论文:71 占比:0.40%


论文:8 占比:0.05%


论文:17671 占比:99.55%





  • 金晶晶
  • 姚伽华
  • 张兴涛
  • 王天明
  • 邓毅雄
  • 顾琳
  • 黎敬涛
  • 刘玉记
  • 卢茜
  • 吴国杰
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 贾璐; 姚光同
    • 摘要: 本文在讨论了三、四阶0,1矩阵的行列式基础上,给出了一个行列式不等式仅在三、四阶时可取等号,五阶以上等号是不成立的证明.最后,通过0,1矩阵的行列式的讨论,给出了0,1矩阵的行列式不等式的一个猜想.
    • 郑继明; 杨坤; 刘慧鹏; 肖敏
    • 摘要: 针对传统路由算法只适用于两点之间的路由规划而不适用于对多点路由规划的问题,讨论了基于0-1线性规划的多点路由规划模型.该模型以邻接矩阵、0-1矩阵为基础,利用辅助变量记录路径中节点顺序,以路径总权重最小为目标函数,提出一种适用于起点、终点以及若干必经点之间的路由规划模型,并利用线性求解器进行了仿真实验.仿真结果表明,求解该问题所提出的路由算法能有效地解决多点之间的路由规划问题,在中小规模的网络规划中具有较大的应用价值.%Aiming at the problem that traditional routing algorithms are only suitable for routing of between two points, but not for multi-point routing planning, a multi linear routing programming model based on 0-1 linear programming is discussed. The model, based on adjacent matrix and 0-1 matrix and with secondary variables to record the order of nodes in the path and minimum total path weight as the objective function, the routing planning model suitable for starting point, and destination point and several necessary points, is proposed, and the simulation experiment with linear solver also done. Simulation results indicate that the proposed routing algorithm can effectively solve the routing problem of between multiple points, and has great application value in small-and medium-scale network planning.
    • 金晶晶
    • 摘要: 文章定义了变换图的张量积图.为了研究其内在结构特征,给出了张量积图的边数不等于0的充分必要条件,并证明了两个变换图的顶点数乘积等于其张量积图的顶点数,两个变换图边数的较大者等于其张量积图的边数,两个变换图直径的较大者等于其张量积图的直径.
    • 汤志浩
    • 摘要: Pharmacies boxed a great variety of drugs, medicine box dimensions difference is bigger, the general design scheme of storing cabinet for horizontal and vertical offset, the gap between the two sides of the box and the vertical partition board will cause the gap width redundancy, box and the above partition will cause the highly redundant. Increasing the number of pitch type vertical baffle can effectively reduce the width of redundancy, but will increase the cost of production storage cabinet, while reducing the medicine storage tank capacity to adapt. Research to determine the number of types of transverse and longitudinal baffle spacing of the storing cabinet, so that the total amount of planar redundant storing cabinet as small as possible, has the important guiding significance to the reality of storage tank design.%以储药柜的设计为例介绍了0-1整数规划数学模型在物品设计方面的应用。药房内的盒装药品种类繁多,药盒尺寸规格差异较大,一般的储药柜为横纵向等距的设计方案,药盒与两侧竖向隔板之间的间隙会造成宽度冗余,药盒与上面隔板的间隙会造成高度冗余。增加竖向隔板的间距类型数量可以有效地减少宽度冗余,但会增加储药柜的加工成本,同时降低了储药槽的适用范围。研究确定储药柜横纵向隔板间距的类型数量,使得储药柜的总平面冗余量尽可能地小,对现实中储药柜的设计具有重要的指导意义。
    • 郑瑾
    • 摘要: 基于Apriori算法提出了基于0-1矩阵的时空关联规则挖掘算法,并以挖掘不同年代的土地覆盖现状之间的时空关联关系作为试验案例,对比Apriori算法的提取结果和提取效率,研究结果表明:该算法不仅减少了扫描数据库的次数,而且减少了冗余候选项集的产生,提高了时空关联规则的提取效率.
    • 金晶晶
    • 摘要: 著名的图论专家R.A.Brualdi于1980年提出关于变换图直径的Brualdi猜想[1],然而至今却悬而未决.研究一类变换图G(R1*,S1*),R1*=(1,…,1)、S1*=(1,…,1)的若干性质,并给出其直径为n-1,最后提出若干有待解决的问题.
    • 肖汉; 郭晓沛
    • 摘要: 研究了同一页印刷文字文件进行横纵切后破碎纸片的拼接问题,通过利用碎纸片内文字特征、碎纸片的边缘像素灰度、行间距等特征,给出了碎片文件拼接算法.Matlab仿真实验结果表明,该算法很好地实现了破碎文件的拼接.
    • 金晶晶
    • 摘要: 著名的组合图论专家Brualdi和Anstee于1980年独立地提出了下述猜想:设R =(r1,r2,…,rm)、R′=(r′1,r′2,…,r′m)、S =(s1,s2,…,sn)、S′=(s′1,s′2,…,s′n)是非负整数向量,u(R,S)表示具有行和向量为R、列和向量为S的{0,1}-矩阵类,则存在矩阵A∈u(R,S),B∈u(R′,S′),使A+B∈u(R+R′,S+S′)的充要条件是u(R,S)、u(R′,S′)和u(R+R′, S+S′)均非空.1986年,陈永川找到Brualdi-Anstee猜想的反例.对猜想的已知条件作补充,使得该猜想成立并证明之,并且由此得到了两个新定理.%Brualdi and Anstee,two famous experts of combinatorics and graph theory,raised a conjecture in 1980 as follows:Let R =(r1,r2,…,rm),R′=(r′1,r′2,…,r′m),S =(s1,s2,…,sn)and S′=(s′1,s′2,…,s′n)be nonnegative integral vector.Denote by u(R,S)the classes of (0,1 )matrix with row sum vector R and column sum vector S.There exist a matrix A∈u(R,S)and a matrix B∈u(R′,S′)such that A+B∈u(R+R′,S+S′).The necessary and sufficient condition for it is u(R,S)、u(R′,S′)and u(R+R′, S +S′)are not empty.Y.C.Chen found the counterexample in 1986.In this paper,to make the conjecture established and prove it, we make some supplement for the known conditions of the conjecture,then two new theorems are obtained according to it.
    • 朱惠
    • 摘要: 随着科学技术的发展,人们可以更快、更方便地获取数据、保存数据,数据的量和复杂程度都是前所未见。该文对数据挖掘技术中的关联规则挖掘进行了系统的分析和研究,并在经典的Apriori算法的基础上改进了一个算法。该算法是一种基于矩阵的关联规则挖掘算法,通过扫描将数据库映射为0-1矩阵,直接在矩阵上进行运算,避免了反复扫描的过程,还对Apriori性质进行了引申和利用,对矩阵进行彻底的压缩。理论分析和实验证明了改进算法在效率上的提高。%With the rapid development of information technologies, people can get data and store data quickly and conveniently, which results in the unprecedented rising of the quantity and complexity of the data. This thesis presents the systematic analysis and research on the data mining and association rule mining. The algorithm is an algorithm of mining association rules based on matrix.The new algorithm maps the database into a 0-1matrix, computing directly on the matrix and avoiding scanning the data-base repeatedly. And also extended and utilization the properties of the Apriori, the matrix will be compressed more thoroughly. At the end of the paper, a theoretical analysis and experiment will been given.
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