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随机图的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计85篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、数学、系统科学 等领域,其中期刊论文72篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献59519篇;相关期刊49种,包括西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)、贵州大学学报(自然科学版)、吉林大学学报(理学版)等; 相关会议5种,包括第十一届中国不确定系统年会、第十五届中国青年信息与管理学者大会、第二届信息、电子与计算机工程国际学术会议、第29届中国控制会议等;随机图的相关文献由172位作者贡献,包括李敬文、傅云斌、李小慧等。



论文:72 占比:0.12%


论文:5 占比:0.01%


论文:59519 占比:99.87%





  • 李敬文
  • 傅云斌
  • 李小慧
  • 董威
  • 许道云
  • 贾西贝
  • D.J. Watts
  • M. E. J. Newman
  • S.H. Strogatz
  • 余贻鑫
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 何杏宇; 张兆; 赵丹; 杨桂松
    • 摘要: 多节点协作已成为物联网的重要应用趋势,为了确保多个节点之间的可靠协作,提出了一种基于随机图的多节点连通性判定方法.首先,根据节点之间的直接连通概率构建节点连通性随机图;然后将所构建的随机图拆分为包含协作组节点的目标组件和不包含协作组节点的中继组件,从而将协作组内多节点之间的连通性转换为组件之间的连通性;最后,提出了测试组件之间连通性的算法,其中定义了与直接连通概率有关的测试规则以对组件之间测试边的测试优先级进行排序.仿真结果表明,相比于现有方法,所提方法能够以较低的成本获得较高的准确度.
    • 蔡建生; 熊亚萍
    • 摘要: 随机图G(n,p)是具有n个标号的顶点的图,并且图中的每一对顶点以概率p被随机且独立地选择为图G的边.对于有顶点集V和边集E的简单图G=(V,E),G的f-染色c是广义的边染色,使每个颜色类在任一顶点v上至多出现f(v)次,其中f(v)是分配给v的正整数.在这篇文章中,我们给出随机图G(n,p)是f-第一类的一个充分条件.
    • 单康康; 郭晔; 陈文智
    • 摘要: 为提高社区检测的效率与精度,提出一种随机并行的局部搜索算法.用图模型结构表示复杂系统,将顶点划分成簇.构建贪婪随机自适应搜索过程与路径重连过程,以解决加权图的模块最大化问题.引入一种{0,1}矩阵类特征并定义聚类的距离函数,从而进行顶点的邻域搜索,实现社区的高精度检测识别.实验结果表明,该算法的F1值与NMI指标值均较高.
    • 杨建卫; 任晓莉; 李乃乾
    • 摘要: 为提高项目调度优化过程的合理性,引入一种新的项目调度优化应对冲突的方法,一旦冲突发生在调度方案中,不是重新定义项目的开始时间,而是对冲突的时间调度表进行状态的迁移,得到另一个可行的调度时间表,实现了算法计算效率的提升.然后,将主动和被动项目调度问题作为单一的综合问题来制定,并利用Markov决策过程对上述项目调度优化问题进行建模,有针对性地设计了一种基于随机图的动态规划求解方法.实验结果显示了所提方法在收敛精度和计算效率上的有效性,并通过甘特图方式对调度方案的合理性进行了论证.
    • 江红豆; 李敬文; 曹道通; 江世明
    • 摘要: The adjacent vertex-distinguishing VI-equitable total coloring of graph G is that adjacent edges of a graph have different color , the sizes of its color classes(vertex or edge)differ by at most one, and no two adjacent distinct vertices have the same color sets, the minimum number of used colors is called the adjacent vertex distinguishing VI-equitable total chromatic number. In this paper, a heuristic algorithm is presented for the adjacent vertex distinguishing VI-equitable total coloring of random graphs, which has designed three objective functions and one main function by the constraints, with exchange rules to find the optimum solution, the iterative exchange hasn't finished until the coloring results satisfy the requirements of main function. At the same time, this paper gives the detailed algorithm steps and the conducted massive testing and analysis. The experimental results show that this algorithm can find the minimum adjacent vertex distinguishing VI-equitable total chromatic number which the vertices have given efficiently.%邻点可区别VI-均匀全染色是指图中任意两条相邻边分配不同的颜色,且任意两个色类(点或边)的颜色个数最大相差为1,同时确保相邻顶点的色集合不同,其所用的最少颜色数称为图的邻点可区别VI-均匀全色数.提出了一种针对随机图的邻点可区别VI-均匀全染色算法,该算法依据染色条件设计了三个子目标函数和一个总目标函数,并依据交换规则逐步迭代寻优,直至染色结果满足总目标函数的要求.同时给出了详细的算法执行步骤,并进行了大量的测试和分析,实验结果表明,该算法可以高效地求出给定顶点数的图的最小邻点可区别VI-均匀全色数.
    • 董崇杰; 陈俞强
    • 摘要: 针对目前不同网络耦合成相依网络的研究不考虑相依边和负载的共同影响,提出一种同时考虑相依边和负载的相依网络级联故障模型.在级联故障中区分连接边和相依边对相依网络的不同作用,负载分配采用基于最短路径长度的可变负载全局分配原则,正常节点分配到的额外负载与距离故障节点的距离成反比关系,相依网络的子网选用IEEE 118标准电网、小世界网络和随机图网络.相依网络的仿真结果表明,负载全局分配效应越小,网络抵制故障能力越强,负载故障对级联故障的贡献程度越小,不同耦合网络在特定的容忍系数下取得不同的平均故障迭代步数峰值;而负载全局分配效应较大时,网络崩溃或近似崩溃,平均故障迭代步数与容忍系数呈现近似单调递增关系.%Concerning the interdependent network coupled by different networks,a new model for cascading failures was proposed which considered the combined effects of traffic load and interdependent edge.In the new model,the roles of interdependent edge and connected edge in interdependent networks were considered separately,variant-load global distribution principle based on the shortest path length was adopted in load allocation;the additional load assigned by the normal node was inversely proportional to the distance from the failed node.Finally,cascading failures of the interdependent network coupled by the IEEEll8 standard grid network,small world network and random network were simulated.The simulation results show that the effect of global distribution of load is smaller,the failures resistance ability is stronger,the contribution of the traffic load of cascading failures is smaller and IEEE118 coupling network and the small-world coupling network have bigger failures steps when tolerance coefficient is smaller.Meanwhile,the network is unable to maintain the integrity,tolerance coefficient and failures steps appear approximately monotonically increasing relationship when the effect of global distribution of load is bigger.
    • 卢友军; 许道云
    • 摘要: 相变性质是ER(Erd(o)s-Rényi)随机图理论具有的重要性质,一个简单无向图G=(V,E)中的k-独立集是一个具有k个顶点的独立集.为更好地理解ER随机图中k-独立集的结构特性,提出并利用一阶矩和二阶矩方法严格证明了当2≤k=o(√n)时随机图G(n,p)中k-独立集出现相变的临界概率pc=1-n-2/k-1.利用m≈pC2n时随机图G(n,p)和G(n,m)等价的性质给出了随机图G(n,m)中k-独立集出现相变的临界边数mc=[n(n-1)/2(1-n-2/k-1)].实验结果表明:当2≤k=o(√n)时,随机图G(n,p)和G(n,m)中存在k-独立集的理论临界值和仿真得到的临界值一致且临界值与图节点总数n和独立集节点数k有关,而当k=ω(√n)时,随机图G(n,p)和G(n,m)中存在k-独立集的理论临界值和仿真临界值不一致.%Phase transition property is one of the most important properties of the theory of ErdOs Rényi random graphs.A subset of vertices is a k-independent set in a simple undirected graph G=(V,E) if the subset is an independent set containing k vertex.In order to understand the structural property of k-independent sets in Erd(o)s-Rényi random graphs,the phase transition properties of kindependent sets in Erd(o)s-Rényi random graphs are investigated in this paper.It is shown that the threshold probability is Pc=1-n 2/k-1 for the existence of k-independent sets in random graph G(n,p) via the first moment method and the second moment method when 2≤k=o(√n).According to this fact that random graph G(n,p) is equivalent to random graph G(n,m) when m is close to pC2n,the threshold edge number is given by mc =[n(n-1)/2(1-n-2/k-1) for the existence of k-independent sets in random graph G(n,m).The simulation results show that the consistence between simulation and theoretical threshold value for the existence of k independent sets in random graph G(n,p) and G(n,m) when 2≤k=o(√),and the threshold value is related to the total number n of vertices and the number k of vertices of independent set.However,when k=ω(),the theoretical threshold value is not consistent with the simulation threshold value for the existence of k-independent sets in random graph G(n,p) and G(n,m).
    • 单治超
    • 摘要: 随机图是概率论研究的重要领域.在一个由若干图组成的集合上赋以一个概率测度,就得到一个随机图模型.关于随机图的研究主要集中于图的几何量,如最大连通分支的顶点个数、连通度、典型距离、直径、色数等.随机图模型有时也与概率论关注的其他主题进行综合,例如随机图上的随机游动和传染病模型.本文对于随机图上的随机游动和传染病模型的已有结果进行综述.
    • 黄炫圭
    • 摘要: 针对植入团问题是平均情况复杂性理论的一个中心问题,将带植入团的随机图模型进行推广,提出小边概率条件,使得边概率可以随着顶点数目的增大而变小.使用随机算法分析中的概率工具,改进文献中算法的分析,证明在小边概率条件下,存在以很大概率找到推广模型中较小的植入团的多项式时间随机算法.
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