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矢量相关的相关文献在1997年到2021年内共计72篇,主要集中在化学、无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文67篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献113367篇;相关期刊28种,包括邢台职业技术学院学报、济宁学院学报、山东师范大学学报(自然科学版)等; 相关会议1种,包括第十三届全国原子与分子物理学术会议等;矢量相关的相关文献由108位作者贡献,包括吕广申、刘新国、马建军等。



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  • 吕广申
  • 刘新国
  • 马建军
  • 张庆刚
  • 杨传路
  • 丛书林
  • 刘振中
  • 刘玉芳
  • 孙金锋
  • 许雪松
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈海亮; 张志红; 吕文彩
    • 摘要: 基于Sayós等构建的基态势能面,运用准经典轨线方法对原子-分子反应K(2S)+HF(X1∑+)→KF(X1∑+)+H(2S)的立体动力学性质进行了研究.计算了该反应的极化微分反应截面、两矢量k-j'相关分布函数P(θr)、三矢量k-k'-j'相关分布函数P(?r)和空间分布函数P(θr,?r).结果表明,产物KF的转动角动量j'不仅在垂直于反应物相对速度矢量k的方向上有强烈的取向效应,而且还定向于y轴的负方向,转动角动量j'敏感地依赖于碰撞能.
    • 杨润佳; 刘泽三
    • 摘要: 【目的】报警在工业系统安全管理中具有重要作用。报警之间有些是孤立的,有些相互之间存在着某种关联,报警间相关性的研究是报警预测和防范的重要手段。【方法】本文针对某电厂大量时序报警数据,提出了一种基于权重的多态时序通用型相似度算法,应用该相似度算法能提高传统凝聚层次聚类算法在报警数据上聚类的精度;在报警聚类的基础上,以时间维度作为矢量相关,阐述了报警之间相互影响的方向性,提出以条件概率形式量化分析报警矢量相关性,使得不同点位之间报警相关性具有可比性;在此基础上,设计了针对大批量报警数据的挖掘报警矢量相关性的挖掘算法。【结果】以某电厂报警数据为实验数据样本测试,该算法能有效地挖掘出报警间的关联关系,可预测相关报警,指导生产。【结论】该算法打破了传统报警相关性研究方法的部分局限,在挖掘序列报警和非序列报警、规整报警和非规整报警方面都具有同等效果。为了能更好地展示矢量相关性,本文设计了一种二维矩阵的展示方式。
    • 杨润佳; 刘泽三
    • 摘要: [目的]报警在工业系统安全管理中具有重要作用.报警之间有些是孤立的,有些相互之间存在着某种关联,报警间相关性的研究是报警预测和防范的重要手段.[方法]本文针对某电厂大量时序报警数据,提出了一种基于权重的多态时序通用型相似度算法,应用该相似度算法能提高传统凝聚层次聚类算法在报警数据上聚类的精度;在报警聚类的基础上,以时间维度作为矢量相关,阐述了报警之间相互影响的方向性,提出以条件概率形式量化分析报警矢量相关性,使得不同点位之间报警相关性具有可比性;在此基础上,设计了针对大批量报警数据的挖掘报警矢量相关性的挖掘算法.[结果]以某电厂报警数据为实验数据样本测试,该算法能有效地挖掘出报警间的关联关系,可预测相关报警,指导生产.[结论]该算法打破了传统报警相关性研究方法的部分局限,在挖掘序列报警和非序列报警、规整报警和非规整报警方面都具有同等效果.为了能更好地展示矢量相关性,本文设计了一种二维矩阵的展示方式.
    • 王玉良1; 顾殿雨1; 李慧1; 王坤1
    • 摘要: 利用准经典轨线方法计算了基于最新三重态势能面H + HS→S + H2反应的动力学性质。反应几率和反应截面与含时波包方法计算的结果吻合的非常好。计算结果表明在低能区碰撞能效的提高了反应的活性,而在高能区碰撞能则抑制了该反应的进行。另外,反应产物H2分子主要向前和向侧边散射,碰撞能对散射强度和方向影响较大。
    • 唐晓平; 和小虎; 周灿华; 杨阳
    • 摘要: The effect of reagent vibrational excitation on the stereodynamical properties of H(2S) + CH+(X1Σ+) →C+(2P) + H2(X1Σ+g ) reaction is investigated by quasi-classical trajectory method on a globally smooth ab initio po-tential surface of the 2A′ state at a collision energy of 500 meV. The reaction probability and the reaction cross-section are also studied. In the calculation, the vibrational levels of the reactant molecules are taken as v = 0, 1, 3, 5 and j = 0, respectively, where v is the vibrational quantum number and j is the rotational quantum number. The calculation results show that the reaction probability reaches a maximum when v = 1, and then decreases with the vibrational quantum number increasing. The integral cross-section decreases sharply with the increase of vibrational quantum number. The potential distribution P(θr), the dihedral angle distribution P(Φr), and the polarization-dependent generalized differen-tial cross sections are calculated. P(θr) represents the relation between the reagent relative velocity k and the product rotational angular momentum j′. P(Φr) describes the correlation of k-k′-j′, in which k′ is the product reagent relative velocity. The peak of P(θr) is at θr = 90? and symmetric with respect to 90?, which shows that the product rotational angular momentum vector is strongly aligned along the direction perpendicular to the relative velocity direction. The peak of P(θr) distribution becomes increasingly obvious with the increase of the rotational quantum number. The di-hedral angle distribution P(Φr) tends to be asymmetric with respect to the k-k′ scattering plane (or about Φr = 180?), directly reflecting the strong polarization of the product angular momentum for the title reaction. Each curve has two evident peaks at about Φr = 90? and Φr = 270?, but the two peak intensities are obviously different, which suggests that j′ is not only aligned, but also strongly orientated along the Y -axis of the center-of-mass frame. The peak at Φr = 90?is apparently stronger than that at Φr = 270?, which indicates that j′ tends to be oriented along the positive direction of Y -axis. In order to validate more information, we also plot the angular momentum polarization in the forms of polar plots θr and Φr. The distribution of P(θr, Φr) is well consistent with the distribution P(θr) and also the distribution P(Φr) of the products at different vibrational quantum states. In addition, the polarization-dependent differential cross section is quite sensitive to the reagent vibrational excitation. Based on the obtained results, we find that the observed excess of the methylidyne cation CH+ is closely related to the reactant of vibrational excitation in interstellar chemistry.%在CH+2体系的电子基态势能面上运用准经典轨线方法,研究了当碰撞能E=500 meV时,反应物分子的振动激发对H(2S)+CH+(X1Σ+)→C+(2P)+H2(X1Σ+g)反应的反应概率、反应截面和立体动力学性质的影响.分别计算了两矢量相关k-j′ 的P(θr)分布,三矢量相关k-k′-j′ 的P(Φr)分布以及反应产物的四个极化微分截面.结果表明,产物分子转动角动量不仅在Y轴方向有取向效应,还定于Y轴的正方向.并且发现,随着振动量子数的增加,对反应体系产物分布的影响就越明显.
    • 陈国萌; 高守宝; 魏炜; 宋玉志; 孟庆田
    • 摘要: Quasi-classical trajectory calculations for the reaction S (3p) + SH (X2Π) →S2 (X3Σg-) + H (2S) are performed by using a globally accurate double many-body expansion potential energy surface.The integral cross section,the rate constant,the distribution reflecting vector correlation,as well as the polarization-dependent differential cross section are obtained.The analysis of the results shows that the reaction cross section displays a decreasing behavior as the increasing of the collision energy,and the product rotation prefers an in-of-plane reaction mechanism with the collision energy increasing.Those results indicate that the product S2 is sensitively affected by collision energy.%基于新构建的全维双多体展开势能面,运用准经典轨线方法研究了S(3p) +SH(X2Π) →S2(X3 Σg) +H(2S)反应.计算得到了反应的积分截面、热速率常数、矢量相关分布以及极化微分截面.对计算结果的分析表明,随着碰撞能的增加,积分反应截面有一个下降的趋势;而随着碰撞能的增加,产物的转动极化更趋向于面内反应机制.这些结果表明产物S2对于碰撞能的变化十分敏感.
    • 唐晓平; 周灿华; 和小虎; 于东麒; 杨阳
    • 摘要: The reactive cross section and stereodynamics at selected collision energies for the H(2S) + CH+(X1∑+) →C+(2P) + H2(X1∑g+) reaction on a globally smooth ab initio potential surface of the 2A'state are calculated in detail by the quasi-classical trajectory(QCT) method.The calculated cross section decreases with the increase of the collision energy,which is found to be in overall good agreement with the previous time-dependent quantum results in the high collision energy regime (Ec > 20 meV).The discrepancy between the QCT and previous quantum cross section below 20 meV can be attributed to the limitations of the classical trajectory method,because the QCT method cannot handle the effect of zero point energy.In general,QCT results show qualitative agreement with the quantum results,which confirmsthe validity of the QCT method.The research shows that the product rotational angular momentum vector is aligned and oriented.The alignment of the product rotational angular momentum vector j'depends very sensitively on the collision energy.With the increase of the collision energy,the alignment effect recedesin the low collision energy region (1500 meV),while it is enhanced in the high collision energy region (500-1000 meV).Moreover,the k-k'-j'distributions tend to be asymmetric with respect to the k-k'scattering plane (or about Φr =180°),with two peaks appearing at Φr =90° and Φr =270°,respectively.This indicates that the product rotational angular momentum is not only in the Y-axis direction but also along the positive Y-axis direction.The peak intensity decreases with the collision energy increasing from 1 meV to 100 meV,while it increases with collision energy increasing from 100 meV to 1000 meV.Therefore the Y-axis orientation effect turns weak with the enhancement of the collision energy in the low energy region,while it becomes strong in the high energy region.In addition,the polarization dependent differential cross sections (PDDCSs) (2π/σ)(dσ00/dωt) and (2π/σ)(dσ20/dωt) are calculated.PDDCS (2π/σ)(dσ00/dωt) results indicate that the products have almost symmetrically scattered forward and backward,and the intensity of the scattering increases with the increase of the collision energy.The PDDCS (2π/σ)(dσ20/dωt) shows that the alignment effect of the rotational angular momentum of the products is stronger at the terminal of the scattering angle than at the other directions.%采用准经典轨线法计算H(2S)+CH+(X1∑+)→C+(2P)+H2(X1∑+)反应在其基电子态势能面上的不同碰撞能时的反应截面和立体动力学性质.此外还计算了极化依赖的微分反应截面(2π/σ)(dσ00/ dωt)和(2π/σ)(dσ20/dωt).结果表明该反应受到反应物碰撞能影响较大.
    • 唐晓平; 和小虎; 周灿华; 杨阳
    • 摘要: 在CH_2^+体系的电子基态势能面上运用准经典轨线方法,研究了当碰撞能E=500 me V时,反应物分子的振动激发对H(~2S)+CH^+(X^1Σ^+)→C+(~2P)+H_2(X1_gΣ^+)反应的反应概率、反应截面和立体动力学性质的影响.分别计算了两矢量相关k-j′的P(θ_r)分布,三矢量相关k-k′-j′的P(Φr)分布以及反应产物的四个极化微分截面.结果表明,产物分子转动角动量不仅在Y轴方向有取向效应,还定于Y轴的正方向.并且发现,随着振动量子数的增加,对反应体系产物分布的影响就越明显.
    • 任晓松; 杨嘉伟; 安建波; 崔嵬; 吴嗣亮
    • 摘要: 为了弥补阵列天线导向矢量失配和相位测量噪声对测向性能的影响,提出基于矢量最优估计的稳健测向方法.区别于传统相关干涉仪测向方法,该方法基于阵列系统的二阶统计特性和锁相环原理对来波信号导向矢量进行最优估计,然后借鉴相关干涉仪原理确定来波信号方向.仿真分析表明,该方法弥补了阵列天线系统误差和测量相位随机噪声的影响,可以实现来波信号方向的准确测量.
    • 许雪松; 李磊; 荆波; 杨鲲
    • 摘要: 采用准经典轨线方法讨论了反应物分子的振动激发对O+DCl →OD+C1反应动力学性质的影响.计算结果表明,反应物分子的振动激发对(2π/σ)(dσ00/dωt),(2π/σ)(dσ20/dωt)和(2π/σ)(dσ22+/dωt)3个极化微分反应截面和产物分子转动角动量取向程度的影响比较显著.变化规律反映出反应物分子的高振动激发使产物分子倾向于在平行于散射面的平面内转动.
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