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洗胃法的相关文献在1989年到2019年内共计111篇,主要集中在临床医学、内科学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂 等领域,其中期刊论文110篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献94795篇;相关期刊82种,包括农民致富之友、医学临床研究、齐鲁护理杂志等; 相关会议1种,包括中华医学会灾难医学分会第三届年会暨城市安全与灾难医学救援国际高峰论坛等;洗胃法的相关文献由214位作者贡献,包括何雯、宋慧东、帕提古丽等。



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  • 何雯
  • 宋慧东
  • 帕提古丽
  • 早然
  • 李娟
  • 李海鹏
  • 李高怀
  • 杨蔚
  • 武正军
  • 舒建昌
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 高永霞
    • 摘要: 农业生产中,我国很多地方都通过喷洒农药来防止病虫害,在一定程度上,这种农业管理方式提升了农产品的产量,保证了农民效益。与此同时,农药的喷洒也带来了较为严重的安全问题。尤其是随着有机磷农药的应用,因农药中毒的患者不断增加,这就需要对患者及时的进行洗胃,避免患者发生生命危险。那么一旦人们发生有机磷农药中毒时,处理及时、正确与否,直接关系到病人的生命和将来的生活质量。洗胃是如何操作的呢,今天就给大家来科普一下。
    • 摘要: 文章主要介绍常见的洗胃技术和注意事项.
    • 陈静
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨间歇洗胃法在急性有机磷农药中毒患者的急救中的作用。方法对我院急性有机磷农药中毒患者72例实施有效的间歇洗胃法,分析患者的抢救成功率。结果我院急性有机磷农药中毒患者72例实施有效的间歇洗胃法后,大多数患者成功治愈出院,有着较高的抢救成功率。结论间歇洗胃法在急性有机磷农药中毒患者的急救当中可以发挥积极的作用,提升患者急救的成功率。
    • 赵波; 代景斌; 李君; 肖磊; 孙宝泉; 刘乃政; 张艳敏; 菅向东
    • 摘要: 目的 分析97例急性百草枯中毒患者的临床资料,探讨应用序贯式全胃肠道灌洗法治疗急性百草枯中毒的疗效.方法 将符合研究条件的97例急性百草枯中毒患者,随机分成常规治疗组(48例)和序贯治疗组(49例).常规治疗组给予洗胃机清水洗胃.洗胃后给予蒙脱石散30 g+活性炭30g+甘露醇清除肠道毒物,每天1次,连用5d.序贯治疗组先给予蒙脱石散60 g口服,采用小容量低压人工洗胃,2.5%碳酸氢钠碱性液体作为洗胃液.洗胃后给予活性炭30 g、蒙脱石散30 g、聚乙二醇电解质溶液口服进行全胃肠道灌洗,每天1次,连用5d.两组均给予大剂量糖皮质激素、血液灌流、抗氧化等治疗方案.观察患者第1、3、5、7、10天时血钾、血淀粉酶(AMY)、丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)、总胆红素(TBIL)、尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(Cr)、乳酸(LAC)、氧分压(PaO2)水平,记录两组患者通便时间、病死率和病死患者存活时间.结果 序贯治疗组患者中出现低血钾(<3.5 mmol/L)、AMY(>110 U/L)所占比例低于常规治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);ALT(>80 U/L)、TBIL(>34.2 μmol/L)、BUN(>7.2 mmol/L)、Cr(>177 μmol/L)患者所占比例低于常规治疗组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);ALT、TBIL、BUN、Cr、Lac的最高值比常规治疗组低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);序贯治疗组患者的PaO2(<60 mmHg)所占比例、平均通便时间、病死率低于常规治疗组,序贯治疗组死亡患者存活时间高于常规治疗组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 序贯式全胃肠道灌洗法在急性百草枯中毒早期应用可缩短排便时间,减轻中毒患者肝、肾、肺、胰腺等脏器损伤程度,降低病死率,延长病死患者生存时间.%Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of early application of sequential gastrointestinal lavage in patients with acute paraquat poisoning by analyzing the clinical data of 97 patients.Methods A total of 97 eligible patients with acute paraquat poisoning were divided into conventional treatment group (n=48) and sequential treatment group (n=49).The conventional treatment group received routine gastric lavage with water.Then 30 g of montmorillonite powder,30 g of activated charcoal,and mannitol were given to remove intestinal toxins once a day for five days.The sequential treatment group received 60 g of montmorillonite powder for oral administration,followed by small-volume low-pressure manual gastric lavage with 2.5% bicarbonate liquid.Then 30 g of activated charcoal,30 g of montmorillonite powder,and polyethylene glycol electrolyte lavage solution were given one after another for gastrointestinal lavage once a day for five days.Both groups received large doses of corticosteroids,blood perfusion,and anti-oxidation treatment.The levels of serum potassium,serum amylase (AMY),alanine aminotransferase (ALT),total bilirubin (TBIL),blood urea nitrogen (BUN),creatinine (Cr),lactate (Lac),and PaO2 of patients were determined at 1,3,5,7,and 10 days.Laxative time,mortality,and survival time of dead cases were evaluated in the two groups.Results The incidence rates of hypokalemia (<3.5 mmol/L) and AMY (>110 U/L) were significantly lower in the sequential treatment group than in the conventional treatment group (P<0.05).There were no significant differences in the incidence of ALT (>80 U/L),TBIL (>34.2μmol/L),BUN (>7.2 mmol/L),and Cr (>177 μmol/L) between the two groups (P>0.05).However,the highest levels of ALT,TBIL,BUN,Cr,and Lac were significantly lower in the sequential treatment group than in the conventional treatment group (P<0.05).Moreover,the sequential treatment group had significantly lower incidence of PaO2 (<60 mmHg),shorter average laxative time,lower mortality,and longer survival time of dead cases than the conventional treatment group (P<0.05).Conclusion The early application of sequential gastrointestinal lavage can shorten laxative time,alleviate organ damage in the liver,kidney,lung,and pancreas,reduce mortality,and prolong the survival time of dead cases in patients with acute paraquat poisoning.
    • 黎东眉; 孙欣; 莫永良
    • 摘要: Abstrca t Objectiev To explore the value of electric suction device in the gastric lavage in patients with acute poisoning.Methods 60 patients with acute poisoning according to the method of random Numbers were divided into electric suction group, syringes and electrical unit 20 cases each.Observation group uses electric device to attract, injector group adopts the traditional syringe method of gastric lavage, electric unit adopts the traditional method of electric machine wash the stomach.Compare three sets of washing time and washing stomach gastric juice intake, incidence of gastric mucosa damage, lavage reflux condition, toxin clearance, etc.Results Gastric lavage time observing group, gas-tric lavage in quantity every time, incidence of gastric mucosa damage, lavage reflux incidence were superior to a syringe ( t=2.214, t=3. 147,χ2=9.674, χ2 =6.674, P0.05) .Conclusion There are great clinical value about electric suction device used in gastric lavage, it is worthy of clinical promotion.%目的:探讨电动吸引装置在急性中毒患者洗胃中的价值。方法将60例急性中毒患者按随机数字法分为电动吸引组、注射器组和电机组各20例。观察组采用电动吸引装置进行,注射器组采用传统的注射器洗胃法,电机组采用传统电动机洗胃法。比较三组洗胃时间及洗胃液出入量、胃黏膜损伤发生率、灌洗液返流情况、毒物清除率等。结果观察组洗胃时间、每次洗胃的出入量、胃黏膜损伤发生率、灌洗液返流发生率均优于注射器组( t=2.214,t=3.147,χ2=9.674,χ2=6.674,P<0.05),观察组与传统组间对比无明显差异;观察组毒物清除率优于注射器组(χ2=4.314,P<0.05),观察组毒物清除率大于电机组,但两者比较无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论电动吸引装置用于洗胃中具有极大的临床价值,值得临床推广。
    • 张燕钦; 孙力; 钟玉红
    • 摘要: 2012年10月~2013年10月我院收治的82例咽下综合症的新生儿,分为传统组和改良组各41例.传统组采用新生儿传统洗胃法,改良组采用改良洗胃法,比较两组的有效性及安全性.总显效率方面,改良组(95.12%)远远高于传统组(75.61%),差异比较有统计学意义(P<0.05);临床指标方面,如平均洗胃时间、并发症发生率、转科数、洗胃一次性成功率、洗出新鲜血性液数等,改良组均优于传统组(P<0.05).改良洗胃法对新生儿咽下综合症的疗效显著,且安全可靠,值得进一步推广应用.
    • 徐亦楠
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨舒适护理对急诊洗胃的作用.方法:将急诊洗胃的60例患者按就诊顺序分为观察组和对照组,每组30例.观察组采用舒适护理洗胃方法,对照组采用传统护理洗胃方法.观察2组洗胃时间、不良反应和并发症的发生、护理满意度、焦虑自评量表(self-rating anxiety scale,SAS)和抑郁自评量表(self-rating depression scale,SDS)评分等的情况.结果:观察组患者初次吸出液体时间和总洗胃时间均明显少于对照组(P<0.01);观察组患者护理满意度和SAS评分、SDS评分均明显优于对照组(P<0.01);观察组患者不良反应和并发症的发生显著少于对照组(P<0.01).结论:舒适护理洗胃方法具有洗胃时间短、不良反应和并发症少、患者满意度高以及可减轻患者焦虑和抑郁等优点.
    • 张学英
    • 摘要: 我科自2008年1月-2012年5月应用洗胃法成功抢救206例急性中毒患者,从抢救成功的实践中我们深刻体会到及时、准确、迅速、轻柔、敏捷、彻底有效的洗胃,阻止毒物从胃肠继续吸收,以尽最大努力来抢救病人生命是抢救成功的关键。
    • 季芳; 王巧云; 庾英姿
    • 摘要: 重度有机磷中毒是急诊抢救中常见的危重症疾病之一,严重时会出现呼吸、循环衰竭。洗胃是抢救口服急性有机磷农药中毒的重要措施,及时彻底的清除胃内毒物可最大程度减少毒物吸收,提高抢救成功率。根据漏斗洗胃原理用灌肠袋中的冲洗袋改良了漏斗洗胃法,方法简便,使用安全,减少洗胃过程中并发症的发生,提高了急性重度有机磷中毒患者抢救的成功率。
    • 李秋仪; 杨成海; 李洁凌; 车小梅
    • 摘要: Objective To atudy the treatment effect of intennittent gastrolavage in patients with acute organophosphorus pesticide poisorung (AOPP).Methods Sixty-six patients were divided into the experiment group and the control group.The control group was treated with conventional gastrolavage and the experiment group with intermittent gastrolavage.The atropine dosage, rebound rate, and hospital ization time were compared between the two groups.Results Differences of the atropine dasage, rebound rates, and hospitalization time between the two groups were significant (all P < 0.05).Conclusion Intermittent gastrolavage can reduce the atropine dosage, rebound rate and hospitalization time.%目的 探讨间歇洗胃方法救治急性有机磷中毒(acute organoplnosphorus pesticide poisoning,AOPP)患者效果及总结护理要点.方法 将66例本院收治的AOPP患者随机分为实验组及对照组各33例.对照组采用传统洗胃方法(即温开水一次性洗胃至洗出胃液无味为止),实验组采用生理盐水间歇洗胃法.比较两组患者阿托品用量、反跳发生率及住院天数.结果 两组患者阿托品用量、反跳发生率及住院天数比较,均P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义,实验组优于对照组.结论 间歇洗胃方法在AOPP患者救治中能减少阿托品用量.降低患者反跳发生率,缩短患者住院天数.
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