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根茬的相关文献在1962年到2023年内共计339篇,主要集中在农业工程、农作物、农业基础科学 等领域,其中期刊论文105篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献20321篇;相关期刊77种,包括农民致富之友、中国生态农业学报、农机化研究等; 相关会议1种,包括第四届中国苜蓿发展大会等;根茬的相关文献由876位作者贡献,包括王俊发、不公告发明人、佟金等。



论文:105 占比:0.51%


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论文:20321 占比:99.48%





  • 王俊发
  • 不公告发明人
  • 佟金
  • 孙霁宇
  • 常志勇
  • 邵东伟
  • 陈东辉
  • 马云海
  • 丁艳
  • 夏敏



  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 唐启源
    • 摘要: (续第5期第12页)3.摆盘育秧①大棚摆盘育秧。摆盘秧床要清除杂草、根茬、秸秆残茬,打碎颗粒,将地面整平,有条件的地区可在秧床垫一层薄沙或铺一层2~3厘米厚拌好壮秧剂的细土。摆盘前对土壤和大棚设施进行消毒。
    • 王利斌; 于猛; 董永鹭; 王文强
    • 摘要: 长春市保护性耕作技术试验示范可追溯至2008年,当时主要采用“秸秆部分离田+留根茬”模式,秸秆覆盖率一般不超过30%。2011年至2015年,长春市推广保护性耕作面积从30万亩发展到240万亩,年均增长面积保持在50万亩以上,基本形成了在宽窄行距下以秸秆粉碎覆盖、免耕播种和苗期深松为主要示范内容的玉米保护性耕作技术体系。2016年之后,进入体系创新完善阶段,基本解决了秸秆覆盖造成的早春提高土壤温度慢,而影响播种质量,为全面实现秸秆禁烧、推广秸秆全覆盖还田免耕播种和保护黑土地寻求到最可靠的技术模式。
    • 曹华
    • 摘要: 清明清明节气在每年的4月5日前后,天气逐渐转暖,光照充足,到了春暖花开的季节,时令蔬菜以露地越冬根茬菜和日光温室、大棚内生产的蔬菜为主。本地生产上市的蔬菜品种明显增多,但仍然是北方地区蔬菜供应量较少的季节。露地越冬的根茬菠菜、韭菜和小葱,以及多年生蔬菜芦笋等是最具代表性的时令蔬菜,已经陆续上市,由于经过一个冬季低温环境下养分的积累,又在惊蛰至清明这30多天气候凉爽、昼夜温差大的最佳环境条件下生长,风味浓、品质好,是这几种蔬菜一年中品质和口感最好的季节。
    • 管永祥
    • 摘要: 一、整地施肥花生忌连作或与豆类作物轮作。播前结合耕翻、整地和起垄一次性施足基肥,每亩施优质腐熟灰粪肥1500~2000公斤、高效复合肥(氮、磷、钾各为15%)600~750公斤和尿素75公斤、过磷酸钙750公斤,此外每亩可增施花生专用高效缓释肥40公斤。在播前2~3天深耕地30厘米,精耕细耙,达到上虚下实,无根茬、地平土碎;然后人工或机械起垄,垄底宽80~85厘米,垄面宽50~55厘米,垄高10~15厘米,注意平整,土壤细碎。如覆膜,要先按照垄宽覆膜后再打孔播种。
    • 贾友江
    • 摘要: 小麦全蚀病的病菌主要来源于残存在土壤里的带菌根茬以及混杂有病根、病茎、病叶鞘等残体的粪肥、种子等。因此,控制病害应做到保护无病区,封锁零星病区,压低老病区病情;因地制宜实行轮作倒茬,增施有机肥、磷钾肥,选用耐病丰产品种,深翻倒土,并辅助于药剂拌种。
    • 徐英德; 汪景宽; 王思引; 孙雪冰; 李君薇; 张明垚; 高晓丹
    • 摘要: 以棕壤肥料长期定位试验(29 a)形成的高、低两种肥力水平棕壤为研究对象, 采用不同部位玉米残体为试验试材, 分别向两种土壤中加入玉米根茬和茎叶, 进行田间原位培养试验, 试验设置6个处理: 低肥力土壤添加玉米根茬(LF+R)、低肥力土壤添加玉米茎叶(LF+S)、高肥力土壤添加玉米根茬(HF+R)、高肥力土壤添加玉米茎叶(HF+S)和未添加玉米残体的对照处理(LF, HF).本研究旨在探明玉米根茬、茎叶添加后不同肥力土壤团聚体组成及有机碳分布的变化规律, 为构建合理的秸秆还田与施肥措施, 减少土壤侵蚀提供理论依据.结果表明: 1)添加玉米残体后低肥力棕壤团聚体稳定性、较大级别团聚体(>2 mm和1~2 mm)有机碳贡献率的提升幅度比高肥力棕壤大, 说明低肥力土壤对外源有机质的响应更敏感, 向大团聚体转化的速率更快.2)培养结束时, 高肥力棕壤添加茎叶处理团聚体稳定性显著高于添加根茬处理, 而添加根茬处理各粒级团聚体有机碳含量显著高于添加茎叶处理; 低肥力棕壤中根茬和茎叶添加处理团聚体稳定性及有机碳含量之间差异不明显.3)在田间原位培养过程中, 棕壤>2 mm和1~2 mm团聚体所占比例和团聚体稳定性呈现出前期(0~360 d)快速增加, 后期(360~720 d)趋于稳定的趋势.可以看出, 玉米残体对土壤团聚体团聚化过程的作用强度逐渐减弱.以上结果表明, 作物残体输入对棕壤团聚体组成及有机碳分布的影响与棕壤肥力水平和不同残体部位间的差异关系密切.%Soil aggregate and organic carbon are two major indices for assessing soil fertility. Besides, crop residue return is an effective agricultural way to supplement soil carbon pool and promote soil aggregate formation. However, how soil fertility level and residue type affect soil aggregate stability and organic carbon distribution is not clearly understood yet. In this study, a field incubation experiment was carried out by adding maize (Zea mays L.) root or stem and leaf to brown soil of different fertility levels. The samples of low fertility (LF) and high fertility (HF) soils were collected from a long-term (29 years) fertilization experiment. Six treatments were set, which were low fertility soil with maize root (LF+R), low fertility soil with maize stem and leaf (LF+S), high fertility soil with maize root (HF+R), high fertility soil with maize stem and leaf (HF+S), low or high fertility soil without maize residues (LF or HF). The objective of the study was to explore the dynamics of soil aggregate composition and allocation of organic carbon after residue incorporation. The study could have significant implications for developing residue management and reduce soil erosion in agro-ecosystems. The results showed that soil fertility significantly affected aggregates composition and organic carbon allocation of soil with crop residue incorporation. The addition of maize residue increased mean weight diameter, geometric mean diameter of soil aggregates and contribution rate of organic carbon in larger aggregates (>2 mm and 1-2 mm) in LF soil compared to those in HF soil. The results suggested that LF soil was more sensitive to organic matter input and had a rapid rate of transformation to macro-aggregate. 2) At the end of experiment, the addition of maize stem and leaf to HF soil had a more pronounced effect on soil aggregate stability compared to the addition of root. Then the addition of root had a more pronounced effect on organic carbon content in soil aggregates than the addition of stem and leaf. However, there was no significant difference between soil aggregate stability and organic carbon content in LF soil aggregate supplemented with different maize parts. The results further suggested that soil fertility level could change the effects of different parts of crop residues addition on soil aggregate stability and organic carbon distribution. 3) The proportion of >2 mm, 1-2 mm aggregates and soil aggregate stability sharply increased during the first 360 days. This then tended to stable during the later incubation period of 360-720 days. This indicated that the effect of maize residue on the formation of soil aggregate gradually weakened with time. It was concluded that the effects of maize residue addition on soil aggregates composition and organic carbon distribution were dependent on both soil fertility and residue part. Besides, crop residue addition had more obvious effect on improving the structure and stability of aggregates in LF soils.
    • 于志刚
    • 摘要: 对农业生产中的秸秆和根茬进行处理,是农业生产顺利进行的有效保证,同时还能减少农业生物资源的浪费,减少农业生产对环境的危害.通过介绍农业生产中对秸秆和根茬的机械化处理现状,说明了常用的机械化处理方法,并强调了秸秆及根茬粉碎机械的发展方向.
    • 刘哲辉; 张利艳; 康继平; 张春雷
    • 摘要: 为探究多熟种植模式下油菜根茬对玉米土传病害的防治效应,在湖北襄阳和甘肃甘谷两地连续进行了两年的油菜—玉米、小麦—玉米轮作试验.通过对后茬玉米接种丝黑穗病原菌和纹枯病病原菌,考察两种种植模式下后作玉米土壤养分、微生物特性、土传病害发生率以及作物产量.结果表明,油菜根茬粉碎还田提高了土壤有效氮、磷、钾的含量,在整个试验周期,土壤有机质含量显著增加;油菜茬后作土壤中的细菌数量增加,而真菌减少.调查土传病害发生情况显示,油菜根茬生物熏蒸作用降低了后作玉米两种土传病害的发生率.与小麦茬后玉米相比,油菜茬后玉米产量显著提高.说明在油菜—玉米种植模式下,油菜根茬能培肥地力、改良土壤微生物环境,而且油菜根茬所具有的生物熏蒸作用对玉米土传病害有抑制作用,有利于提高后作玉米产量.%To investigate bio - control of decomposed rape stubbles on soil - borne diseases in maize under multiple cropping pattern,alternate cropping experiments with rape - maize and wheat - maize were carried out in 2 dryland producing areas for 2 consecutive years. Soil nutrient,microbial characteristics,incidence of soil - borne diseases and crop yield were investigated by inoculation of Sphacelotheca reiliana and Rhizoctonia solani on rape stubble in these 2 cropping patterns. Results showed that available NPK nutrient in soil increased with rape stubbles crushing and returning to field continuously. Soil organic matter increased significantly during the entire experiment period. Bacteria quantity in soil increased while fungi quantity decreased. The occurrence of soil - borne diseases showed that bio - fumigation effect of rape stubble reduced incidence of these two soil - borne diseases. Compared with wheat - maize rotation pattern,maize yield in rape - maize rotation pattern was significantly improved,mean-ing that rape stubbles played an important role in fertilizing soil and improving microflora environment in soil. In addition,rape stubble had an inhibitory effect on these 2 soil - borne diseases in maize,which was conducive to improve the yield of succeeding maize.
    • 蔡苗; 陈竹君; 师倩云; 周建斌
    • 摘要: Root residues in fields after harvesting crops are the basic materials for soil organic carbon (C). Root residues are critical for the maintenance of organic matter and improvement of soil fertility. The application of inorganic fertilizers not only increases crop yield, but also affects the allocation of photosynthate in aboveground and belowground systems of crops. The effect of different fertilization on returned crop root biomass into soil has widely been studied. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer accounts for the largest fertilizer use in agricultural production. However, it has still not been clear whether the chemical composition and decomposition dynamics of crop root residues were affected by N level. Meanwhile, soil nutrient cycle may also be affected by root decay. Consequently, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate soil organic C decay under different levels of N fertilizer application to maize. The experiment also studied the dynamics of soil available C and N contents affected by the addition of maize roots in black loessial soils. In October 2010, maize roots in the 0-20 cm soil depth were collected from three N fertilization treatments in a 7-year-long field experiment. Maize roots gathered from the plots under the 0 kg(N)·hm-2, 120 kg(N)·hm-2 and 240 kg(N)·hm-2 treatments were marked as R0, R120 and R240, respectively. After mixing with soil at 15 cm and 45 cm depths at 2% proportion, the decomposition characteristics of the three N-fertilized roots were determined for 368 days after buried in soil. The results showed that in contrast to the control treatment (without root addition), the contents of soil microbial biomass C, soluble organic C and mineral N increased significantly under addition of N-treated maize roots at both soil depths. However, there was no obvious difference between R0, R120, and R240 treatments. The specific absorbance at 280 nm (UV280) increased with increasing decomposition time, which suggested that the portion of aromatic and complex compounds in soil organic matter increased. After one year of decomposition, residual ratios of C in roots under R0, R120 and R240 treatments were respectively 44.4%, 35.3% and 34.9% at 15 cm depth, and 53.3%, 44.3% and 42.5% at 45 cm soil depth. Root decomposition ratio and decay rate constant were significantly higher at 15 cm than that at 45 cm soil depth. Simulated equations of remaining maize root C with the first order kinetics fitting indicated that the time to reach 95% root C decomposition under R0, R120 and R240 prolonged, respectively, by 3.2, 2.3 and 1.9 years at 45 cm soil depth, compared with that at 15 cm soil depth. It was concluded that the effect of decomposition of crop residues on soil C and N accumulation and cycle in farmland soils need more attention in the study of soil carbon sequestration.%以7年氮肥定位试验地玉米根茬为研究对象,通过把玉米根茬按2%比例与15 cm 和45 cm 土层深度的土壤混合后田间埋袋的方法,研究长期不同施氮量处理[分别为0 kg(N)•hm-2、120 kg(N)•hm-2和240 kg(N)•hm-2]的玉米根茬(分别用 R0、R120、R240表示),在陕西省长武黑垆土中埋藏分解1 a 后对土壤碳、氮组分的影响及根茬有机碳的分解特性。与未添加玉米根茬的对照土壤相比,玉米根茬加入能够显著增加各层土壤的微生物量碳、可溶性有机碳和矿质态氮含量,3种施氮量处理间差异不显著。随着分解时间延长,土壤可溶性有机物中结构相对复杂的芳香类化合物比例逐渐增加。分解1 a 后, R0、R120和 R240根茬的有机碳残留率在15 cm 土层中分别为44.4%、35.3%和34.9%,在45 cm 土层中分别为53.3%、44.3%和42.5%。R0根茬的碳残留率显著高于 R120和 R240;玉米根茬在15 cm 土层的碳分解率和分解速率常数显著高于45 cm 土层。采用一级动力学方程拟合玉米根茬碳残留率变化结果显示, R0、R120和 R240根茬有机碳分解95%所需要的时间在45 cm 土层比15 cm 土层分别长3.2 a、2.3 a 和1.9 a。氮肥施用量影响玉米根茬在土壤中的分解特性,在评价农田氮肥施用与土壤固碳时,应考虑不同氮肥用量下残茬养分组成及其在土壤中分解的差异。
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