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枪伤的相关文献在1980年到2021年内共计166篇,主要集中在特种医学、外科学、法律 等领域,其中期刊论文151篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献13篇;相关期刊96种,包括天风、法医学杂志、中国法医学杂志等; 相关会议2种,包括全国外科护理学术交流暨专题讲座会议、第九次全国中西医结合创伤首科学术大会等;枪伤的相关文献由323位作者贡献,包括刘荫秋、谭颖徽、赖西南等。



论文:151 占比:90.96%


论文:2 占比:1.20%


论文:13 占比:7.83%





  • 刘荫秋
  • 谭颖徽
  • 赖西南
  • 候军
  • 王瑜
  • 葛宝丰
  • 陈克明
  • 刘兴炎
  • 刘庆安
  • 单保慈
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 余纯勇
    • 摘要: 肾脏位于人体内部,会受到身体的保护,平常轻微的身体碰撞是不会伤及肾脏的,但是,外力过大,超过身体承受能力,例如枪伤、刀伤、车祸、高空跌落等,这些外来暴力打击强度大,是会造成肾损伤的。
    • 黄起程1
    • 摘要: 福建省大田县为及时了解掌握医疗环节涉刀、涉枪类严重暴力犯罪线索,由县委政法委牵头建立非正常刀枪伤等暴力性伤情联动通报备案机制,以“医警联动”深入推进扫黑除恶专项斗争。
    • 罗雪村1
    • 摘要: 父亲晚年时跟我说:“人的一生应该留一点痕迹,别像我……”一声重重的叹息。父亲渐渐衰老,我开始倾听他的一生。“我10岁当兵,14岁入党,在敌后最残酷的冀中平原,几乎天天打仗,天天死人……”“我被马踩过、炮弹震聋过、受过枪伤,为不当俘虏跳过崖……”
    • 张中杰1
    • 摘要: 当雪柒鬓白的父亲双手捧着这本普普通通的,而且是渗了“水”的荣誉证书自豪地向人们宣读时,裁止不住热泪盈眶。说到这本荣誉证书,不能不先谈谈我的父亲。父亲一九三一年生于豫西古城的一个小山村,自幼家贫如洗,十七岁时参加革命,共和国成立的当天加入中国共产党,之后又参加了抗美援朝战争,一直留在他腋下和腿上的七处贯通的枪伤,让人感受到战争的残酷。
    • 摘要: 近日,在持枪伤人致死外逃21年后,陕西省子长县闫某花4000元包车,从河北省保定市回到子长县向警方自首.1996年5月21日,家住子长县马家砭镇的高某家中粮食被盗,高某怀疑是同村村民闫某所为,就同妻子一起到闫某家评理,争吵中,时年21岁的闫某持自制的土枪击中高某胸部,致高某当场死亡,后来闫某一直外逃,也曾被网上通缉.闫某归案后交代了自己当年的犯罪行为,他交代说:“持枪伤人当天就外逃了,步行到山西境内,后辗转到保定,一直在保定周边打工,几年后造了个假身份证在当地成家并有了孩子.但由于没有身份证,只能打黑工,
    • 夏印; 张再重; 黄纯; 李卫东; 陈淑明; 王瑜; 王烈; 凌小明; 卢敬飞
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate the effects of three-level treatment for abdominal gunshot wounds in the littoral zone. Methods A mobile hospital was set up near a shooting range for primary treatment. Forty New Zealand rabbits were anaesthetized, dipped into sea water, and underwent abdominal gunshot. Afrter immersion in sea water for 30 min the rabbits were fished out and randomly divided into 2 equal groups:Traditional Treatment Group transported, after field treatment, to No. 442 Hospital of PLA, a second class A level hospital, and then transferred to the Fuzhou General Hospital, a third class A hospital;and Mobile Hospital Group, transported, after field treatment and treatment in a mobile hospital, to No. 442 Hospital of PLA, and then transferred to the Fuzhou General Hospital at last. The time from salvage to laparotomy, treatment success rate 10 days after surgery, and survival duration were observed and compared. Results The time from salvage to laparotomy of the Mobile Hospital Group was (13.58 ± 6.20) min, significantly shorter than that of the Traditional Treatment Group [(33.59±5.93) min, P<0.01]. The treatment success rate of the Mobile Hospital Group was 85%, significantly higher than that of the Traditional Treatment Group [ 55%, P<0.05]. The survival duration of the Mobile Hospital Group was (8.90 ± 2.77) days, significantly longer than that of the Tradional Treatment Group [(6.55 ± 4.07) days, P<0.05]. Conclusion Establishing a mobile hospital near the battlefield improves the efficiency of three-level treatment for littoral war wounds.%目的:探讨濒海实地战创伤三级救治的应用价值。方法建立邻近靶场的一级救治场所——移动医院,将40只新西兰兔按濒海实地腹部枪弹伤模型致伤后,随机分成两组,传统救治组20只,救治的一级至三级医院分别为:现场救治→宁德442医院→福州总医院;移动医院组20只,救治的一级至三级医院分别为:(现场救治+移动医院)→宁德442医院→福州总医院。统计两组新西兰兔打捞至开腹所用时间、术后10 d内的救治成功率和存活天数。结果传统救治组与移动医院组打捞至开腹所用时间分别为(33.59±5.93)、(13.58±6.20)min (P<0.01);救治成功率分别为55%和85%(P<0.05);存活天数分别为(6.55±4.07)、(8.90±2.77)d(P<0.05)。结论建立离战场近且安全的移动医院,有助于提高濒海战创伤三级救治的救治效率。
    • 张红彬; 曹万龙
    • 摘要: 目的:分析和探讨膛线枪伤与非膛线枪伤的临床特点及诊治。方法笔者收集2012年9月~2014年10月援非期间收治的83例枪伤患者,按枪支类型分为膛线枪伤和非膛线枪伤两组。回顾性研究两组病例在伤情程度、损伤部位、伤道、损伤特点、治疗措施及效果上是否存在差异,探讨造成两组差异的原因和诊治原则。结果膛线枪伤组合并内脏血管神经损伤、重伤、休克的比例明显高于非膛线枪伤组(P<0.01),差异具有显著性意义。两组在损伤部位的差异无显著性(P>0.05)。膛线枪伤组的手术率、死亡率明显高于非膛线枪伤组,而完全治愈率明显低于非膛线枪伤组。结论膛线枪伤比非膛线枪伤伤情更为严重,死亡率亦相对更高,分析其原因主要为枪支自身特性造成。了解两类枪伤临床特点的差异,对指导临床诊治具有一定的实践意义。%Objective To analyze and discuss the clinical characteristics,diagnosis and treatment between rifled and non-rifled gunshot wounds.Methods A total of 83 patients suffering from gunshot wounds were admitted during our Africa support from Sep.2012 to Oct.2014.They were divided into two groups,the rifled gunshot wounds group and non-rifled gunshot wounds group.The difference of the injury degree and sites between the two groups was analyzed retrospectively.Then the reasons for the differences caused by the two groups were found out.Besides,the principles of diagnosis and treatment were explored. Results The proportions of internal organs injury,vascular injury,nerve injury,serious injury and shock in rifled gunshot wounds group was significantly higher than those of the non-rifled wound group,with significant difference between the two groups(P0.05).Conclusion Rifled shot gun causes more serious injury and high mortality rate than non-rifled shot gun,mainly caused by the individual characteristics of the firearm.Understanding the difference between the clinical features of the two types of gunshot has certain practical significance for clinical treatment.
    • 李响; 朱婉春; 何锦涛; 汪雷; 邸飞; 李鑫; 李春德; 宫剑
    • 摘要: 1病例资料患儿,男,2岁,因头部枪伤4 h入院。入院时未出现恶心、呕吐等。入院时体格检查:神志嗜睡,生命体征平稳,神经系统未见明显异常。外院头颅CT示头部子弹贯通伤,颅内出血和蛛网膜下腔出血。入院复查CT示:右侧颞顶枕部硬膜下出血及颅内血肿,子弹留下弹道并镶嵌在右侧额颧弓靠近颞肌处(图1、3A、3B)。根据临床表现及影像学检查,决定急诊行开颅清创术。计划先行右顶枕开颅,
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