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新鲜羊膜移植的相关文献在2001年到2019年内共计73篇,主要集中在眼科学、临床医学、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文72篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献12403篇;相关期刊49种,包括临床眼科杂志、眼科新进展、中华眼外伤职业眼病杂志等; 相关会议1种,包括2015临床急重症经验交流高峰论坛等;新鲜羊膜移植的相关文献由170位作者贡献,包括幸宜春、胡明生、贺红丽等。



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    • 向辉斋
    • 摘要: 目的 探究对眼部化学性烧伤应用新鲜羊膜移植方法治疗的效果.方法 将本院在2015年3月至2017年12月期间收治的16例(23只眼)眼部化学性烧伤患者作为研究资料,对患者应用新鲜羊膜移植的治疗措施实施治疗,观察治疗效果.结果 手术治疗后对患者进行平均约6个月的随访,未见羊膜排斥反应.患者的炎症反应都有了很好的控制,角巩膜未见继续溶解.手术后10天羊膜开始逐渐吸收,角膜基质水肿减轻,透明度提高.随访过程中没有患者发生角膜溃疡复发的情况.结论 对于眼部化学性烧伤患者应用新鲜羊膜移植的方法治疗,取得了很好的治疗效果,值得在临床中推荐应用.
    • 张斌; 李威; 何伟
    • 摘要: 目的:研究绷带型角膜接触镜在翼状胬肉切除联合新鲜羊膜移植中应用的临床效果.方法:采用前瞻性对照病例研究,观察2016-01/06在沈阳何氏眼科医院接受翼状胬肉切除联合新鲜羊膜移植的患者600例600眼(双眼翼状胬肉患者,一次手术只做1眼).按随机数字表法随机分为试验组和对照组,每组300例300眼.试验组在手术结束时配戴绷带型角膜接触镜,术后5d取出;对照组不做任何处理.比较两组患者术后2h,1、3、5d的疼痛度,并观察术后1a时复发率情况.结果:两组患者术后2h,1、2、3、5d疼痛程度评分:试验组患者疼痛程度评分均较对照组显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05).结论:绷带型角膜接触镜可明显减轻翼状胬肉切除术后疼痛反应,但不能明显降低翼状胬肉切除术后的复发率.%·AIM: To evaluate the clinical effect of fresh amniotic membrane transplantation in combination with bandage type corneal contact lens in the treatment of pterygium. ·METHODS:This study was a prospective analysis of 600 pterygium excision patients (600 cases, 600 eyes) in the He Eye Hospital from January 2016 to June 2016. The patients were randomly and evenly divided into two groups: observation group and control group, 300 cases in each group (300 eyes). Observation group wore the bandage type corneal contact lens after surgery and took it down at fifth day. The control group did not. The degree of pain after surgery were evaluated at 2h, 1, 3 and 5d after surgery. The clinical outcomes in these two groups were compared in a 12mo postoperative follow-up observation. · RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the observation and control group in the percentage of age and gender and size of the pterygium (P>0.05). After surgery, the degree of pain of treatment group significantly decreased compared to control group, the difference was statistically significant(P0.05). · CONCLUSION: Bandage contact lenses could significantly release pain response after pterygium excision. But it can not reduce the recurrence rate.
    • 孙继洪
    • 摘要: 目的:评价应用新鲜羊膜移植方式对患有眼表疾病的患者实施治疗的临床效果。方法选择患有眼表疾病的患者76例,按随机数字表法分为对照组和治疗组,每组38例。采用常规保存羊膜移植方式对对照组患者实施治疗;采用新鲜羊膜移植方式对治疗组患者实施治疗。结果治疗组患者眼表疾病治疗总时间明显短于对照组,眼表疾病治疗效果明显优于对照组(均 P <0.05)。结论应用新鲜羊膜移植方式对患有眼表疾病的患者实施治疗的临床效果明显。
    • 叶汉元; 曹恒
    • 摘要: To evaluate the clinical effect of therapeutic soft corneal contact lens in combination with fresh amniotic membrane transplantation in the treatment of pterygium and its clinical value. ●METHODS: This study was a retrospective analysis of 200 pterygium excision patients (200 cases, 220 eyes) in hospital from January 2010-June 2011. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 (100 cases, 110 eyes) were patients treated with fresh amniotic membrane transplantation and therapeutic soft corneal contact lens while group 2 ( control group, 100 cases, 110 eyes) did not use corneal contact lens. The clinical outcomes in these two groups were compared in a 6 - 18mo postoperative follow-up observation. ●RESULTS: ln control group using corneal contact lens the epithelium repair time ranged from 2 - 7d with an average time of 3. 8d; in group 1 the epithelial repair time ranged from 1 - 5d with an average time of 2. 5d. The patients were followed up for 6 - 18mo, 9 recurrent eyes were found in control group, the recurrence rate was 8. 2%; 5 recurrent eyes were found in experimental group the recurreat rate was 4. 5%. There were significant differences in the 2 groups comparing treatment outcomes (P< 0. 05). Early stimulative symptoms after surgery can be reduced by wearing contact lenses. ●CONCLUSlON:The therapeutic effect of fresh amniotic membrane transplantation after pterygium excision is enhanced by the therapeutic application of corneal contact lens. The epithelial repair time is shortened, the recurrence rate is reduced after pterygium excision and stimulative symptoms including photophobia, tearing, foreign body sensation and ophthalmodynia caused by corneal epithelial defect can be relieved.%目的:探讨新鲜羊膜移植联合治疗性软性角膜接触镜在治疗翼状胬肉中的临床效果,并总结其临床价值。  方法:回顾性分析2010-01/2011-06在我院行翼状胬肉切除联合新鲜羊膜移植术患者200例220眼,其中100例110眼联合配戴治疗性软性角膜接触镜(试验组),其余患者作为对照组(100例110眼),并对两组患者术后的临床效果进行比较分析。  结果:对照组术后角膜上皮修复时间为2~7(平均3.8)d,术后随访观察6~18mo,有9眼复发,复发率为8.2%;试验组术后角膜上皮修复时间为1~5(平均2.5)d,随访观察6~18mo,其中有5眼复发,复发率为4.5%,两组疗效比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。同时,我们也发现配戴角膜接触镜后术后早期刺激症状明显减轻。  结论:翼状胬肉切除联合羊膜移植并配戴治疗性软性角膜接触镜的术后临床效果明显优于翼状胬肉切除联合新鲜羊膜移植术。配戴治疗性软性角膜接触镜可缩短术后角膜上皮的修复时间,可有效降低翼状胬肉术后的复发率,并且可以在一定程度上缓解术后因角膜上皮缺损而导致的畏光、流泪、异物感及眼痛等术后刺激症状。
    • 徐剑容; 李斌; 江惠燕; 李林
    • 摘要: AIM: To evaluate therapeutic effect of the early stage of multiple fresh amniotic membrane transplantation in the treatment of severe ocular surface alkali burn.rn METHODS: We study the therapeutic effect of 25 cases (25 eyes) who transplanted with twice or more than twice amniotic membrane in early stage of treatment severe ocular surface alkali burn in our hospital from January 2007 to December 2011 by retrospective analysis. After operation, we observed ocular surface stability, corneal epithelial healing, corneal angiogenesis, and visal activity to further investigate therapeutic effect of the early multiple fresh anmiotic membrane transplantation in the treatment of severe ocular surface alkali burn.rn RESULTS: There were 20 eyes amniotic membrane dissolved between 6-14 days after second anmiotic membrane transplant, and the amniotic membrane detached after sutures out in 20 cases (25 eyes). Inflammation of ocular surface was mainly under control, fluorescein sodium described that corneal epithelial was integrated and corneal limbal ischemia was improved basically in these 20 eyes. 4 eyes corneal epithelium still defect more than 2 mm diameter or more, cornea limbal ischemia more than 1/4 quadrant after two amniotic membranes, then did the third transplantation, the eyernconserved intact, ocular surface keep stable ultimately. One patient leaved hospital for some reason after twice transplantation induced to follow up failure.rn CONCLUSION: Obviously, multiple fresh amniotic membrane transplantation for treatment of severe ocular surface burn in the early stage is useful to preserve ocular surface stable effectively.%目的:探讨早期多次新鲜羊膜移植治疗重度眼表烧伤的治疗效果.方法:回顾性分析我院2007-01/2011-12收治的25例25眼重度眼表烧伤患者早期采用两次及以上羊膜移植的治疗效果.术后对眼表稳定情况、角膜上皮愈合情况及新生血管、视力等进行观察随访.结果:患者25例25眼中,20眼在行2次羊膜移植术后6~14d羊膜开始溶解,拆线后羊膜脱落.眼表炎症控制,荧光素钠染色角膜上皮完整;角膜缘缺血改善.4眼2次羊膜移植术后,羊膜溶解脱落后表现为角膜上皮未愈合,直径大于2mm以上,角膜缘缺血大于1/4象限,再行第3次移植.最终眼球保存完整,眼表稳定.1眼2次术后3d出院,未能继续跟踪观察.结论:重度眼表烧伤采取早期多次新鲜羊膜移植治疗,对稳定眼表十分有效.
    • 李恒健; 梁敦
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨新鲜羊膜移植联合丝裂霉素在复发翼状胬肉手术中应用的效果。方法:为传统的单纯切除术后复发病例36例(42只眼)施行翼状胬肉切除术及新鲜羊膜移植联合丝裂霉素的应用。结果:36例(42只眼)进行随访6-24个月,有2只眼占5%(分别为28岁男性、29岁女性)3个月后再次出现复发,胬肉头部进入角膜内约1mm,予皮质类固醇眼液控制其发展。结论:改良术式治疗复发性翼状胬肉疗效满意,不失为一种有价值的新方法,值得在临床上推广使用。
    • 崔纪红
    • 摘要: 目的观察新鲜羊膜移植治疗眼表疾病的作用。方法采用新鲜羊膜移植治疗眼表疾病,用于因眼部化学性烧伤,感染性角膜溃疡的手术治疗。结果12例12眼10~20d上皮愈合,炎症得到控制,睑球粘连得以解除,观察3~6月保持稳定,9眼视力有不同程度提高,3眼视力不变。结论新鲜羊膜治疗眼部化学性烧伤,感染性角膜溃疡有很好的治疗效果,且取材方便
    • 李娟; 陈淑香
    • 摘要: 目的 研究新鲜羊膜联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植(以下简称联合手术)治疗急性重症单眼眼表烧伤的临床效果.方法采用联合手术治疗电石烧伤15例,铁水烧伤4例,酸烧伤7例,热烧伤3例.观察羊膜植片转归、手术前后视力变化、角膜透明度及新生血管形成情况.结果急性重症烧伤的眼表很快趋于稳定,炎症在5~7 d得到控制,未见羊膜排异及继发感染,预防了角巩膜穿孔等严重并发症.除1例角膜溶解转院外,术后观察6个月,28例均获得稳定眼表.其中,8眼角膜透明度改善,18眼角膜有不同程度的瘢痕,2眼角膜完全混浊.结论联合手术能有效治疗急性重症眼表烧伤,对减轻炎症,缩短病程,重建眼表及减少并发症起到关键作用.
    • 张金军; 刘超
    • 摘要: 目的:比较自体角膜缘干细胞移植、新鲜羊膜移植及单纯翼状胬肉切除对翼状胬肉的临床疗效。方法:127例(161眼)翼状胬肉患者随机分为A、B、C组。 A组48眼行单纯翼状胬肉切除术,B组53眼行翼状胬肉切除联合新鲜羊膜移植术,C组60眼行翼状胬肉切除联合自体角膜缘干细胞移植术。术后随访6个月~36个月,比较各组患者术后翼状胬肉复发情况。结果:A组48眼中16眼复发,复发率33.33%,B组53眼中11眼复发,复发率20.75%,C组60眼中2眼复发,复发率3.33%。 C组与A组比较差异具有显著性(x2=17.28,P<0.05);C组与B组比较(x2=11.61,P<0.05)差异具有显著性。结论:自体角膜缘干细胞移植可有效降低翼状胬肉术后复发率,是目前较为理想的手术方法。
    • 王莉; 李鹏; 高丹宇; 伍喜媛; 杨扬
    • 摘要: 目的:观察新鲜羊膜移植联合自体血清治疗严重眼化学伤的临床疗效.方法:将病例按照治疗方法不同随机分为新鲜羊膜移植术联合自体血清的治疗组和单独应用新鲜羊膜治疗组及单独应用自体血清组,观察疗效及治疗时间.结果:新鲜羊膜移植联合自体血清的治疗组治疗严重眼化学烧伤治愈率高,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在治疗时间上,组间亦有统计学差异(P<0.05).结论:新鲜羊膜移植术联合自体血清治疗眼化学烧伤有较好的疗效.
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