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截止期的相关文献在1980年到2022年内共计160篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、经济计划与管理、贸易经济 等领域,其中期刊论文150篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献20050篇;相关期刊115种,包括财务与会计、现代营销、自然杂志等; 相关会议3种,包括第29届中国控制会议、2007年全国高性能计算学术年会、中国科学院计算技术研究所第七届计算机科学与技术研究生学术讨论会等;截止期的相关文献由179位作者贡献,包括刘云生、徐惠民、钱光明等。



论文:150 占比:0.74%


论文:3 占比:0.01%


论文:20050 占比:99.24%





  • 刘云生
  • 徐惠民
  • 钱光明
  • 于戈
  • 向军
  • 廖国琼
  • 李国徽
  • 李明树
  • 李荣胜
  • 赵文峰
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 冯冲; 吴尧辉; 吴昊珍
    • 摘要: 针对μC/OS-III实时操作系统中,低优先级中断任务对紧急任务截止期干扰较大的问题,文中提出了一种优化的μC/OS-III中断管理机制.利用完全基于μC/OS-III优先级剥夺原则,对中断任务和普通任务的优先级进行统一分配.根据中断的紧急程度为中断任务分配合适的优先级,对比中断任务与当前执行任务的优先级高低来选择不同的处理方式,若中断任务的优先级低于当前执行任务则以任务方式处理,反之则以中断服务程序处理.理论分析和μC/Probe软件检测及实验表明,优化后的μC/OS-III实时内核中断管理机制可以缩短紧急任务的截止期,系统能够可靠稳定地运行,具有较高的实时性.
    • 摘要: 距“资管新规”过渡截止期不到三个月,银行理财产品存量业务整改与规范转型加速。日前,监管部门对六家国有大行及其理财子公司做出指导,要求六大行理财产品9月1日后所配资产不得采用成本法估值(未上市股权除外);已适用成本法估值的理财产品存量资产,应于10月底前完成整改。
    • 冯劼
    • 摘要: 2019年12月21日,黄山市吉祥物征集大赛综合终审会在黄山市城展馆举行。本次征集大赛由黄山市委宣传部全程指导,黄山现代服务业产业园管委会、黄山市文化和旅游局、黄山市文化产业投资集团有限公司联合主办。经过近一个月征集,至12月16日截止期,组委会累计收到来自清华美院、中国美院等国内顶级设计院校、设计团队及爱好者参赛作品共326件。
    • 罗智勇; 朱梓豪; 尤波; 苗世迪
    • 摘要: 复杂产品的业务调度依赖于完工时间和精确率等属性,追求单一的目标不能保证这两个方面的平衡.传统的算法经常是以花费时间最小或者保证完工质量最佳为目标,这样会导致产品质量过低或者完成产品所用的时间过多.针对这种弊端,提出了约束时间下精确率串归约优化算法SRA,通过约束任务得到活动区间来进行优化路径.最后在典型案例中,分别利用了传统的单向目标算法和串归约算法求解对应的路径,并对算法SRA优化效果的其他参数进行了研究.研究表明,这种算法具有简单、高效、方便执行等优点.
    • 孙慧娟
    • 摘要: 2018年4月12日,由山东省商务厅和山东化学化工学会联合主办,山东省工程师协会和山东省老科学技术协会创新创业委员会协办的欧盟REACH法规研讨会在济南燕子山庄圆满召开.
    • 范玲玲; 林宝军; 陈勇
    • 摘要: In this paper, in accordance with the need of key data in real-time satellite system fault tolerance, and the key data with a relatively small number and a long cycle, it puts forward NP-PEDF-FT algorithm to realize high performance schedule. This algorithm based on EDF fault tolerant algorithm, adjusts the deadline of the key data through fault toler-ance coefficient λ. This algorithm adjusts the deadline of the key data as the original deadline multiplied by the coeffi-cient (1-λ) to the queue of the tasks to send again, when the key data once transmission errors. So it can realize once fault tolerance. Of course, the algorithm will not send again and abandon the task, when the common data once trans-mission errors. NP-PEDF-FT algorithm is better when the coefficientλis equal to 0.6 through the simulation. It also simu-lates the NP-PEDF-FT algorithm, NP-EDF-FT algorithm and NP-DP-FT algorithm, and compares the packet loss proba-bility. It turns out that the NP-PEDF-FT algorithm used in this paper has a better effect.%针对卫星实时系统中关键数据一次容错问题,首先,针对关键数据与非关键数据混合传输场景,建立系统模型,对系统的容错传输能力进行分析,得出混合数据一次容错传输条件;其次提出NP-PEDF-FT调度算法,通过在非抢占式EDF容错算法的基础上,利用截止期容错系数λ调整出错任务的截止期,实现全部关键数据的1次容错传输;同时加入数据传输队列监测功能,以保证关键数据在其截止期之前优先传输;最后对算法进行了仿真分析,比较NP-PEDF-FT、NP-EDF-FT、NP-DP-FT三种非抢占式容错调度策略,分析结果表明,NP-PEDF-FT算法关键数据丢包率较NP-EDF-FT算法平均降低31.6%,较NP-DP-FT算法平均降低86.4%.
    • 张晶; 陈垚; 范洪博; 孙俊
    • 摘要: 信息物理系统任务调度中计算时序约束与硬件能耗阈值存在冲突,难以保证执行顺序正确.为此,提出一种任务调度权限控制策略.采用超致密时间模型表达全局时间信号,以事件的剩余价值密度、执行积极性、资源消耗3个约束条件刻画任务的价值量、截止期及能耗,为任务实时分配设备与资源,减少颠簸现象.仿真结果表明,该策略能提高任务累积价值,降低能耗与执行时间,使系统获取更高的综合效益.%The computer temporal constraint and the hardware energy consumption threshold may have a conflict,when the tasks of Cyber-physical System(CPS) are scheduled,and that cannot guarantee correct execution sequence.In order to solve this problem,a control strategy of task scheduling permissions is proposed.Super-dense time model is used to express global time signal.The remainder value density,execution enthusiasm and resource consumption of events are used to represent the quantity of value,deadline and energy consumption of tasks.Equipment and resources are distributed for real-time tasks,and the occurrence of thrashing are reduced.Simulation results show that this strategy can improve the cumulative value of tasks,and reduces the energy consumption and execution time,achieves higher overall efficiency of the system.
    • 钱光明; 梁丽稳
    • 摘要: Bandwidth transfer is often required and deadline missing occurs when a real-time system changes its running mode.In order to solve this problem,based on the real-time task set scheduled with the earliest deadline first algorithm,the bandwidth transfer caused by new tasks' insertion and current tasks' acceleration is studied.According to the three stages of the old mode,the transition process,and the new mode,a model of multitask bandwidth transfer is presented.Some current tasks are compressed to release bandwidth.Even the system runs at full load,it is proved that deadline missing is only possible before the transition process as long as the sum of the utilizations(bandwidths) of all the tasks in the new mode is not greater than one,and thus the starting and ending points of the transition process are defined.Simulations results show that this model gives an overall description of the bandwidth transfer of multitask.%当一个实时系统的运行模式发生改变时,常需要进行带宽转让,并造成截止期丢失.为此,基于最早截止期优先调度的实时任务集,研究因出现新任务插入、现行任务加速而引起的带宽转让问题,依据老模式、过渡过程和新模式这3个阶段,提出一种多任务带宽转让模型,通过压缩某些现有任务来释放带宽,并证明即使系统在满负荷运行的情况下,只要新模式下所有任务的使用率(带宽)之和不大于l,截止期丢失的现象不可能出现在过渡过程后,并据此定义过渡过程的起点和终点.仿真结果表明,该模型能较为全面地展示多任务的带宽转让过程.
    • 罗智勇; 汪鹏; 尤波; 苏洁
    • 摘要: 完工时间和准确率是生产调度的两个重要属性,然而单属性优化算法只能完成单个属性的优化,无法动态平衡这些属性.针对此问题,提出了基于有向无环图的串归约优化算法.算法通过约束每个任务的活动区间并采用逆向迭代进行归约,达到每层选择最优服务的目的,从而实现了这两个属性的优化.实验表明,该算法可准确地得到一条完工时间和准确率相互平衡的优化路径,但其优化效率受限于完工截止期和任务数.最后,研究结论对生产调度多属性的优化提供了一定的参考.%Completion time and accuracy are the most important attributes of processing products' business, however, single attribute optimization algorithm only can optimize one attribute, let alone balancing these two attributes dynamically. In order to fix this problem, a serial reduction algorithm based on directed acyclic graph is proposed. The algorithm constraints each tasks' activity section by using backwards iterative eduction to choose appropriate service for achieving the optimization of these two attributes. Statistical data shows that serial reduction algorithm does get an optimized path with time and accuracy balance, but its optimization efficiency is limited by the completion deadline and the number of tasks. The research conclusion provides a certain theoretical reference for the optimization of production scheduling.
    • Sanjiv; Rana; 罗艳
    • 摘要: 2016年,欧洲市场的内分泌干扰物标准、新烟碱类杀虫剂、分区登记和平行贸易许可的出台因延迟和周期性截止期的推后而受阻。同时,草甘膦恢复使用、进口转基因作物等争议仍在继续。识别内分泌干扰物标准自错过了2013年12月的最后建立期限一直停滞后,欧洲委员会终于在2016年6月公布了推荐标准。
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