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山栀子的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计85篇,主要集中在中国医学、农作物、贸易经济 等领域,其中期刊论文72篇、专利文献1300篇;相关期刊54种,包括现代交际、天然产物研究与开发、广西中医药等; 山栀子的相关文献由140位作者贡献,包括尹平孙、余红梅、周昌华等。



论文:72 占比:5.25%


论文:1300 占比:94.75%





  • 尹平孙
  • 余红梅
  • 周昌华
  • 张兴翠
  • 任治军
  • 何开泽
  • 张立明
  • 李才安
  • 杨存
  • 罗健
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 胡佑志
    • 摘要: 痤疮。痤疮俗称粉刺、青春痘,是一种毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症疾病。多因热毒炽盛、湿热熏蒸、痰血瘀阻而致。常发于颜面及胸背部,发病率高,病情严重时还会形成结节、囊肿,出现色素沉着及瘢痕。采用内服外搽同时治疗,疗效更佳。内服:连翘、丹参、蒲公英、夏枯草、蚤休各10克,白花蛇舌草20克,黄苓、当归、山栀子各8克,辛夷花、白芷各7克,茵陈12克。
    • 王豪
    • 摘要: 近日,家住涪陵的佐先生在回家的路上不小心被扭了一下,到了晚上扭伤处一直隐隐作痛,非常的难受。生活中,关节扭挫导致的跌打肿痛十分常见,中医对此有见效极快的治疗方剂。下面推荐3个有效的方剂,可以帮助大家轻松解决不同的肿痛。1.栀子愈伤方组成与用法:山栀子10克(视面积大小加减剂量),鸡蛋1个(只用蛋清)。将山栀子捣碎用蛋清调和敷于患处。
    • 郑生智1
    • 摘要: 一、品种特征1.山栀1号,江苏省中科院植物研究所筛选出的质量优、产量高、抗性强的稳定无性系。叶和枝干的夹角较小,叶色较深,呈长椭圆形;花瓣为马蹄形;挂果多,果实成熟早,椭圆形,成熟果为棕黄色,大小中等;单株百粒鲜重0.52公斤,单株鲜产高,为5.5公斤;栀子甙含量低为干重的4.98%,栀子黄含量为干重的2.17%。
    • 陈泉辛
    • 摘要: 茫茫雪季在春风中消逝一抹春蕾逗醒催春的布谷山栀子擎一片黛绿这是一片康乐净土这是鸟儿的天堂
    • 倪勤学; 高前欣; 徐志丰; 许光治; 翁学军; 张有做
    • 摘要: 为系统研究我国主要栀子果实的品种品质,以山栀子和水栀子果实为原料,测定果重、果皮厚度、果高、果直径、壳仁比、出籽率、出油率等主要经济性状及粗蛋白、粗脂肪、膳食纤维、可溶性总糖等营养成分和总环烯醚萜类、总藏红花素、总胡萝卜、素和总黄酮等功能成分含量.同时对栀子果仁油的理化性质、脂肪酸和不皂化物组成及主要生物活性物质进行测定和分析.结果表明水栀子果在单果重量(2.l0 g)、果实直径(20.47 mm)等经济指标上显著高于山栀子果(单果重量和果实直径分别0.91 g、10.84 g),而总环烯醚萜含量(5.35%)显著低于山栀子果(8.77%),其余主要营养功能成分无显著性差异.两种栀子果的油脂含量相近(约25%),理化指标均无显著性差异,主要脂肪酸均为亚油酸,含量高于48%.栀子果仁油的不皂化物主要有甾醇类、三萜醇类、烃类和维生素E类,其中以甾醇类含量最高(均超过50%).山栀子果仁油中的总甾醇(59.37%)、角鲨烯(11.42%)等主要生物活性物质含量高于水栀子,而维生素E类含量低于水栀子.综合分析,水栀子从果实产量及产油量上优于山栀子,但总环烯醚萜含量及油中主要生物活性物质含量较低.两者从栀子果及果仁油的营养、功能方面评价各有千秋,故在食用特别是栀子果仁油的利用方面两者可混用.试验结果为栀子果资源的综合利用、开发提供新的思路和理论基础.%Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and Gardenia jasminoides var.radicans Makino were selected as raw materials to study systematically qualities of two main fructiferous varieties of Gardenia jasminoides in China,and the main economic characters (i.e.fruit weight,pericarp thickness,fruit height,fruit diameter,pericarp seed ratio,seed yield and oil yield),nutritional ingredient (i.e.crude protein,crude oil,dietary fiber,total soluble sugar,reducing sugar,starch and energy) and functional component (i.e.total iridoid glycosides,total crocin,total carotene and total flavonoids) were determined.The physicochemical property,fatty acid and unsaponifiable matter composition,phytosterol,vitamin E and squalene content of gardenia nut oil were also determined analyzed.The results showed that some economic characters of Gardenia jasminoides var.radicans Makino (weight and diameter were 2.10 g and 20.47 mm for single fruit)were better than that of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis (0.91 g and 10.84 mm respectively for single fruit),while the total iridoid glycosides content(5.35%)was lower.The oil content in gardenia nut was about 25%,linoleic acid was the main fatty acid(> 48% in both gardenia fruit).The physicochemical properties of both kinds of gardenia nut oil showed no significant difference.The unsaponifiable matters in gardenia nut oil was mainly composed of sterols (more than 50%),triterpenoid alcohols,hydrocarbons and vitamin E.Gardenia jasminoides Ellis contained much more total sterols(59.37%)and squalene(11.42%)than Gardeniajasminoides var.radicans Makino.Summarily,Gardenia jasminoides var.radicans Makino had the advantage in fruit picking and oil yield,yet contained much lower total iridoid glycosides in fruit and beneficial factors in nut oil than that of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis.The nutritional ingredients and functional components analysis of both gardenia fruit and fruit oil showed no significant difference.The results provided a theoretical basis for comprehensive utilization and development of gardenia fruit.
    • 李江; 尹春明; 李建安; 雷小林; 王金凤; 熊利; 孙颖
    • 摘要: 山栀子是极具发展前景的经济植物,但其苗木繁育技术相对滞后.该研究以3年生山栀子林的1年生半木质化枝条为试验材料,就基质配方、促根剂种类进行试验,对其插穗的生根率、平均生根数、平均根长和成活率等进行测定分析,筛选出最适宜的生根方案是:扦插基质是沙土(河沙、田园土按体积比1:1混合均匀)+500 mg/L IBA浸泡30 min.该扦插繁育技术为促进山栀子大面积推广种植提供参考依据.
    • 朱叶珊
    • 摘要: 王先生:我今年35岁,最近很苦恼,就是因为口臭每天至少刷牙3次,可依然不见效果,舌苔黄、胃部有灼热感,消化不好,请问专家能否推荐一个治口臭的小验方?答:口臭,为口中出气臭秽,可为他人嗅出,自己能觉出或察觉不出。口臭影响人际交往,常给患者造成较大的精神负担。中医认为,口臭与脏腑功能异常有关。《诸病源候论》曰:"口臭,由五脏六腑不调,气上胸膈。
    • 成向荣; 周俊宏; 陈永辉; 武克壮; 虞木奎
    • 摘要: The morphology,biomass accumulation and allocation,leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthe-sis of Gardenia jasminoides seedlings were compared under five controlled light conditions( 100%,52%,33%, 15%and 6%) using artificial shade houses.The results showed that leaf length,leaf width and leaf length/leaf width varied not so much with increasing shade level,total leaf area significantly decreased with the reduction of light efficiency,and specific leaf area increased gradually.The contents of chlorophyll a,total chlorophyll and carotenoid significantly increased in shade treatments( except 33%relative light treatment) compared with the 100%light treatment,the chlorophyll b content and chlorophyll a/b were not significantly different in the five light environments.The maximum net photosynthetic rate,light saturation point and light compensation point significantly decreased with the reduction of light efficiency.Leaf,branch,stem,root and total biomass of G.jas-minoides also had similar change trend with photosynthetic variables,but the pattern of the aboveground,un-derground biomass allocation varied not so much with the light environment.On the whole,leaf traits( especially leaf area and photosynthetic variables) of G.jasminoides had a higher phenotypic plasticity,and structural plas-ticity( biomass allocation) was lower.These results showed that moderate shade ( 52%relative light) did not affect the growth of G.jasminoides,which will be useful to management and cultivation of G.jasminoides in the future.%通过遮荫设置5个光照强度(100%、52%、33%、15%和6%),研究不同光环境下山栀子幼苗形态、生物量积累及其分配,以及叶绿素含量和光合特性的响应。结果表明,随遮荫程度增加,叶长、叶宽和叶长/叶宽变化幅度较小,单株总叶面积显著减少,比叶面积则随光照有效性降低逐渐增大;叶绿素a、总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量在遮荫处理(除33%相对光照处理)中显著增加,但叶绿素b含量和叶绿素a/b在不同光环境中没有显著差异;最大净光合速率、光饱和点、光补偿点也随光照有效性降低显著减小。山栀子叶、枝、干、根及总生物量均显著降低,但地上、地下生物量的分配格局并不随光环境的变化发生显著改变。总体上,山栀子叶性状(叶面积和光合参数)具有较高的表型可塑性,而结构性状(生物量分配)可塑性较低。适度遮荫(52%相对光照)不会显著影响山栀子幼苗的生长,这对今后山栀子的复合经营和栽培提供了参考依据。
    • 刘淼琴; 彭华胜
    • 摘要: 栀子为常用清热类中药,除药用外还用于食品或工业染色.古代很早便有栀子药用和染用的记载,但历代本草认为二者种质有别.民国以后,为与"山栀子"区别,染用栀子称"水栀子".栀子古代产区最早为河南,明代以后南迁,现以江西、福建为道地.历代本草非常注重药用栀子的质量评价,主要依据是外观形态,以及是野生还是栽培.近代以来,栀子按产地、外观性状等要素划分为不同的商品规格等级,在外观形态方面和历代本草一脉相承.对历代本草中栀子的种质、产地、采收和质量评价进行梳理,分析近代以来栀子商品规格等级的划分要素,可为当前栀子商品规格分级研究提供本草学依据.%In addition to its frequently-used antipyretic function, Gardenia jasminoides is also used in food or industrial dyeing. In ancient times, herbalists believed that the quality of Gardenia jasminoides for medical use was different from that for dye due to its different germplasm. Since the 1912, Gardenia jasmi-noides for dye was named "Shui ( watery ) Zhizi" in order to distinguish it from "Shan ( hilly ) Zhizi". Henan was the earliest producing area for Gardenia jasminoides in ancient times, then after the Ming Dynas-ty, the producing area migrated to the Southern regions, including Jiangxi and Fujian Provinces. Nowadays, both provinces are the main producing area. The ancient herbal books paid great attention to the quality e-valuation of officinal Gardenia jasminoides, which was mainly based on its appearance and the quality differ-ences between wild and cultivated varieties. Since modern times, Gardenia jasminoides has been divided in-to different commodity specification levels according to the producing area, external properties and other ele-ments, and its external properties are consistent with the ancient records. The germplasm, producing area, harvest and quality evaluation of Gardenia jasminoides in the herbal books of successive ages are sorted out, and the division elements of its commercial specification levels analyzed since modern times, thus providing a basis for present study on the commodity specification levels and the grading of the commercial specificity of Gardenia jasminoides.
    • 万纬佳
    • 摘要: 龙胆泻肝汤加减 龙胆草、山栀子各10克,白鲜皮、赤茯苓、地肤子各12克,车前草30克,柴胡6克,水煎服。主治肝经湿热下注之阴囊湿疹。
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