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root的相关文献在1991年到2022年内共计520篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、自动化技术、计算机技术、数学 等领域,其中期刊论文383篇、专利文献137篇;相关期刊165种,包括核电子学与探测技术、网管员世界、中国科学等; root的相关文献由1209位作者贡献,包括镜花水月、马金亭、吕品等。



论文:383 占比:73.65%


论文:137 占比:26.35%





  • 镜花水月
  • 马金亭
  • 吕品
  • 张勇
  • 张燕香
  • 杨威
  • 胡超博
  • 袁国庆
  • 邹勇
  • 郑金国
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献






    • GUAN Xian-jiao; CHEN Jin; CHEN Xian-mao; XIE Jiang; DENG Guo-qiang; HU Li-zhen; LI Yao; QIAN Yin-fei; QIU Cai-fei; PENG Chun-rui
    • 摘要: To address the relationships between the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application and the yield of double cropping rice systems,we investigated the effects of a cultivation pattern of strong seedlings with increased planting density and reduced nitrogen application(SDN)on the morphological and physiological characteristics of double cropping rice.Our results indicated that the effects of SDN on the morphological characteristics of the single plant roots of double cropping rice were not significant,but the morphological characteristics of the population roots were largely different.Specifically,SDN significantly increased the morphological indexes of the root population such as root fresh weight,root volume,root number,root length and root dry weight.The effects of SDN on the total root absorption areas and root active absorption areas of the single plants were non-significant,but it dramatically enhanced the total root absorption areas and root active absorption areas of the plant population during the tillering,heading and mature stages.In addition,SDN significantly increased the root bleeding intensity and elevated the soluble sugar and free amino acid contents of root bleeding sap.Compared to the traditional cultivation pattern(CK),SDN significantly increased root bleeding intensity at the heading stage by 4.37 and 8.90% for early and late rice,respectively.Meanwhile,SDN profoundly enhanced the soluble sugar contents of root bleeding sap by 12.85 and 10.41% for early and late rice,respectively.In addition,SDN also significantly enhanced free amino acid content of root bleeding sap by 43.25% for early rice and by 37.50% for late rice systems compared to CK.Furthermore,SDN increased the actual yield of double cropping rice mainly due to the higher effective panicle number and the larger seedsetting rate.The actual yields of early rice under SDN were higher than CK by 9.37 and 5.98% in 2016 and 2017,and the actual yields of late rice under SDN were higher than CK by 0.20 and 1.41% in 2016 and 2017,respectively.Correlation analysis indicated that the significant positive correlations were observed between the majority of the root indexes and the actual yield across the four different growth stages.
    • Bo Huang; Xiaojin Zou; Huasen Xu; Jiayi Xu; Huiyu Liu; Wentao Sun; Liang Gong; Shiwei Niu; Liangshan Feng; Ning Yang; Lizhen Zhang; Zhanxiang Sun
    • 摘要: Intercropping cereals and legumes is practiced widely in the world for improving yields and economic benefits. Shorter legume crops in intercropping are shaded by taller cereals, substantially reducing legume growth and yield. Reducing shade in intercropping by shortening the plant height of cereals by seedling defoliation has been proposed as a practical approach to increase crop yields and land productivity. A two-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of defoliation of cereal crops at seedling stage on the growth and yield of peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.) intercropped with corn(Zea mays L.) or millet(Setaria italica L.). In comparison with non-defoliation controls, defoliation reduced final plant height by 29 cm on average for corn and 18 cm for millet. Photosynthetically active radiation on peanut in intercropping systems with corn or millet intercropping was respectively 27.0% and 22.8% higher than those in controls, significantly improving the light environment of intercropped peanut. Net photosynthetic rates of peanut were on average 25.5% higher in corn and peanut intercropping and 19.6% higher in millet and peanut intercropping than those in non-defoliation controls. Total biomass of intercropped peanut increased owing to increased root growth. Across two years, yield of peanut intercropped with corn was 27.7% and with millet 32.8% higher than those of controls. Defoliation of cereal crops did not affect corn yield but significantly decreased millet yield by 24.5%. Our results suggest that applying seedling defoliation in intercropped corn could increase peanut yield without compromising corn yield in an intercropping system.
    • Fatemeh Zarinkamar; Reyhaneh Medhat; Maryam Rezayian
    • 摘要: Trigonella persica is a valuable medicinal plant which comprises trigonelline that is secondary metabolite and important component in cosmetic and medicine.This research was conducted in order to evaluation the drought stress effect on growth parameters,root anatomical changes and trigonelline content in T.persica.Plants were grown under soil moisture corresponding to 100%,75%,50%and 25%field capacity for two weeks.The data showed that drought stress was significantly decreased fresh weight and dry weight of shoot and root.In addition,leaf area was declined due to drought stress.Interestingly,root length was enhanced by drought stress.Root microscopic study demonstrated that drought stress increased thickness of epidermal,endodermal,vascular bundle,central cylinder and parenchyma in T.persica.Drought stress caused a significant increment in alkaloid and trigonelline content in aerial parts and roots of T.persica.These results revealed that T.persica responded to drought stress by increasing the alkaloid and trigonelline,as well as the anatomical changes in root.Considering the importance of trigonline and alkaloids,this work may open prospects for production of the pharmaceutically valuable secondary metabolites thereby drought stress.
    • 摘要: ROOT既是加湿器又是除湿器,非常适合冬季干燥和夏季潮湿的地方,它的作用是保持最佳的湿度水平。如果湿度高,则开始除湿。当湿度低时,它开始加湿。它带有一个水箱,可根据湿度进行填充。当空气中的水分过多时,您需要将水倒空。此外,它还可以用作空气净化器,从底部吸入空气,然后从顶部释放净化空气。该设计基于传统的韩国火盆。ROOT是一种现代迭代,但它不是提供热量,而是帮助维持精确的湿度水平。其目的是帮助人们创造一个舒适的环境。
    • Longhua Zhou; Ting He; Jing Li; Guimei Guo; Yingbo Li; Hongwei Xu; Runhong Gao; Linli Huang; Yifei Wang; Ruiju Lu; Zhiwei Chen; Chenghong Liu
    • 摘要: Phytohormones play important roles in plant growth and development,and polyploids are thought to be an important method for plant breeding.However,the relationship between ploidy and phytohormone is still unclear.In this study,barley at three ploidy levels were produced by microspore culture.Therefore,we further analyzed the phytohormone content in the shoots and roots of the three kinds of barley materials to study the effect of ploidy on phytohormones accumulation and distribution.The results showed that Abscisic acid(ABA),gibberellin(GA),jasmonic acid(JA),auxin(IAA),salicylic acid(SA)and cytokinin(CTK)were successfully determined in shoots and roots using LC-MS(liquid chromatography mass spectrometry).By comparing the shoots of the haploid and diploid plants,it was found that the distribution trend of the six phytohormones was consistent,and another consistent trend was found in the roots of the diploid and tetraploid plants.In addition,we further analyzed the shoot/root ratio of the different phytohormones to identify the potential differences for haploid,diploid and tetraploid.Here,the relationship between ploidy and phytohormone we provided would provide new insights into understanding the new phenotypes that occur in polyploid species.
    • Abdullah Mahmoud Riyahi
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND The objective of this work is displaying a successful treatment for an internal resorption case under operating microscope using bioceramic material.CASE SUMMARY Periapical radiograph showed radiolucent lesion representing large internal resorption of the root.The respective defect was obturated using endoscquence bioceramic material follow up at the month 18 after treatment revealed no abnormal finings clinically and radiographically.CONCLUSION New generations bioceramics have many advantages that internal root resorption cases can benefit from.The use of operating microscope helps to apply obturating materials with precision.However,long term study on a large sample is required in future studies.
    • Xuemiao Chen; Xueyin Shi; Qing Ai; Jinying Han; Huaisong Wang; Qiushi Fu
    • 摘要: Strigolactones(SLs)are classified into plant hormones,playing a key role as a mediator of plant growth in response to several abiotic stresses.Cadmium(Cd),a common heavy metal and soil pollutant,can suppress plant growth and development.In this work,we explored the effects of exogenous SLs on root formation in response to Cd stress using melon seeds subjected to seven germination treatments:CK(control),Cd(300 mmol·L^(-1) CdCl2),and SL1eSL5(CdCl2-stressed seeds pretreated with 0.1,0.5,1,2,and 3 mmol·L^(-1) GR24 solutions).The results indicated that SLs increased the antioxidant enzyme activities and root vigor and decreased the malondialdehyde(MDA)contents in the roots of Cdstressed melon seedlings.Then we used transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses to explore the mechanisms by which exogenous SLs protect against Cd stress.There were 242 significant differentially expressed genes(DEGs)(78 upregulated,164 downregulated)and 247 significantly differentially expressed metabolites(DEMs)(222 upregulated,25 downregulated)between the Cd and SL3 treatments.SLs altered the expression of genes related to redox formation processes,including peroxidase(POD),lipoxygenase(LOX),glutamate dehydrogenase(GDH),and glutathione S-transferase(GST).In addition,we found that SLs regulated the expression of the MYB,AP2/ERF,bHLH,and WRKY transcription factor families.The combined transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses revealed that the DEGs and DEMs involved in Cd stress alleviation were mainly related to the gene expression of jasmonic acid(JA)and flavonoid biosynthesis.SLs might induce LOX-related genes to regulate JA biosynthesis.Moreover,SLs might promote flavonoid biosynthesis by regulating eleven flavonoid-related genes and eight metabolites.The results provide a new perspective for studying the adaptation of plants to Cd stress.
    • 陈成; 李晓玲; 吴金杰; 陈祥磊; 吴荣俊; 徐晓辉; 朱国华
    • 摘要: K荧光辐射装置可填补国内超大型测量面积核辐射探测器计量检定需求,该装置具通量高、能量点多、单色性好、有成本低、即开即用等优势。其原理是X射线光机发射出的X射线轰击辐射体材料产生多种特征X射线即荧光射线,在荧光射线出射路径上加入次级过滤器吸收掉多余的射线以提高荧光纯度,辐射体以及次级过滤器的材料厚度值与荧光产额、纯度直接相关。通过MC(Monte Carlo)程序计算荧光装置各项指标参数结果,指导后期试验装置的建立和研究,MCNP5(Monte Carlo N Particle Transport Code)软件模拟Cs_(2)SO_(4)辐射体数据表明:荧光装置具有良好的屏蔽和准直的效果,荧光以辐射体中心垂直面呈对称逐渐减小分布;荧光产额随着辐射体厚度的增加逐渐增大,但存在相对饱和厚度值,即辐射体达到一定厚度值以后,荧光产额不再随辐射体厚度的增加而增大,而是趋于饱和状态;为获取单一能量荧光辐射场,在荧光出射束方向增加次级过滤器TeO_(2)材料,其吸收L,K_(β)K_(β)射线会远远大于K_(α)射线,以达到消除L,K_(β)射线保留K_(α)射线目的,形成单能的参考辐射场;在距离辐射体中心30 cm处,通过多组数据表明,次级过滤厚度为0.035 cm时,荧光纯度94.521%为最大且荧光产额最高;荧光纯度随着次级过滤器材料的厚度增加呈现先增加后逐渐减小的趋势;使用LEHGe探测器实际测量获取K荧光辐射装置能谱数据,通过ROOT程序对测量能谱数据处理和分析,拟合出K_(α)1和K_(α)2能量点的峰位道址误差小于0.005%,测量分析出其能量值与理论值偏差分别为0.19%,0.23%,测量结果与实际理论能量值相符。测量结果可验证MCNP5程序计算出的次级过滤器材料具有良好吸收效果且实现了单能荧光参考辐射场。
    • 摘要: 2022年10月14日,中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心赵杨研究组于《Developmental Cell》上在线发表了题为“Root twisting drives halotropism via stress-induced microtubule reorientation”的研究论文。该研究在生化水平、细胞水平和遗传水平阐明了ABA激活的SnRK2.6蛋白激酶磷酸化修饰微管结合蛋白SP2L介导根尖避盐性的作用机制,为培育抗逆稳产作物提供了新的策略和分子靶点。
    • Xuhui Li; Xiangbo Zhang; Shuai Gao; Fangqing Cui; Weiwei Chen; Lina Fan; Yongwen Qi
    • 摘要: The root system is fundamental for maize growth and yield.Characterizing its heterogeneity and cell type-specific response to nitrate at the single-cell level will shed light on root development and nutrient uptake.We profiled the transcriptomes of>7000 cells derived from root tips of maize seedlings grown on media with or without nitrate,and identified 11 major cell types or tissues and 85 cell type-specific nitrate-response genes,including several known nitrate metabolic genes.A pseudotime analysis showed a continuous pseudotime series with the beginning at meristematic zone cells and showed that the root hair cell was derived by differentiation of a subset of epidermal cells.Interspecies comparison of root cells between maize and rice revealed the conservation and divergence of the root cell types and identified 57,216,and 80 conserved orthologous genes in root hair,endodermis,and phloem cells respectively.This study provides a global view of maize root tip developmental processes and responses to nitrate at the single-cell level.The genes described in the present work could serve as targets for further genetic analyses and accurate regulation of gene expression and phenotypic variation in specific cell types or tissues.
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