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High-pressure homogenization of orange juice to inactivate pectinmethylesterase.


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A homogenizer was used to treat orange juice at five pressures (0-250MPa) and three initial temperatures (22, 35 and 45 degrees C). A maximum of five passes for the selected conditions were used to process orange juice. Pectinmethylesterase (PME) activity, microbial load, cloudy appearance, and vitamin C were evaluated in just squeezed and homogenized orange juices. A reduction of 50.4, 49.4 and 37.8% of PME activity was observed in juice homogenized by one pass at 250 MPa at the initial temperatures of 22, 35, and 45 degrees C, respectively. Pectinmethylesterase activity in orange juice was reduced as passes number was increased. The final temperature of the five times homogenized orange juice was not beyond 28 and 37 degrees C after being treated at 100 and 250 MPa, respectively. More than 30 and 80% of enzyme activity was reduced after five passes at 100 and 250 MPa, respectively. Less that 8.7 x 102 and 1.85 x 103CFU/mL of mesophiles and yeasts plus molds, respectively, were counted in orange juice treated five times at 100 MPa. The cloudy appearance of the homogenized orange juice was maintained for 12 days under low temperature conditions. Industrial relevance: 'Cold pasteurization' of orange juice, using a homogenizer as a high-pressure procedure, could be an alternative to thermal processing to avoid sensory, nutritional and physicochemical changes in juice. This process may deliver a pasteurized orange juice with characteristics similar to just squeezed orange juice. In addition to reduce the microbial load, homogenization may reduce pectinmethylesterase enzyme, which may cause phase-separation in juice and consequently give an unwanted appearance that consumers dislike. Additionally, homogenized orange juice appearance could be stable during several days before being brought to the consumers' daily eating table
机译:使用均质机在五个压力(0-250MPa)和三个初始温度(22、35和45摄氏度)下处理橙汁。在选定的条件下最多使用五次通过来加工橙汁。在刚榨匀的橙汁中评估果胶甲酯酶(PME)活性,微生物负荷,浑浊外观和维生素C。在初始温度分别为22、35和45摄氏度,250 MPa下经过一遍均质的果汁中,PME活性分别降低了50.4、49.4和37.8%。随着通过次数的增加,橙汁中的果胶甲基酯酶活性降低。分别在100和250 MPa下处理后,五次均质橙汁的最终温度不超过28和37摄氏度。在100和250 MPa下经过5次通过后,分别降低了30%和80%以上的酶活性。在100 MPa下处理5次的橙汁中,嗜温菌和酵母菌和霉菌的计数分别低于8.7 x 102和1.85 x 103CFU / mL。均质的橙汁在低温条件下保持浑浊外观12天。工业相关性:橙汁的“冷巴氏杀菌”,使用均质器作为高压程序,可以替代热处理以避免果汁的感官,营养和物理化学变化。此过程可能会产生巴氏杀菌的橙汁,其特性类似于刚榨过的橙汁。除降低微生物负荷外,均质化还可以减少果胶甲基酯酶,这可能导致果汁中的相分离,从而产生消费者不喜欢的不良外观。此外,均质的橙汁外观在带入消费者的日常餐桌前的几天内可能会保持稳定



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