首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Agricultural Science >Role of L-cysteine and green tea extracts for minimizing the non-enzymatic browning in guava nectar.

Role of L-cysteine and green tea extracts for minimizing the non-enzymatic browning in guava nectar.


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The non-enzymatic browning is considered as one of the main problems in guava nectar glass packaged. So, this work was aimed to minimizing the non-enzymatic browning by using green tea extract and L-cysteine. Physico-chemical analysis of guava juice indicated that the juice yield and total soluble solids were 75.8% and 9.7% respectively while it contained 95.5 mg/100 g ascorbic acid. The results illustrated that the changes in color was very low during storage at room temperature for 6 months by using these inhibitors. The statistical analysis of sensory evaluation of guava nectar bottled in glass treated with green tea extract and L-cystiene then stored at room temperature, were extremely analogous to that of cooled samples without the addition of antibrowning inhibitors in their constituents. On the other hand the results revealed that the use of 400 ppm of L-cysteine or 400 ppm of green tea extract minimized non-enzymatic browning without any undesirable effect on the sensory properties. Sodium metabisulfite, 50 ppm in addition to 200 ppm of green tea extract, gave high quality and acceptable guava nectar. Therefore, the addition of 400 ppm of L-cysteine or 400 ppm of green tea extracts caused to reduce non-enzymatic browning in glass bottled guava nectar.
机译:非酶褐变被认为是包装番石榴花蜜玻璃的主要问题之一。因此,这项工作旨在通过使用绿茶提取物和L-半胱氨酸来最大程度地减少非酶褐变。番石榴汁的理化分析表明,该汁液的收率为95.5 mg / 100 g抗坏血酸,汁液总固形物含量为75.8%,可溶性固形物含量为9.7%。结果表明,通过使用这些抑制剂,在室温下储存6个月期间颜色变化非常低。对用绿茶提取物和L-半胱氨酸处理后在室温下处理的玻璃瓶中的番石榴花蜜的感官评估的统计分析与冷却后的样品极为相似,在其成分中未添加抗褐变抑制剂。另一方面,结果表明,使用400 ppm的L-半胱氨酸或400 ppm的绿茶提取物可使非酶促褐变最小化,而对感官特性没有任何不良影响。除200 ppm的绿茶提取物外,50 ppm的偏亚硫酸氢钠可制得优质且可接受的番石榴花蜜。因此,添加400 ppm的L-半胱氨酸或400 ppm的绿茶提取物可减少玻璃瓶装番石榴花蜜的非酶促褐变。



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