首页> 外文期刊>Thin Solid Films >Bonding structure and hydrogen content in silicon nitride thin films deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method

Bonding structure and hydrogen content in silicon nitride thin films deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method


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The bonding structure and hydrogen content of amorphous hydrogenated silicon nitride (a-SiN_x:H) thin films have been investigated by infrared spectroscopy and ion beam techniques. Electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition was used to produce these films under different values of gas flow ratio, deposition temperature, and microwave power. The amount of bonded hydrogen was calculated from the N-H and Si-H infrared absorption bands. An increase of the SiH_4 partial pressure during deposition was found to have the same effect on the H content as an increase of the substrate temperature: both cause a decrease of the N-H bond density and an increase in the number of Si-H bonds. This is explained by a competitive process in the formation of N-H and Si-H bonds during the growth of the film, whereby Si-H bonds are favored at the expense of N-H bonds when either the SiH_4 flow or the substrate temperature are increased. Such tendency to chemical order is compared with previous results in which the same behavior was induced by thermal annealing or ion beam bombardment.



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