首页> 外文期刊>Semiconductor Science and Technology >Effect of anisotropic material properties on the forward voltage drop in 6H- and 4H-SiC power diode structures

Effect of anisotropic material properties on the forward voltage drop in 6H- and 4H-SiC power diode structures


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It is demonstrated by numerical simulation that the anisotropic material properties of 6H-SiC can have an important effect on the forward voltage drop of 10 kV 6H-SiC power diodes. A pronounced difference in the carrier distribution was seen for substrates with the surface normal parallel or orthogonal to the c-axis. In fact, it is found that current conduction along the low-mobility c-axis in 6H-SiC (i.e. when the normal to the substrate surface is parallel to the c-axis) can lead to a lower forward voltage drop than if the main current conduction is in the high-mobility direction (orthogonal to the c-axis). Depending on the device geometry the c-axis orientation can be used in the optimization of the forward voltage drop. The effect of anisotropy is expected to be of importance also for on-state losses in other bipolar 6H-SiC devices (e.g. IGBTs). For the design of 4H-SiC bipolar power devices the effect of anisotropic conduction properties is not likely to be critical.
机译:数值模拟结果表明,6H-SiC的各向异性材料特性对10 kV 6H-SiC功率二极管的正向压降具有重要影响。对于表面法线平行或正交于c轴的基板,可以看到载流子分布有明显差异。实际上,已经发现沿着6H-SiC中低迁移率c轴的电流传导(即,当基板表面的法线平行于c轴时)可以导致比主电极低的正向电压降。电流沿高迁移率方向(垂直于c轴)传导。根据设备的几何形状,可以将c轴方向用于优化正向压降。各向异性的影响对于其他双极6H-SiC器件(例如IGBT)的导通损耗也很重要。对于4H-SiC双极型功率器件的设计,各向异性导电特性的影响不太关键。



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