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This is a very easy model to put together and all parts fitted well. The instructions are clear and precise in the English language; something that is sometimes omitted from foreign kit manufacturers. It makes a great trainer and sports flyer, and is capable of most aerobatics, and will help beginners to fly comfortably at ease as it is viceless. Reducing the speed and control throws it is as gentle as a baby in a cradle; and if you want something hairy and aerobatic then more control movements and throttle and you have it. My observations of this model in Germany indicated to me that with the aero-tow release connected the Mentor is quite capable of hauling a 2.6 metre span Multiplex Cularis glider weighing around 1.4 kg into the air with ease. I did note however that a 60 Amp ESC was fitted and a larger battery. In addition, by fitting flaps even steeper take-offs and landings are achievable. Although not shown in the instructions, this will be a subject for a feature on modifying your Mentor to include flaps in the near future. Watch this space!
机译:这是一个非常容易组装的模型,所有零件都安装得很好。使用英语的指示清晰准确;有时国外套件制造商会省略一些东西。它是出色的教练和运动飞行者,并且具有大多数特技飞行的能力,并且可以帮助初学者轻松自在地飞翔,这是毫无缺点的。降低速度和控制投掷就像在摇篮里的婴儿一样温柔。如果您想要多毛的和特技飞行的东西,那么更多地控制运动和节流就可以了。我在德国对该模型的观察向我表明,通过连接空气拖曳释放器,Mentor能够轻松地将重约1.4公斤的2.6米跨距Multiplex Cularis滑翔机拖入空中。但是我确实注意到,安装了60安培的电调和一个更大的电池。另外,通过安装襟翼,甚至可以实现更陡峭的起飞和降落。尽管说明中未显示,但这将是在不久的将来修改Mentor使其包含襟翼的功能的主题。关注此空间!



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